Chapter 9 Wenie Chou :P

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5 am in the morning i wake up rushing to the toilet vomiting in the toilet bowl '' HANG OVER!!!'' i said vomiting even more ''Gosh!!! i think i need to buy hang over pills i should have never drank especially im not use to hard liquior, what was i thinking'' i said wiping my mouth with toilet paper, I wonder if ji-heon is still here because if he is im so, going to kill him for wetting my bed and coming in without any permission to do so!!!'' i said murmmruing to myself those words, hmmm he is still here fine , here i go '' ji-heon,ji-heon'' i said softly '' yes?'' he said responding '' YOUR SUCH A JERK!'' i shouted out loud hitting him with a pillow '' what,what?'' he said blocking every hit i make '' you self centered asshole who told you, you can sleep here and wet my bed!!!! '' i said hitting him hard on  the face '' Ouch!!! what the hell jane?'' he said while his nose is bleeding '' oh my god! ji-heon your nose its bleeding'' i said pointing to his nose '' WHAT?'' he got up and rushed to the toilet, after a few minutes later here i am tilting his head while holding his nose with tissue '' You are going to pay for this jane'' he said with an ugly voice '' ok,ok i,ll pay for breakfast then?!!!'' i said smiling at him.....

At The beeze squeeze cafe.......

''Jane, everyone is looking at me like i got punched on the nose with this tissue stuck in it'' he said squeezing my arm ''you don,t look that bad, you still look good'' i said with a supportive voice '' you should be happy your a girl because if you weren,t......'', '' i know you would punch my face'' i said sitting down on table 8 next to table 9 which was occuped by ji-heon,s ex-rich girlfriend wenie chou, trivia of her: 1) she is the daughter of a billionaire named Feiu chou and Grace Fall Brown 2) her father owns pineapple laptop company the biggest modern laptop company 3) she is an international fashion designer known all over the world 4) she was a model on vogue september her birthday month and 5) she was mostly known for being dumped by ji-heon on their engagement party for being too self-centered and as the magazine says ''Rushed things with ji-heon''.  So, they meet again how you ask, well its simple because were sitting next to each other so, obivously she,ll notice his face ''Ji-heon, is that you?'' she said shocked looking at him from head to toe weraing her red pencil skirt and tight white long sleeved cashmmired shirt and red hot parada heels with her channel purse ''Wenie, its been a long time how are you?'' he said surprised to see her '' Yeah, its been 3 years since we haven,t seen each other nor talked to each other, and here we are meeting up with each other unexpectedly'' she said smiling at him '' yes, oh, i forgot this is my friend jane'' he said looking at her '' hello,'' i said shaking hands with her '' Oh! I thought she was your nanny or something'' she said laughing at me, Asshole i was about to punch her face but, ji-heon stopped me from doing it by entwining his leg to mine so, i couldn,t get up '' Anyway, are you here to meet someone?'' he said '' No, i have a meeting with daddy,s investors'' she said ''Anyway i shall leave you guys, but ji-heon come by starbucks tomorrow lets at least talk to each other its been years since we last met'' she said giving him her card '' Gosh! Why did you stop me, i mean really that was absolutely insulting its like shes saying shes so perfect and im some type of scrap on the street'' i said annoyed by her '' Its alright, jane!!! She was always like that'' he said looking like he met a ghost '' So are you going to meet up with her tomorrow?'' i said looking disappointed at my food, hopefully he didn,t notice my expression ''Yeah, just to talk thats all!!!'' he said looking at me '' Oh! ok good just wondering'' i said smiling a bit until it vanishes ''Looks like you don,t want me to go?!!!'' he said grinning a bit '' Huh? of course not i want you to go'' i said picking on my food..... But, im really disappointed, i was hoping that he would say no, but he said yeah, just to talk thats all!!!! Am i jeolous? Am i angry? Am i annoyed? I don,t know i think all three :(

maybe this time , I won,t hate you....Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon