11: Someone Took A Wrong Turn!

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Alright so SavageNightmare2 gave me an idea to go with the couples. So the credit goes to SavageNightmare2. His name changed to something else.

The couples are:
Rocky x Everest
Chase x Skye

Singles are:
Rubble (coma)

And I'm gonna try something new.
Marshall P.O.V.

I was in my puphouse relaxing when I hear Skye coming towards me. "Hey Skye." I say. "Oh, hey Marshall, what's up." Skye replies. "Oh, nothing, just relaxing, what about you?" I say. "I'm Just about to get a puptreat." She said. "Cool, hey can you grab me one, please?" I asked. "Sure." She said as she walked off.

A couple minutes later

Skye P.O.V.

I go to Marshall's puphouse with two puptreats. "Here you go, Marshall." I say. "Thanks, Skye." Marshall said as he took the puptreat.

"Your welcome." I said and walked away. "Wait Skye." Marshall said, running up to me. "What?" I said, turning around. But right when I turned around, Marshall did something that I can't believed he would do.

Chase P.O.V.

I was walking to my police truck and I see Skye. I look closer and see Marshall with her. "Their probably just talking." I thought. But when I look even closer and I see them kissing. Wait! WHAT?!?! "MARSHALL!!!!" I shout, running to tackle Marshall. "Oh, shit!" Marshall said, pulling away from the kiss and starting to run. But before he could start sprinting I tackled him and bit his back-right leg so he can't run. I was so mad I couldn't even see straight! I scratched up his face and bit his neck!

Skye P.O.V.

Oh my god Marshall kissed me, bleh. And also, oh my god Chase is beating up Marshall! I didn't know he was actually gonna do it!

Chase P.O.V.

I scratched Marshall's back and bit his ear. "What the fuck?!?!" I heard someone shout. Someone tries to pull me away, but I turned around and scratched at the pup, but I missed. It was Flare. "Why the hell are you doing this!?" Flare shouted. He tackled me before I could respond. He pinned me to the ground and said,"Tell me why!". "You and Marshall!" I said, feeling rage boil inside of me, I kept struggling to get Flare off, then suddenly, I saw everything in teal...

Flare P.O.V.

I had had Chase pinned on the ground, Skye was crying, probably about beating up Marshall, and Marshall limped away with fear. Chase was really angry. He also put a tough fight to get up. I wasn't sure if I couldn't hold him down any longer. "Why are me and Marshall the reason why your so angry?!" I said. He just snarled at me. I tried to keep him pinned, but his eyes turned a black with teal X's on his eyes!

Chase's eyes looked a little bit like this

In the first pic think Chase as normal just the eyes are different

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In the first pic think Chase as normal just the eyes are different.

Sorry I tried my best to make best to make look good on the first pic, and the second pic is his eyes when he gets angry

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Sorry I tried my best to make best to make look good on the first pic, and the second pic is his eyes when he gets angry. Also when Chase said all he could see is teal is because the teal X's covered his pupils.

Back to Flare P.O.V.

I jumped back on fear, but before I hit the ground Chase grabbed my hind hind legs and started flapjacking me.(I'm gonna use random names, this could happen to anyone. flapjacking is when Kevin grabs Michael and swing him over Kevin's head in any direction.) When Chase finally stopped, he thew me down so hard I was buried halfway through the asphalt, I was hurting all over. "Ow." I whispered, not being able to say anything loudly. "Now, where is that son of a bitch, called Marshall?!" Chase growled. "I don't know." I whispered. "SHUT UP!!!" Chase yelled as he looked down at me. "I thought you were talking to me." I whispered. "I...SAID...SHUT...UP!!!!!" Chase shouted. He bit my nose almost ripping it off. "Ouch." I whispered, still not able to talk normal. Marshall limped from the Lookout to his puphouse which was right next to the Lookout door. "THERE YOU ARE YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT!!!" Chase yelled as he ran after Marshall. "Oh, shit!" Marshall said and tried to run to his puphouse but hurt himself and fell in pain. "OW!!!" Marshall yelped.

Chase P.O.V.

Ahhhh!!! Marshall!!! YOU SON OF A FUCKING BITCH, I...WILL...KILL YOU!!! I bit Marshall by the ear and threw him at his puphouse. I tackled him and I bit his neck and scratched his stomach. I grabbed him and flapjacked him like I did Flare. "Chase!" I heard a voice behind me. I ignored it and kept scratching Marshall. I raised my hand to scratch him once more but someone grabbed my arm before I could scratch him. I recognized that feeling, I calmed down for a bit but then I realized that I had unfinished business with Marshall. I snarled at Ryder, but then I realized that it was Ryder. My vision went back to normal I was picked up and put into my puphouse and the door was shut. "Ryder, Skye, Flare, Marshall, I just beat up my brother and my best friend. What kind of pup am I?" I thought as I lied down.

Ryder P.O.V.

Dang, that was scary. When I stopped Chase from scratching Marshall. He looked back and I saw black eyes with teal X's.

Skye P.O.V

Holy shit, Chase just beat up Marshall and Flare! I can understand beating up Marshall, but Flare I don't get. Probably for interfering with Chase. I run over to Flare and Marshall. They were both half buried in the road, which was kinda funny. What Chase did is what he said he would do if someone tried to hurt or steal me from him. What did he call it? Oh he called it something like flapjacking, I think. Well he did it. Wow... Fuck that was scary! "Oh my god, somebody call an ambulance." Someone said. I whipped around and saw Rocky call 911 on his puptag.


Hey guys this is what new thing I tried it took a while but... Hey it works.

Also the reason Chase in the pic is negative is because I was gonna use white and red but I thought black and teal would be cooler... But hey it still works.

Ready to kill!

See you you guys later.

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