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"Hello?" Mom's voice sings through the phone.

"Hi, Mom," I say smiling weakly even though she can't see me. Hearing her voice makes me feel a little better.

"Morgan!" She says happily, "How are you?"

I swallow a lump in my throat, "Great," I lie. Ever since last night, I've felt terrible. "So how are things back home?"

"Fine, it's been lonely with only Caleb. I don't know what to do with myself half the time anymore. Your father is just as busy as ever."

I smile, "How is Caleb?"

She sighs over dramatically and I can't help but giggle. "You know how Caleb is. He got caught setting off firecrackers in the locker room at school. Now that was a fun office visit. I swear that boy is making my hair go gray."

I smile even though my heart feels empty, this must be what homesickness is. "That sounds like him."

"So any cute guys there? Have a new boyfriend?" She giggles. Mom knows this type of stuff kind of embarrasses me.

I don't know why I do it, but it comes up like word vomit. I can't keep this a secret anymore. "Actually, I do have a boyfriend," I say surprising her.

"You do!? Well why didn't you tell me sooner? Is he cute? Nice? Oh what's his name and how'd you meet?" She starts talking uncontrollably. I can always count in her to cheer me up.

"His name is Matt, and he's someone I know's brother," I answer vaguely but she doesn't notice.

"Matt? Is that short for Matthias? Or Matthew? Oh I've always loved that name," Mom says quickly. When it comes to my love life, she gets all excited and keeps asking questions. Just imagine how she was when she found out about Ryan and I.


"He's nice to you, correct?"

"Of course-"

"Ok, now for the good part, is he good looking?"

"Mom," I laugh trying to sound disgusted.

"Don't keep an old lady waiting Morgan Ann, give me the details." She sounds more like a teenage girl than I do right now.

"Yes he's good looking," I say, "Probably the best I've seen. He's got the cutest eyes, and his laugh is contagious. When he smiles at me, it's like I'm floating on air," I say dreamily.

"Ohhh," she says all excited. "I've never heard you talk about a guy like this before. It sounds like love to me."

I stiffen slightly, I feel a lot for Matt, but do I love him? "You know, I've never really thought of that," I say quietly. It's silent for a moment. I start to smile, "The more I think about, I think I do love him."

It sounds like Mom is squealing, so I laugh. "This is great! When will we get to meet him?"

I falter, finally remembering why I didn't want her to know. I'm afraid that my brothers and Dad will react the same way as Ryan.

I look at a picture of Matt and I at Cedar Point, an amusement park. He was putting it on my wide table the day Ryan saw him. Both of our hair is windswept, but we are to happy to care. We just got done riding Top Thrill Dragster, the scariest ride I've ever been on. I hate heights, and that roller coaster had a straight drop on it.

The funny thing is, no matter how scared I was, it wasn't so bad with Matt at my side the whole time. I felt safe.

I shouldn't worry whether or not if my family approves. Once they see how happy he makes me, they'll accept him as part of the family.

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