CHATPER TWO: Damn you stupid hormones.

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Note: this story is not yet edited. I apologize if there's something wrong with the grammars and spellings .. I'll work on it soon.. Happy Reading "" "" And ALSO, thank you so much for reading the first chapter. Love you guys!


CHAPTER TWO: Damn you stupid hormones

I feel sick and it's like I'm about to pass out. The butterflies inside my belly are really having a great time reveling ... how about a big round applause for these stupid girly hormones of mine?

Standing before me is the GORGEOUS SETH TURNER. He's about six foot tall with beautiful hazel eyes, chocolate brown colored hair, fair complexion, and a warm smile that everyone fell for.

I tried myself to be still and steady but it's no use... WHAT THE HELL.

My knees are trembling and shaking; now he thinks I'm a psycho or something. "I love how your eyes sparkle whenever you see him Bree." Rosalie smiled while teasing me. CRAPPY PUFFY, I nearly forgot that I'm with her. "What are you saying? I mean, I don't like him that much. I think he's cute, but he aint my type." I lied and trying to fight the smile to appear on my face and forcing to show Rosalie my best poker face, but obviously she won't buy it. GREAT. I'm such a failure, I shouldn't have entered that theater club because I obviously can't act.

"You wouldn't turn that red if you don't have some feelings for him IDIOT" She snapped as she emphasizes the word 'IDIOT'. She teases me over and over again while pinching my cheeks that have turned red as the tomato.

"Is he still there?" I asked as I was shoving her hands away from my face. You see, I can't look at him with my cheeks this red and haggard face. NO, just no. That's pretty much embarrassing . "Nope, he's already gone.. He was with someone." She answered. "With someone?" I questioned . I HOPE IT'S NOT A GIRL. "Yep, with Courtney. Haven't you heard about them?" she asked while getting something out of her pretty designer's bag, it's probably her phone because I could hear it ringing. "Oh ... They're dating?" I said trying to fake a smile. OH NOOOOO!

"Wait a second." Rosalie said before answering her phone.. I wonder who would it might be. "Hey Lay how you--- What? --Wait,-- what happened? --You okay? --What?" She said over the phone. Layla must be in great trouble right now. Oh uh . "-Okay-we'll be there." She ended the call and immediately grabbed my wrist and ran. "What happened Rose? Can we please slow down?" I asked while panting . I don't run, and I never would. She never answered. Why is she not answering?

Were running as fast as we could until all the other students are looking at us.

We ended up standing here in front of the P.E locker room door breathing heavily . "You owe me something because you made me run this far." I said jokingly , but Rosalie seems too serious . She never laughs nor smile ever since that call ended.

"Layla ? Lay open up. " She ordered . "What's wrong?" I mouthed . This is so not right. The worst part is that Freaking Rosalie here isn't answering any of my questions! Okay Rose, OKAY!

"Hey Layla, it's me Bree. Please open up, I don't know what your problem is but don't worry , I have some Midol here .. that might .. help you?" I said. WHaaaat? We'll you can't blame me, I don't know what's happening here. I just want to help.

The door finally creaked and it opened. I could see Layla and her cheerless smile. Looking at her like this is so heartbreaking.

She walked gradually towards our place. As she moved closer , I could see her eyes all smeared up with her mascara. "Who did this to you?" I inquire furiously . No one can hurt anybody, especially my friends.

"Steven and I .. We ..." She snuffled that she couldn't say the word. " We broke up." She clasps both Rosalie and I . She looks so desperate. I could feel the agony that she's feeling. "That JERK! I would really murder that moron whenever I see him." Rosalie scowl and she's definitely fuming with anger.

It made me realize that you can't really control the things that would happen in a relationship. Sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's bitter.

It may seem that there's nothing would break the both of you apart, but at the end of the day, that other half would just vanish like a bubble. And he or she will never realize the things that you guys had been through no matter how delightful and unpleasant your journey had gone .


WOHOOOOO! Thank you so much for reading .. Sorry if its kind of short but i'll work out on the 3rd chapter .. :))) . If you have any suggestions for the next chapter, feel free to comment .. Dont forget to hit the "vote" button lovies "" ..

What do you think about those long term relationships that have ended? Comment ""because I would love to hear your opinion :))

Okay i'll shut up now.. LOVE YOU "" ""

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2013 ⏰

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