Chapter 8 | Plans Plans Plans

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And some days I can't even trust myself

It's killing me to see you this way

'Cause though the truth may vary

This ship will carry our bodies safe to shore

Little Talks by Of Monsters and Men

Unfortunately being wizards didn't necessarily mean they were able to investigate the incident faster than others. I mean look how long it took the wizarding world to uncover the truth about Sirius all those years ago.

Similarly, everyone at Hogwarts and the Burrow seemed at loss when it came to figuring out who attacked Ron and Hermione, nor what they wanted.

Even though they didn't really need anyones protection, everyone was taking shifts taking them to their classes.

"I can freeze hell over in a second, you're being very unreasonable", she argued one day at breakfast. They were all gathered on the Slytherin house table. Ever since the beginning of the year, students have been less reluctant to join other houses for breakfast. Now, a couple of months into the year, anyone walking into the Great Hall wouldn't be able to distinguish the tables apart without looking at the flags. The most surprising merger has been Slytherins crashing the Hufflepuff table often. It was as if they couldn't wait to be able to do this, and jumped at the opportunity.

"We know you can, but last time you two were caught off guard. This way you wouldn't be risking it."

"Harry please shut your mouth, and stop sounding so reasonable. It doesn't suit you." Hermione was grumpy to say the least. She didn't like the new security arrangements, hating all the fuss.

"Anywaysss" Ron keen to change the topic, "I might as well ask you guys since we're gathered here. I wanted to make sure we're all in for Christmas at the Burrow." Everyone nodded- except for Draco. "Apart from the Weasleys, Potters and Grangers, my question was directed to you Malfoy."

Draco was caught off guard, "Oh! Umm I was planning to visit my mum. Hermione and I made plans to meet up with her over the holidays. Thank you for the invitation, though. Hermione might take you up for the offer, right Granger?"

Ron shook Draco off, "Brave of you to think mum hasnt already owled yours. Mz. Lestrange will be joining us, no need to worry about that."

Everyone was already chatting about the huge plans they had for the upcoming month when Hermione nudged Draco happily and whispered, "Maybe we can take William as well? I dont want him spending Christmas here alone." Draco smiled sweetly at her and they rested their foreheads as if in a competition to push each other off of their chairs.

Finally laughing, he pecked her lips and said, "Seems like the most interesting Christmas I've been invited to yet." She squealed with excitement while assuring everyone that all three of them were in.

Draco watched the scene unravel around him, as if in a movie and couldnt help smiling as he dug into his eggs. He put a bite into his mouth but almost spit it out one second later because of Ginny's inappropriate remark regarding Harry's ass being all puffy. Everyone other than Harry was wheezing with laughter, while he just turned brighter by the second and tried to shut Ginny up, eventually catching up with the giggles himself.

They were summoned to McGonagall's office after breakfast. Thinking it had something to do with the recent attack, they went in there bracing themselves for the worst. The headmistress however had something else in mind.

"I've summoned you here to inform you that due to recent events, I've forgotten to inform you that we will be having a ball next Saturday." She then added when Hermione directly started writing notes down, Draco wondered if she casually carried that notebook everywhere, "Yes in two weeks from now. I'm aware that this might be a suicide mission, but I trust with Miss Weasley as an event planner you'll be fine. I hear she's fond of parties."

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