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I move my legs faster than what I thought was physically possible. I've never been much of a sprinter. Distance has always been my thing, but now I'm beginning to question that choice. Don't look back! I keep telling myself. I'm afraid if I do, then I'll end up running back to Matt. That won't help either of us.

Soon I arrive at the house. It's hard to tell though. The lights are no longer on. What's going on? Other than the moon and stars, there is no light. I could've sworn they were just on. It's as if someone cut the power...

I look around the entire area. The whole island lost power. The lights by the dock aren't even on. My first instinct is to run away from the house. That I need to get as far away as possible since it's probably a trap, but then I stop to think.

Why would Jonathan cause the power outage? It doesn't benefit him in any way. The darkness would only make things harder. He won't be able to see me coming.

Or anyone else.

I feel like I could slap myself right now. Jonathan didn't cut the power. It's the cops that Matt radioed. They are preparing an attack. The first thing they did was leave Danny, Jonathan, and Joseph blind.

While it could work to their advantage, it could also hurt the cops. Chris's family has the hometown advantage. They know where all the rooms are, the gear, and the best hiding places. They could easily assemble a plan to ambush the cops.

This could be bad. Really bad.

There might be friendly fire as well. How are you supposed to tell the difference between friend and foe if you can't see each other? You can't! Chances are they'll just be taking out each other. Or worse. Someone innocent could be hurt.


When Matt said to run, he probably meant to safety. Not throw myself in to the belly of the beast. Seriously though, he can't expect me to just abandon Ashley and Tyler. She doesn't know what's going on. They could get hurt. I can't let that happen. It wouldn't be right.

Besides, I once promised Tyler that I would never let anyone hurt him. It's time for me to prove it.

Ashley is also the reason that Matt found me in the first place. Without her they'd still be searching the ocean in vain. I can't leave her. She's one of the only friends I have here, not to mention she's dating my brother

This is a really bad idea. I run to the back door of the house. My decision is reckless and has no real plan to it. I'm going to run in the house, somehow find Ashley and Tyler, and maneuver my way back out all without being seen by anyone.

There's no way anything will go wrong.

I open the door and walk in trying to be quiet. It's almost pitch black. Thank gosh the blinds and curtains are open otherwise there'd be no light at all. I can barely make out silhouettes of things like doors and tables. That's it though. It's not much but it will have to do.

I remember that Ashley's room was on the second floor. If I had to bet, I would guess she was in there when everything went black. I follow my memory to the staircase. The halls are eerily silent. The only sound I hear is the pounding of my heart. This isn't right.

I go from door to door. Each room is completely empty. I can't shake the feeling of being watched. I'm probably just being paranoid, but still, how have I not found anyone or at least run in to them? Maybe the police haven't come in yet.

What if coming in here was a mistake? I probably should've listened to Matt and ran to safety. I just had to be the hero. Now I'm completely lost and alone in a house with no power which has my enemies hiding in it somewhere. Great.

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