Chapter 2 ☆

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C H A P T E R 2☆


"What are you wearing?" I asked Aubrey holding the phone up to my ear as I sorted through some paperwork.

Aubrey let out an adorable giggle.

"I'm just sitting here in my underwear and bra." She said making my mouth drop.

"Wait seriously?" I questioned her.

She let out a laugh.

"No, I was just playing. I'm wearing one of your shirts and some socks." She replied back to me.

"So no underwear or bra?" I questioned her.

"No underwear and my bra is no where to be found." She confirmed making me practically drop my phone.

I heard her laughing.

"I'll be home in a few minutes." I said to her.

"Dacian, you can't be serious!" She said through her laughs.

"I'm dead serious." I mumbled.

"Okay well stop by the store and pick me up some donuts." She mentioned.

"Alright, make sure you're in bed when I get home or else I'm gonna have to spank you." I joked imagining her rolling her eyes.

"Whatever, don't forget the donuts or I will hurt you." She stated making me laugh.

"I won't." I replied back before hanging up.

After that I quickly put all of the files back where they belong and started grabbing my stuff preparing to leave. As I was grabbing my stuff I heard the door to my office open. I looked up to see Monica staring at me.

She has on this super tight dress that makes her boobs pop out and showed all of her curves. I'm not gonna lie she looks good but I already have something special at home.

She started walking towards me making her heels slam on the ground.

"What are you doing here so late?" She asked biting her lips at me.

"I um had to finish up some work." I replied back to her before I slid on my jacket.

"Isn't your wife looking for you?" She asked coming closer to me.

Now she's standing in front of my desk.

I nodded my head. "I'm actually going home to her now." I replied back to her grabbing my briefcase and trying to walk past her but she put her hand on my chest.

Her cold skinny fingers made chills go down my spine.

"I actually have some more work for you if you don't mind." She stated with a flirtatious smile on her face.

I sighed. "Sure, what is it?" I questioned her.

She let out a low chuckle before turning around.

"It's me." She said popping her butt out and placing her hands on my desk.

I scrunched my face up in disgust. This is the most unprofessional thing to do ever. This is not attractive to me. Maybe to some of the other workers here but not me.

I didn't even say anything I just walked away from her and left her bent over my desk.

I already have who I want at home waiting on me. I've never once thought about cheating on her ever.

After leaving the building and making it to my car, I remember that Aubrey wanted me to pick her up some donuts. After getting those I immediately headed home.

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