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"Something that is dangerous need not look dangerous always ".

It was a warm Tuesday in California as Natalia , 30 was driving to work to the CIA headquarters, her crisp blonde hair brushed her face as she was driving ,with the radio playing her favourite tune , she thought ,as she listened "Hopefully ,another beautiful day" .Natalia Montgomery was ,5'7'' ,slim , blue eyes, a curious woman and loved her job. As she parked her car and looked for her ID in her purse ,that is when she heard "Good morning boss" ,she turned as she saw Carl ,her assistant ,a newcomer around 28,crisp black hair, 6 feet tall , a very enthusiastic person "Good morning Carl" she said as she took her ID out of her purse "You seem excited?" she grinned. "Yes, of course, wait till you hear about the new case," he said with excitement "What about it?" she asked curiously ,as they swiped their IDs at the entrance "Good morning Miss. Montgomery" a guard wished with a smile ."Good morning James how are we today?" she asked "oooh the same...My daughter just got a lead role in the school play...she is very excited about it....It would be really nice if you would come and would make her happy" James replied."Wow that's great ...I'll try my best know Eden; He won't let me leave early, but I will try my best "she said .He laughed as he said "Have a good day Agent"."You too" she replied .

As she reached her cabin she asked Carl "so what is the case about?" That is when her boss Eden called out to her "Agent Montgomery can I have a word with you" he said, she entered his cabin "What is this about sir?" she asked."Have you heard of Richard Channing?" he asked. "You mean the advocate Richard Channing?" Natalia replied."Yes, that's him" he said, "His assistant called informing that he is no more" He said. Natalia with a curious look replied " you are asking me to investigate this case?"."Natalia, you are one of the people I trust and I know you are good at what you do. I am sure that you will handle this sensitive case well" he said. "Sir, I respect your decision, but, I really do not want this case right now. I am working on finding .R.X.N and I don't want anything else right now" she said."I know you want to find him....but...the there's a lot of pressure ....we have to find who killed Mr. Channing....if we don't you see the public just won't stay quiet.....I hope you understand" he said."No ....I don't" she said as she sat " I have been waiting for almost 12 years to catch him......and all I ask you is to just give me the freedom to find him....but you never considered my request...never....And do you think the public will remain in silence if they get to know that a CIA agent had sacrificed her life for the city, and her killer walks free?" she asked as her eyes filled with tears."All I know is that right now we are dealing with a sensitive case and whether you like it or not you have to investigate it , and these are not only my order but the order from the higher authority....and agent this is how it works" he said as he stood up ."My hands are tied Nat" he said."But...but sir". "You are dismissed for now, " he said with an stern tone."Yes...yes sir " she replied.

Thank you all fr reading....will update the nxt chapter tmw....
P.S : "chapter 3 my fav"
Lots f love SS

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