Exam Revision Tips

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Hey. So you were probably confused when I posted a random update out of nowhere last week but I had a spare afternoon so I decided to write 13 chapter, one for each week to be posted on a saturday. The reason I have pre-wrote these chapters is because I don't have time to update this at the moment so I pre-wrote some to stop me from leaving you hanging. 

Anyway, the reason I don't have time is because my GCSE's are coming up and I have 17 exams within 4 weeks in May/June. So between revising for them, school and my job, I just don't have time. Maybe in the summer I will write more frequently since I will have more time but please don't count on it since I am going on holiday to Majorca at the end of June and throughout August I am on NCS. But I promise that I will try. 

But please enjoy these 13 (now 12) chapter guys. x


Make a revision timetable

It just gives you a bit of structure on when to revise and so forth. For mine I have done it by hour but I know some people who have assigned a different day to a different subject. 

Practice Questions

It will test what you've remembered and will also make you familiar with what the exam paper will be like. 

Make Check-lists of what to learn

This allows you to see what you have and haven't learnt and will also let you see which areas you need more revision on. 

On the morning of your exam, eat a good breakfast

Studies have shown that you are more focused when you have eaten well. 

Take Short Breaks

This stops you from getting bored and un-motivated. But make sure that you take them approximately every hour rather than every 10 minutes. 

Don't just read your notes

You probably won't remember them as if you are anything like me, you will get bored easily

Make sure you are in the right environment.

Try to revise at a desk (or if your desk is basically a storage spot for makeup like mine is, a kitchen table will do) and make sure you don't have any distractions around you such as a tv. 

Find out what type of learner you are

Kinaesthetic, auditory or visual, there are plenty of quizzes online to help to see and many offer ideas of how to revise to suit you. 

Vary the revision techniques used

This stops you from getting confused between subjects and getting bored of seeing the same things over and over. 

Don't procrastinate

Literally, the worst thing you can do. 

If your exam board has a specification online, learn it!

For example AQA science have theirs available online and the examiners have to make their questions based off it, so if you learn it, you won't be in for any nasty surprises when you see the paper. 

Get Organised

You don't want to constantly disrupting your revision by getting up to find a blue colouring pencil to colour in a diagram do you?

If you are struggling to understand something, ask someone to explain it.

Chances are they do understand it and will be happy to help.


Stress will just get you worked up, so don't allow yourself to fall into that trap.

Listen to calming music. 

This usually helps you concentrate on what you are learning

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