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I ran straight for my room and jumped on the bed before breaking down. What have I just done? Oh yeah, I ruined every relationship I ever had with anybody and made them feel awful. I sobbed into my pillow for a solid 10 minutes before I felt a presence at the door.
"Jade isn't available right now, please leave a message in 10 years." I mumbled. I heard the voice chuckle and I instantly knew it was Abi.
"Well this would be my message for future Jade. To my dearest best friend, you are still stuck with me." She started whilst I let out a small giggle.
"Throughout these 10 years we have shared many great and wonderful memories together. I have married Taylor Lautner and you have married Zac Effron. No matter what you will always be my boo and I will be yours. I know I did some terrible things in the past but I hope that you can one day forgive me. I love you Boo and I always will. Oh and if you couldn't tell, this message was left by Abi." She finished with a laugh. As much as I was upset, she made me laugh uncontrollably. I sat up and leapt at her which resulted in us both on the floor whilst laughing and crying. I loved her too much to fight and I never wanted to go through that with her ever again.
"I love you too." I told her. Her eyes lit up with excitement and she screamed.
"But," I continued. She immediately stopped moving and making noises and stared at me intensely "It doesn't mean that I forgive you. I'm working on that but it's going to take time okay?" I asked. She nodded her head vigorously and tackled me again. I loved my best friend.
"What about for the rest of the guys?" She asked. I sighed and though intensely about it.
"I'm not forgiving them just yet." I stated.
"Are you going to talk to them at least?" She asked.
"I guess so?" I said however it came out as more of a question. "I haven't really thought about it." I said. I gave her a look and she understood. She left the room and left me to think. Would I talk to them? What would I say? All I knew it that I missed them. I missed our play fights, rap battles, dance offs, ice cream 'dates' but more importantly I missed how happy they made me feel. After minutes of deciding I decided to run downstairs and head for the boys. As I was heading into the living room I slipped on some water and slid halfway across the room before face planting.
"That's how to slide into somebody's DM's." I coughed out. Within seconds everybody were in hysterics over my little 'scene' but quickly died down when they realised.
"Jade?" Mark questioned. I looked up at him but still I lay on the floor. "Are you okay there?" He asked.
"Yep. I was just checking for gravity and it still works! Yes that's what I'm going with I did not have time to plan an excuse." I said. Everyone was smiling down at me except for Jacob who looked confused.
"I-I thought you hated us." He stated. I shook my head and began to explain myself.
"I'm still upset about everything but I could never hate you. I still want you all in my life but I just can't you trust again. Not yet anyway." I finished. They all looked sad but happy at the same time. "Now I want a cuddle off of somebody." I said whilst pouting. Daniel opened his arms and I went to sit with him until Cameron picked me up mid air and sat me in his lap.
"Cameronnnnnnn!" Daniel whined.
"What? She loves me more! Plus, she smells good." Cam complimented. I chuckled at him whilst Daniel pouted, muttering something under his breath.
"But I want a cuddle!" Aaron whined.
"You have Taylor now hush child." I silenced him.
"Can we go back to the campfire? It's still dark." I pointed out.
"Sure." Cam said.


We re-lit the fire and we all sat around it. Everyone just sat there looking at each other smiling. Daniel stood up and walked behind a rock. What the?
"What's he doing?" I asked to nobody in particular.
"I don't know." Weston said. I laughed at Daniel and I began to sing 'My house'. Soon everyone joined in and it swiftly moved along to powerful high school musical ballads. Yes. That happened.
"Hey look he's coming back." Brandon said before pointing at Daniel. He ran over to us and stood in the centre of our circle without landing in the fire.
"I want to play a song that I wrote for a very special somebody." He said before looking at the ground. We all cooed and he turned bright red.
"Baby all I want is you.
In the middle of the night I've been thinkin' bout you like
Baby all I want is you.

You a hundred I've been thinkin'
But u gotta say the truth
Cuz girl it's 3 maybe 4am
Don't leave let me get with you
I know you don't want to be alone girl
All I want is you." He finished. The song was great, his voice was amazing but Daniel was perfect. Whoever this song was about must have been one lucky girl. And to say the least, I was jealous. Very jealous.

A/N This chapter sucks but it was a filler I'm sorry! I've had writers block but you all wanted me to post so here it is. It will get better I promise ❤️

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