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"The needle was placed here" Dr.Judith said as she pointed the bulged end of the cue stick to Natalia and Carl. "He must have held it this way " she demonstrated as she placed her hand around the stick . "And that's how it must have punctured his index finger and the toxin entered his body" she said.

"Hmmm...but how did the killer know that our victim was going to select this cue stick" Natalia asked. "Oooh about that ...the maid Martha had told us that it was the victims lucky cue stick" she said . "Looks like Martha knows a lot about the victim" Natalia said. "Thank you doctor" she said.

Clear blue sky , warm breeze and the sound of waves which was drenching the sand ,Santa Monica a place we can call 'Paradise'. Natalia and Carl walked into the parking lot of an old abandoned building she instructed the rest of the team to hide at different location and take any action only if she signals. It was 5:50 p.m . "Everyone stay in position" she instructed them through her ear piece. " They may come in any minute " she said ." Yes ma'am" all replied back. After 5-10 min a black sedan came into the parking lot. "Don't move "she said the others. The sedan stopped half way through the parking lot .Natalia cautiously took a step forward and hid behind a pillar . She then suddenly heard the sound of rods falling down."Shit!! Who did that?" she asked in her ear piece ."None of us ma'am" Carl replied. From the window of the driver seat a hand stretched out pointing a gun sideways to someone ."I didn't ask anyone to stand there " Natalia thought .She once again moved forward cautiously without making any noise . She reached a pillar near the sedan .as she peeked from the edge of pillar she saw a pile of rods fallen down and "Shit ,Jeff" she said ,the man was pointing his gun to Jeff , She saw the man through the black windshield she could not see his face clearly, the same hat, the same posture, "It's R.X.N" she thought. "He has Jeff" she informed the others through her ear piece "Now" she screamed as all started to fire at the sedan .The man in the sedan surprised ,turned his car , and with a screeching sound escaped out. Natalia ran behind the sedan ,she ran and ran until she lost her breath ."Nooooo" she screamed ."Oh God!!!" she said furiously .She walked back as she found Jeff with a loud voice "Are you out of your mind!! I had told you not to come didn't I "she yelled at him . "Do you even know what you did just now??" she asked "We lost him" she said as she sat down . "Boss, we will find him" Carl said ."Yeah we will" Jeff said optimistically ,"You better leave" she said as she furiously got up and sat in her car.

"I should have listened to her" he said." I just.. I wanted to know who R.X.N was" he said to Carl. "You better talk to her" Carl looked at Jeff who now regretting his decision."Yeah.." Jeff walked towards the car ,he stood outside the car and apologised "I am sorry Natalia.I didn't mean any of this to happen" he said "We will catch him and I will help you do that" he said ." I don't want your help anymore" she replied."You have done enough "she said . "But....I will help you this time I will listen to you I promise" he said ,"Go away Jeff" she replied."I don't get it , Why don't you let me help you" he asked her furious ."Because you remind me" she said in loud voice "What???" he asked with a look of confusion ." My sister died because of me .I did exactly what you did" she said . "Natalia ......what happened to your sister?" he asked her .

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