Chapter 5-Momo,blood, date

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So figured I do an all nighter cause I can't fall asleep. Love you peeps. Enjoy with joy.
What happened:I saw his face he was blushing like crazy. Then something took over me and kissed his cheek.
After I kissed kiba's cheek i fell asleep.

The next day
I woke and I saw that I was still in the hospital. " ugh why I can't I just leave this place." I whispered to myself. " don't worry, Mae you leave today, I went to the nurses and asked, and they said today. Only if you seem fine though." Kiba said sleepily. "Thank you Kiba that was very sweet of you." I said while blushing at him. He smirked and said " I know I'm just that type of guy." I didn't pay to much attention after he said that. I was to busy looking at his eyes. I'm obsessed with them, I think I am with every ones. I kept thinking about eyes till Kiba smacked my hand lightly. "EARTH TO MAE CAN YOU READ ME I REPEAT CAN YOU READ ME!" Kiba yelled " shut up you love Bakas" Naruto said yawning. "Whatever, so Mae are you?"Kiba asked me. "Am I what?" I asked he face palmed. " Mae are you going to come meet my team today once we get outta here?" He said annoyed." Kiba I am not going anywhere with you if you're going with that attitude!" I said while getting up and pulling the IV out of my arm. " Mae where are you going." Kiba asked following me Naruto close behind. "We're going to meet your team. Naruto don't come shino is there and he isn't a Naruto fan at all. Kiba you go get my Momo and your akamaru. IMMA TRAIN HER FINALLY AND MEET ME AT THE TRAINING GROUNDS." Naruto sighed at my commands and Kiba nodded his head then went running off. I continued walking to the nurse to check out. I told them I felt a lot better and that the hokage needed me. Hehe. Once I said that they let me leave right away. I was walking towards the training grounds. I was looking up at the faces of the hokages .I was thinking about me being on there until a women. In a lovely outfit ran into me. "I'm soooo sorry m'am I didn't mean to run into you." I said "You're excuse, I am very sorry for rushing but I am late. I need to get to my students. I am also meeting my new student. If I'm not there in 5 minutes they might all leave." She said while disappearing. " I'm going gonna be late if I don't hurry up!" I said to myself. I quickly teleported myself to the training grounds. I saw hinata, shino and the same lady from a bit a ago, and of course no Kiba. " Mae what are you doing here?!" Hinata yelled excitedly. I ran towards her, shino and the lady." Hello, I'm Noki Mae uzumaki and I am a partial member of team 8." I said smiling cheekily. " you're the new member of our squad, I should have known, I'm kurenai. Your genjutsu instructor. I hope you like our squad." Kurenai said."W-wait Mae is the new member, a-and what does she mean by p-partial member?" Hinata asked. I opened but then shino put his hand in front of me. I was gonna flip him, but I remembered that lee did the same thing and he wanted a handshake. So I gave it to him and said " Shino, we've meet before. But I am happy for the Welcome." He smiled after I said that. " hinata, the Hokage's orders, I am also on team 3,7 and 10." I said while looking at her. " oh that makes some sense I guess." She was while looking around."where is Kiba. He should be here by now." Hinata said. I then heard some noises from a bush and I quickly jumped back and pulled out some kunai and grew them a bit in front of the the bush. "Gee, Mae don't hurt me for being late." Kiba said with akamaru and Momo following. I then teleported in front of her. "Momo. I missed you so much. Today is the day we've been waiting for. Our training!" I said picking her up. " Kiba your late" kurenai said." Now that everyone is here we can start." Kurenai started " Mae will be with me and Kiba. Shino and hinata that leaves you two but in a bit Kiba will join you. Then Mae will." I looked at her when she Said that. " okay sensei" we all said together. Then we walked to our fields Kurenai sensei was one side and Kiba, akamaru, Momo ,and I were all on the other side. "Mae, I'm going to teach you how to connect with Momo and a bit of fighting styles. It might be hard since you guys are just starting out but I know you'll get it!" Kiba said to me and Momo. I blushed at the thought of Kiba having confidence in me." I hope so, we've been waiting for a while now." I said to him. "Okay, Mae and Kiba first I'm going be make a 2 shadow clones and Kiba will show Mae how to sync with Momo by showing how he fights." Kurenai yelled at us. We nodded." When Kiba does his moves, I don't want to copy them 100% so can a change a few things when I do it?" I asked, she then nodded" okay Kiba start." I quickly closed my eyes and opened them, they turned into the crystal blue color. I started to watch. And saw that Kiba went heads on and did a move called fang over fang. My eyes picked it up perfectly, I then looked at Momo she looked a bit worried. " don't worry Momo, were not doing that. We still have to see what you can do. Kiba has been training with mom and he's sister a lot to get to learn that move." She looked at me and did a baby roar. I giggled " that's the spirit!" I said while walking a bit closer to the action." Mae its your turn." Kurenai said. Momo ran a bit to catch up to me. "Mae just remember that sometimes the first try isn't always the best." Kiba said not looking at me. " Kiba , look at me. I know that I'm not perfect but I will try my best." He looked at my me. His eyes then connected with mine. " wow, their beautiful." He said. I blushed" Thank you, you helped me achieve this." I said walking away. He stood there stunned. " Mae, when I say start you hit the clone with everything you and Momo can do." I nodded and Momo did a fierce roar." Start!" She yelled then she threw three kunai at me. I dodged 2 of the 3. One slicing a bit of my arm, blood came out. Momo sniffed it and then licked it. Then she started to transform." Wow Momo what's happening." I yelled. She then roared. I looked at her. And she looked just like me. Except for the eyes. Those were the color of my regular eyes." Cool. Momo, follow my lead!" I yelled at her while teleporting behind Kurenai sensei. I then made some hand signs and yelled out." Earth style: earth destruction. I then stomped my foot on the floor. Kurenai turned around and was looking at me. She swung her arm and a few kunai flew out, but I teleported next to her and punched her. Momo was on the other side of her and she punched her up, a bit to high for me to teleport. I looked at Momo and nodded, we both jumped up. Momo then put her arms out and I stepped on then and she threw me. Sending both of us flying. Her going down and me going up. I looked down and saw Kiba "never underestimate me!" I yelled at him. I then looked up and I was right underneath kurenai and grabbed her shirt and spun around a lot and I let go. She went flying and so did I then before I hit the ground Momo caught me. I closed my eyes and deactivated them only for them to return to their dark blue color. I stayed in there arms till she put me on the floor. I stood up and high fived her. I saw that everyone was staring at me, shocked "Not again," I'm mumbled." So...I.....ummm. Did I connect with her?" I asked. Kiba just started to nod his head hinata and shino were still shocked. Then Kurenai said,"you did amazing...Everyone go back and train your taijutsu I have talk to Mae." They slowly starting walking away, but Kiba then turned his face I saw that he was blushing and said " I need to talk to you Mae when your done." I blushed." Okay talk to you in a bit." I said to him. I then looked at Momo she was still transformed as me. " um do you know how to undo this?" I asked her. She shook her head no. I then thought for a bit, maybe if I release it, like a genjutsu, will work. I hand a hand sign and said "release!" And she turned back to normal. "Smart Mae, not anyone in your class could ever do what you did today, I'm proud of you." Kurenai said to me." Thank you so much Kurenai, I did it because of my friends," I then pointed to Kiba. " how long?" She asked." How long what?" I asked." Have you liked Kiba." I blushed." I day we started the academy." I sighed at the confession. She laughed " let's get started." She said getting ready. "Kurenai sensei, I have a question for you?" She looked up"Yes?" I sighed "This is gonna sound really weird but can Momo scratch you?" She looked at me me like dufuq. Then she realized why." You want to check if it works on all blood not just yours." She asked, I nodded."yes, Mae but only if you tell me what you and Kiba are doing tomorrow." This time I looked at her like dufuq." I don't know if we're even hanging out with him tomorrow but ok." She held her hand out and Momo went by her and scratched her. Her licked the blood and transformed into her. " OMG it works." I yelled, I then did some hand signs and said " release."Kurenai then smiled " that brings us to our first lesson." I sighed.

Time skip

We stopped our training after an hour and when we did I went straight to Kiba. " Kiba! You said you wanted to tell me something?" I asked walking behind him. He turned around and said" Yea, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tomorrow?" I looked at Kurenai sensei she smiled and gave me a thumbs up . She is one smart cookie." ️Yea, sure I'd love that. Kinda like a date. Right?" I answered. He smiled and nodded" Yea a date. I'll be at your house at 12:30 so be ready, just dress casual and bring Momo, you know for akamaru." I nodded. He kissed my cheek. I smiled, " bye Kiba see Ya tomorrow don't be late." I said while walking away. Momo and I were walking home. The only thing I can even think about is tomorrow. I entered the house and saw Naruto on the couch. "Hey Mae how was your day today?" He asked I just went to my room and passed out. Tomorrow, a date with Kiba.

Ooooooooo Mae got a date with Kiba. No they are not dating, yet. People you guys are amazing. Love you guys. Speaking of comments, leave some. How am I supposed to know what to write if you don't comment so do it and vote and everything like that.
Peace out rainbow trout!

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