Chapter 22:

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WARNING : may be cute, emotions will be everywhere ;)

As Keegan and I walk onto set we approach our friend group, of course not including Ashley. "So what did you two do on break?" Ian asks Keegan. "We went out of town for this dinner." He tells them, everyone is so engaged on the topic, but I feel a rush of sickness. I run to the nearest trailer, which happened to be Sasha's and I threw up.

"Are you okay?" Lucy, Sasha and Shay ask running to me in the bathroom. "Yeah just feeling a bit sick." I say closing my eyes and leaning against the toilet. "Just relax, I'll go find a pill." Shay says squeezing my arm a bit, but before I knew it, I threw up again. "You're in no state to work, your forehead is burning." Lucy tells me pressing her icy cold hand to my burning hot forehead.

"I'm okay!" I yell in defence, standing up. I immediately collapse to the ground and feel dizzy. "Troian? Troian??" Sasha calls to me as I slowly open my eyes. "What?" I mumble nearly inaudible. "You passed out, you're sat in your trailer. Everyone is here minus Ashley." She comforts me as I look around to a lot of worried friends. "I'm fine." I whisper as Keegan rushes to my side.

"You clearly aren't, you passed out, feel dizzy, sickness." Tyler lists off. A wave of fear rushes through my brain, those symptoms aren't any kind of flu. What if something happened yesterday? What if... What if I'm pregnant? A tear rolls down my cheek as I silently sob into Keegan's shirt, and I whisper in his ear, "can I talk to the girls for a minute, can you boys wait in Ian's trailer?" I beg.

He nods and kisses my temple, escorting the guys and himself. "What's wrong?" Shay exclaims. "I think I'm pregnant." I whisper. "Did you guys use protection? When did it happen? Are you okay?" Lucy exclaims. "I'm fine, and yesterday we sort of did it for the first time, we used a condom, but maybe it broke." I suggest. "There are always extra in the trailers." Lucy says rummaging through some cabinets.

She hands me the test and the girls encourage me to go into the washroom. I take the test and patiently wait 3 minutes to find out the results. 2 straight lines appear, a rush of fear and excitement rush through my body as I run out of the bathroom in tears. "I'm going to be a mother, I'm pregnant." I whisper covering my mouth with my hands, letting tears fall down my cheeks.

"Troian, congrats." They all smile as we emerge in a group hug. "How will I tell Keegan? What if he leaves me? What if he refuses to help take care of the child? What if he leaves me all alone?" I ask getting more worked up about this. "You have to tell him soon, like today, because he needs to make a decision.." Lucy tells me.

"My decision is that I'm keeping him or her, I'm not the type to have an abortion or eventually put the kid up for adoption. I can't." I mumble as I place my hand over my bump less stomach. "I have to tell him. I have to tell him now." I whisper still holding the pregnancy test. "You can't just spring something like this on him so suddenly." Shay tells me grabbing my arm.

"It's my decision, I'm choosing now." I say walking over to Ian's trailer with the girls accompanying me. "So, what's going on?" Tyler asks noticing my mood swings too. "Uh, nothing much." I say poking the test inside my pocket. "She needs to tell you something, Keegan." Lucy blurts out, and we stare at her. "Sorry." She mouths inaudible to me.

I sigh and walk over to Keegan. "You know what we did yesterday... Right?" I ask avoiding eye contact with him. "Yeah.." He says holding my two hands. I hesitantly decide to release his hands, and put them in my pocket. I take out the positive test and hand it to him. "2 straight lines.." He whispers examining the test. "I can't believe it, did it break? It was our first time." He says worried.

"Keegan, I'm pregnant and there isn't much to do about it. I've decided I can't possibly kill this little baby, so I'm going to keep it. Even if you decide to leave me, break up with me, move out, whatever. I can't let this baby go. I found out I had it for less than 20 minutes and I'm already in love with him or her." I whisper letting a few tears fall down my cheeks, causing him to cry.

"I just can't believe it. I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. Honestly, I wasn't planning on leaving, I wouldn't, I couldn't leave you, Troian. I love you so much, and I think we can raise a child together." He smiles supportively as he pulls me into a hug. There are a few "awe's" let our behind us as well as some clapping. "We need to choose some names and the godparents." I tell him.

"Choose the godmother." He says pointing to the girls. "I'm sorry girls, I love you all but Sasha, will you be the godmother of my baby?" I ask with tears in my eyes. "Of course, just letting you know she will be spoiled." She giggles hugging me, then Keegan. "I'm spooling her anyway!" Shay and Lucy exclaim, clearly okay with my choice.

"Keegan.." I whisper nudging him. He looks back and forth between his two best friends, Ian and Tyler before he comes to a decision. "I love you both, but, Ian, will you be the godfather?" He asks with a smile. "I'd love to." He exclaims shaking his hand and giving him a weird bro hug before giving me a tight squeeze. "How will everyone react?" I wonder out loud.

"Who cares, this baby is ours. Let's think of names!" Keegan smiles hugging me as we all sit close in Ian's trailer.

A Treegan pregnancy?? ;)
you're welcome

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