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It's late afternoon by the time we get to the island. It's about a mile long and half a mile wide. I gape at the majesty of it. It's beautiful. The water is a crystal, clear blue. Vegetation of all kinds surrounds the huge mansion that sits in the middle of it all. It's white and two stories tall, possibly with an attic. Big windows are everywhere and there's a nice big patio outside.

"Where are we?" I ask Chris. It is just him and I on the deck. Ashley went inside for Tyler, and no one else has come out yet. I'm sort of nervous, but Chris won't hurt me. He's already done the worst he can do. Besides, he hasn't been too crazy lately.

"Paradise," he says. The boat has just finished docking. "Want to check it out?"

"Sure." By now I've changed and have shoes on finally. The temperature is in the 50's so it isn't that bad. Winter doesn't get to much colder out here.

I start walking towards the exit off the boat with Chris at my side, but suddenly my feet aren't carrying me anymore. It feels like I'm flying through the air and get caught. I'm being held bridal style. He holds me carefully and smiles down at my face. "What are you doing?" I squeal surprised. He holds me like I weigh nothing.

"Well isn't the groom supposed to carry the bride in to their new home?"

"That was awhile ago, Chris," I mumble. The only thing I wanted was for him to not touch me, but now he's carrying me. We can't get much closer than this. I wish I could just tell him to put me down, but he probably wouldn't listen.

"Still counts," he says as he walks off the boat with ease. I bite my tongue and roll my eyes. He doesn't notice. I look at the beach so I don't have to look at him. Even though I'm not physically touching the ground, this is the first time I've been off that boat in forever. I never want to go back on one again.

I shield my look of annoyance from him as he walks towards the house, or mansion as I should say. It gets bigger the closer we get to it. I feel for the locket in my pocket, thankful I have it. Come on, Matt. When are you going to get here?

There is no way I'm living here. It looks too grand, too unreal to be home. It looks more like a resort than anything. Most people see their dream home, I see another prison. A fancy, paradise prison, but it's still the same.

Chris walks excitedly. I can tell from the slight bounce in his step, and the broad smile on his face. Almost there, I tell myself, then I can get out of his arms. We get to the steps that lead to the front door. I'm itching to be free.

"Here we are," he says, easily adjusting his hold on me so he can open the door. I grab on to his shoulder and cringe slightly, I don't want to touch him, but I don't want to fall either. Chris chuckles, "Don't worry. I got you."

I smile weakly as he sets me down. It's dark in the house. I can't see a thing. All of the windows must have shades or curtains pulled over them. I'm feeling rather unsettled; I'm alone with Chris in the dark, and I don't know where he went. He was by my side just a second ago, but he disappeared in the dark. I can't even hear his movements.

Just then, it seems like the heavens open up and light floods in the room. I gape at it. I shouldn't be surprised because of the outside, but it still takes my breath away. A huge crystal chandelier twinkles high above me. The blinds on the windows all go up at once, leaving a picture-perfect view of the ocean. Double archways stand on either side of the room. One leads to the kitchen, the other to a living room of some sort. Across from me is a grand staircase.

Chris stands to the left of me. His hand is still on the switch, a big smile on his face. "Welcome home," he says. He walks closer to me. "Do you like it?"

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