Chapter 46: Against the Magical Community!

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      The magic community thinks that the Charmed Ones don't care anymore and are now on Billy and Christy's side. It took a while for Billie to believe Christy. But Domain used a spell and made the Charmed Ones not help the magical community and made Billie believe they really don't care.
    The Charmed Ones walked into the attack. "We were just about to look for you." Phoebe stated. "What a coincidence?" One person asked. "Huh?" Paige asked. "You betrayed us for your own desires!" A leprechaun exclaimed. "We were under a spell!" Piper exclaimed. "Sure!" Another one stated. "It's true!" Prue exclaimed. "Yeah and a leprechaun hates gold and rainbows!" A leprechaun exclaimed. "We always helped you in the past." Phoebe stated. "Well the past is the past." Someone stated. "You don't deserve your title." Christy stated. "Billie. After everything?" Paige asked. "You brought this onto yourself." Billie stated still feeling hurt. Christy made a huge fireball and everyone except Billie backed away. "The book!" Prue exclaimed and they ran to it. Billie used telekinesis and threw the fireball at them but they orbed away. They orbed to the underworld. "Really Paige?" Piper asked. "I tried to orb to magic school but they must have it protected." Paige defended and they all sighed.
   They've been in the underworld for a while and they kept having to fight off demons. "We can't keep doing this." Paige stated. "What else can we do?" Phoebe asked. "Go back to the manner." Piper suggested. "And let them kill us?" Prue asked. "No. We fight. They might be the Ultimate Power but we're the Charmed Ones. I say we go to dad's house so Prue can check on her son and I can check on my sons. Then we'll go to the manner and make some vanquishing potions for them." Piper explained and they nodded.
     Paige orbed them to Phoebe's apartment to keep the book. Then orbed them to Victors house. "Hey." Victor stated as he walked back to the living room. "How are they?" Prue asked. "They're good, asleep." Victor replied. Prue and Piper went in the bedroom to see them. "Dad. We have to do something and we might not survive. We're giving you the deed to the house." Phoebe explained as she handed him a piece of paper and pen. "I can't sign this." Victor stated. "You have to." Phoebe insisted and Victor sighed. He signed it and Paige accepted ir back. Prue and Piper came back in. "We woke them up." Prue stated. "We had to say goodbye." Piper stated on the verge of tears. Phoebe and Paige went in there to see them. "We love you, dad." Prue stated. "I love you too, but I don't quite understand." Victor stated. "You will." Piper stated and Victor nodded. Phoebe and Paige walked back in. They all gave Victor a hug, including Paige. Then they orbed out and back to the manner.
      They were in the attack and Piper was making a potion, she is the best potion maker. Paige was in the attack with Piper. The potion blew up and Piper waved her hand to get rid of the smoke. "Be quiet." Paige whispered. "They could still be here." Paige added. "I can't. The potion will do what the potion will do." Piper stated and Paige nodded as they continued the potion making to vanquish them.
    "What will we do if we survive this?" Phoebe asked. "Live our lives." Prue replied. "But what about Billie. Just forget that we killed her. She was our friend, one of us." Phoebe explained. "She was never our friend, I mean she was. But the Triad spent 15 years programming Christy to be against us and Billie loves Christy so much she was in denial, like we were in denial for a long time." Prue explained. "Piper wasn't. She knew and tried to warn us." Phoebe stated. "But we didn't listen to her because we didn't want this to happen, we wanted to believe we could save Billie and possibly Christy." Prue explained. "And Piper didn't?" Phoebe asked. "Of course she did but she's been threw more then we have in the years. Think about it. We've all been through a lot, but then there's Piper. She's witnessed our deaths in the past more then we have witnessed hers. Even though we died she lost us, which hurt more. Then we all find someone we love. Paige and I found a mortal and that was all, we didn't have too much to worry about. You found a demon, and now a Cupid. But then Piper found Leo. Leo wasn't allowed to be with her because he's a whitelighter and she's a witch and his charge. Then they are together and happy but the elders ripped them apart. They finally got married but that wasn't the end. Then he had to become and elder and left her and Wyatt, but made it back. But then he joined the avators and tried to help us, but instead Piper lost him because Leo tried to save us and stop this world. Then the elders put him on test to see if he beloned as an elder or a mortal with her. She almost lost him and almost died in the process. Then now, the Angel of Death was after him and we had to freeze him and the only way to free him is to kill the Ultimate Power. Maybe that is also part of the reason why she tried to get us to realize who Billie and Christy are so fast, she wanted it over with so she could have Leo back and have the happy life with and her kids, the life she deserves." Prue explained and Phoebe nodded.

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