Chapter 13☆

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C H A P T E R 13☆


"Why?" I asked the man who's suppose to be my father.

"Why what?" He asked me like he has no clue.

"Why did you come back after all this time?" I questioned him.

"I mean you had plenty of time to come see us but now you've just popped up out of nowhere." I said to him.

"To be honest with you. I had no clue you even existed. Your mother never said she had twins. She only told me about Aaliyah not you. Your mother never wanted me to be around at all. She started hating me because I didn't want to be with her anymore. She was a sweet woman at first but it's like after she had you guys she turned into a hateful person. A few years ago, Aaliyah found me and I've been looking after her ever since." He explained to me.

"How could you possibly not know you have a son?" I asked him.

"Well like I said your mother was a hateful person. I wasn't there when she gave birth because she refused to let me in the room. After she left the hospital she moved away so I couldn't see you guys. After pestering her for a while she finally told me that I had a daughter but she never mentioned a son." He stated making me shake my head.

I'm not convinced at all.

"You know you look exactly like your mother." He stated.

"Don't say that." I said to him.

"Where is she now?" He asked making me shake my head.

"I don't know and I don't care." I said to him honestly.

He nodded his head in understanding.

"Well it's nice to know I have a son." He said getting up and patting me on the shoulder.

"Is that all you have to say? Oh well it's nice to know I have another son even though I've been missing most of his life." I repeated to him.

"What do you want me to do?" He questioned.

"You know what nevermind because clearly being a parent is a hard thing for you to do." I said getting up and walking away.

Why did he even bother to come?

I went back to the room Aaliyah's in to see Aubrey asleep in a chair.

She has been here with me all day. I'm so glad I have someone that's willing to be here for me and Aaliyah.

I went over to Aaliyah and kissed her forehead.

"I'll be back first thing tomorrow morning." I whispered to her.

Visiting hours are almost up.

I then went over to Aubrey and put my hand on her growing belly.

A few more months and the baby's gonna be out.

Aubrey's eyes slowly opened and she smiled.

"Are you ready to go?" I questioned her kissing her belly gently.

"Yeah, I'm really tired." She said stretching her arms out.

"I bet, you've been out for a good half an hour." I said to her making her laugh.

"I can't hang like before he's making me tired." She said referring to the baby.

"Lets go." I said to her grabbing her hand.

I helped her up off of the couch and then she went over to Aaliyah.

"See you later sis." She said kissing her cheek.

That made me smile.

I kissed Aubrey when she came back over to me and then we walked out hand in hand.

I didn't see my father in the lobby before we left the building so I guess he's gone for good.

"What happened with you and your father?" Aubrey asked me once we got in the car.

"He just explained to me why he hasn't been around and how he didn't know about me." I told her honestly.

"How could he have not known about you?" She questioned with the same confused look I had on my face.

I shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't even know but something's not right about him." I told her.

Aubrey grabbed my hand as I drove with the other one.

"Everything's gonna be alright maybe you guys just need some bonding time." She said with a smile.

"Yeah, maybe." I replied back to her.

I kept my eyes on the road the entire time.

I may act like this doesn't bother me but it does. It bothers me a lot I haven't known my father my entire life.

Once we got home I parked the car and our driveway before helping Aubrey out the car.

We were in the house in a matter of seconds.

"I'm gonna go shower and then lay down. I'm so tired." Aubrey said unable to barely keep her eyes open.

"Goodnight." I said to her kissing her forehead.

She smiled and kissed my chin.

"Goodnight babe." She said slapping my butt and walking away.

I hate when she slaps my butt.

I have to go back to work tomorrow afternoon and I have some work to finish up so that's what I'm doing for the rest of the night.

I was about to go get my work stuff when my phone buzzed letting me know I received a text message.

I grabbed my phone and opened the text.

My mouth dropped when I seen the photo Monica sent me. It's a nude.

I quickly looked around nervously before typing out a response.

"I told you, I'm a married man plus this is very unprofessional. If you send me another one I won't hesitate to tell our boss about this." I sent her.

I then deleted the whole message just in case Aubrey happens to look in my phone.

If Aubrey finds out about this then she's literally gonna come up to my office and beat her ass.

I can't let her get in that kind of trouble.


Dacian in mm.😍😍

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