Chapter 13 - Best Friends Can Have Attitude

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Chloe appeared at twelve. By then, my voice was a little less shaky and I had been able to pop downstairs to have a small breakfast and say good morning to my family that were relaxing outside in the sun. I had also effortlessly changed into a combi short outfit.

I was sitting on my bed with a bottomless pit of anxiety in my stomach and a headache.

"Cass?" the soft voice was Chloe knocking from behind the door.

"Yeah" I replied and nervously propped up on my two feet to quickly reach the door. I was desperate for some friendly company. The door was open and Cece was behind Chloe, they both weren't friendly, alright.

"Hi" I squeaked nervously.

They sat themselves, Chloe on the desk chair and Cece on the bed. I felt excluded. They obviously both spoke about me together and hated me.

"Ok, guys, I - I'm so, so sorry-"

"Sorry's not enough Renee! What went in your mind to go to that slag party??" half-shouted Cece.

"You said you wouldnt go... We just don't understand! Did she threaten you again?" Chloe asked.

"No..." I stuttered.

Cece gave an shocked and exasperated eye roll.

"Let me finish guys.."

Once they were listening I told them, "I was just curious and in need of a boost. I wanted to feel pretty and see how it would be to be popular you know.. But oh my God, the party was awful! I wish you guys would have been there. I'm so so sorry" I said, tears starting to fall from my eyes.

There was a moment of silence. They were looking at eachother. Cece suddenly burst out:

"Wow. Really?! So basically you just explained to us that you were living a painful, pathetic life by our side and that we're not popular enough for you so you enjoyed more kissing Felicia's ASS than watching a movie with your real best friends??!!"

Chloe wasn't even looking at either of us, she was just shaking her head in shame.

"Come on Chloe." said Cece.

They both walked over to the door and left without looking back and left me depressed and teary-eyed.

The next day, I felt weak emotionally and physically. All the drama had drained me. My mum was worried as to why I was so unhappy. Even though it felt like it,I wasn't sick, I didn't have a cold. So, I told her that Cece, Chloe and I had had a huge row and I didn't have anyone else to hangout with so that I didn't have to go to school aka hell. I was sort of pouring my heart out to her and she felt sorry for me. There was no need for me to explain what happened at the party, she would feel even more sorry for me and I would probably feel even more miserable and self-pity.

My mum still had to go to work, so did my dad and my brother was at kindergarden so I was left by myself at home, laying in my bed, watching an America's Next Top Model marathon. I disallowed myself to check anything social media related or text messages. If someone wanted to speak to me, they had to straight up call me or come right up at my face. I was sick and tired of all the bullshit at school. Maybe it was Tyra Banks's fierceness, i dont know, but my sadness was slowly turning into anger.

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