Tears and Pizza

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Around 5 minutes into the celebration for Abi, Hunter asked me if he could speak to me outside.
"Sure." I replied. We walked out into the hall and he burst out crying. I wrapped him into a friendly hug which was weird considering he was so much taller.
"I'm going to miss her so much! She can't leave me. She can't leave us. Not now! I love her!" He sobbed. My heart broke for him. He really loved her and she wasn't going to be here.
"I'll miss her too! We all will but we can't hold her back! Hunter this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and she will be making history. As much as we love her, we have to let her go and do this. She needs to move on and I refuse to hold her back." I cried into his shoulder. I knew it would hurt him but it was the right thing to do. All I wanted was the best for her even if that meant her leaving.
"Come on, we should get back there before they realise we left." I told Hunter. He nodded and we trudged back into the hallway with fake smiles on our faces.
"So, when do you leave to shoot the film?" I questioned.
"I leave in two weeks. I'll be gone for a year." Abi spoke quietly.
"A year? Well that doesn't matter because no matter where you are you will always be my best friend. Forever." I promised. She smiled and embraced me into a hug which eventually turned into a massive group hug. We needed to celebrate what time we had left together and I did that the only way i knew how.
"PIZAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!" I screamed before rushing out to the car. I was followed by a stampede of people as we all 'gracefully' hopped into the car. We dashed off and quickly arrived at our destination. Without wasting any time, I sprinted into the shop and went up to the counter where I saw a guy who looked around 17 at the counter.
"What can I get you?" He asked warmly.
"Uh can I get 14 pizzas please? I don't care what's on them just surprise me. Oh and also, do you have chocolate cake? I love chocolate cake." I said to him. He gave me a questioning look but I didn't explain myself. I didn't care what he thought.
"Sure, I'll bring them over for you soon." He said before walking away to the kitchen. I walked over to the table to see that everyone was here including the boys that left earlier. The only seat left was next to Jacob and Dylan. As much as I love them, there was no way I was sitting there. I glanced around the table to see that everyone had their full attention on me except for Abi who was smirking. She was sat next to Hunter and Brandon. Not for long. I walked over to Brandon and gave him a sickly sweet smile.
"Hey Brandon! Will you do me a favour and move over there?" I asked him. He shook his head with a smirk and all the guys copied it. "Yeah that wasn't a question." I said before hauling him over my shoulder and dropping him off in a different seat. Next, I moved over to my rightful seat next to my best friend. All the guys gave a defeated sigh and took $20 out of their pockets and handed it over to Abi. I guess I just won a bet for her. Nice.
"So, how's boo?" I asked my best friend. I turned over to her to find her engrossed in a conversation with Hunter over who knows what. I sighed and looked to my left to see that I was sat next to Mark.
"Hey Mark!" I said cheerily.
"Uh hey!" He said nervously. Am I really that scary?
"Are you okay?" I asked
"Yeah, can we just have that talk later, please?" He begged urgently.
"Sure. But for now, let's celebrate." I said before standing up. I grabbed my glass and began to hit it with the knife like they do in movies to gain somebody's attention. Nobody could hear so I hit the glass harder which may or may not have caused it so smash into millions of tiny little shards which could potentially harm somebody if they were to step on it. I looked down at the damage and back up to see that everyone was staring at me.
"That wasn't my fault?" I said more like a question. They all shook their heads and chuckled at my stupidity before I started my speech.
"Here ye here ye, we are gathered here on this day to celebrate my beautiful, amazing and talented best friend. She got the lead in a movie and will literally make history. Abi I'm so proud of you. I always have been and I always will be. Throughout your life you have always been the kindest and most hardworking person that you could eve meet. All of your hard work and dedication is finally paying off and couldn't be happier. To Abi!" I said before raising a toast with mid air.
"TO ABI!" Everyone cheered.
"And now a song." I said. All their faces dropped and I stood up onto the table.
"OHHHHH ABIIIIIIII! YOU ARE SO TALENTEDDDDDDD AND AMAZINGGGGG AND WONDERFULLLLLL YEAH YEAH YEAH! I LOVE YOU FROM THE HEART OF MY BOTTOOMMMMMM! I MEAN THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART BUT THATS OKAYYYYYY BECAUSE YOU LOVE ME ANYWAYYYYYYY." I screamed at the top of my lungs. All the boys were laughing hysterically and Abigail was literally rolling around the floor laughing. The guy who took my order came out with out pizzas and stared at me. I didn't move instead I mentally challenged him to a staring contest.
"Your orders ready beautiful." He said to me.
"Awww thank you! Stop with the compliments! Oh who am I kidding? Keep them coming!" Gushed Weston before standing up and walking towards the server who I named Jake. I saw that he and Mark had stuffed their shirts with napkins to create the illusion of having boobs and were flaunting their stuff at him. I burst out into a fit of laughter and fell of the table straight on top of Abi. This made us laugh even harder and soon we were throwing the pizza everywhere and causing chaos. Jake walked over to me and sighed.
"I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave." He said.
"Okay." I said. Everyone was now looking at me as they clearly knew I wouldn't just leave like that. I stepped closer to Jake before putting my hand on his chest and the other one behind my back. Daniel saw what I was doing and walked behind me, secretly slipping a slice of pizza into my hand. Jake looked very pleased with my behaviour as he began to buckle his knees slightly. I stood on my tip toes and went to whisper something in his ear. His breathing and heart rate increased at the closeness of our bodies. Trust him, the hormonal boy to do this. I was thirteen! There was no way in hell I would do anything like that.
"You might want a napkin for that." I whispered into his ear before looking at him in the eyes. He looked at me with confusion before I took the pizza and slapped him with it before rubbing it in his once perfectly clean brown locks. With this I ran out of the shop and straight into the car. Everyone ran in after me whilst laughing. This is how we were going to spend the next two weeks. Together. As one big family. The MagCon family.

A/N Yo! So this chapter sucked but I wanted to post something today! Also, I want to get to know you guys better. What's your favourite colour and what country do you live in? We are all apart of the MagCon family and yet we barley know each other. Isn't that sad? So leave a comment and let's get to know each other a little better okay? I love you all and I'll see you very soon ❤️

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