Chapter 9 ☆

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C H A P T E R 9 ☆


"I hope this is the right address." I mumbled to myself as I knocked on the door.

A couple of days ago Maria informed me that my brother and Aubrey now live in New York. As soon as I heard that I packed my bags, made sure everything was planned, and I came up here.

My life without them has been hell. Jayden and I broke up a couple of years ago due to him leaving me to follow his dreams. I didn't mind though because I kind of fell out of love with him. I guess Aubrey not being around really got to me.

I didn't receive no answer so I knocked again.

"Please answer the door." I mumbled.

It would be a shame to have came all the way to New York and for her not to be home.

I hope she still isn't mad at me.

After a minute or two of waiting she answered the door.

Her eyes widen when she seen me.

"Aaliyah." She stated.

"Aubrey, it's nice to see you again." I said to her sending her a small smile.

"How have you been? Are you alright?" She questioned pulling me into an unexpected hug.

I smiled big and hugged her back.

"I'm fine, I just really missed you guys." I told her with a tear coming out of my eye.

It's been five long years since we've last seen each other. I've been through hell and back since.

"We missed you too. We didn't have enough courage to call you to check on you." Aubrey stated pulling me into their house.

I couldn't help but to look around at how big and spacious it is.

"I wish I would've known where you guys moved off too." I said still looking around.

"How did you find us anyways?" Aubrey questioned me.

"I just seen Maria a couple of days ago and she told me." I said to Aubrey.

"She can't seem to keep her mouth close about my business." Aubrey mumbled rolling her eyes.

"Awww you look so pretty with your small baby bump." I stated going over to her and putting my hand on her belly.

"Thank you, I'm four months and two weeks." She told me with a big smile on her face.

"Awww I can't wait until the baby is here. Do you know the gender?" I asked her.

She nodded her head. "It's gonna be a baby boy." She stated in her baby voice.

I smiled at her.

"Awww." I mumbled lowly.

"We have so much to catch up on." Aubrey said reminding me of something.

"Hey, I want to apologize for what happened in high school. That was wrong for me to get with the guy that raped you. I don't know what was running through my mind but I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you and I know that made you think I didn't care about. I really care about you and in my head we're still sisters." I apologized to her.

She gave me a soft smile letting me know that everything was gonna be alright.

"It's fine, lets leave the past in the past. We're really sisters now anyways." She told me holding up her ring finger making my mouth drop.

"When and Where?" I questioned her grabbing her hand to look at the gorgeous ring.

"Like a year after high school when we stayed with our friend, Lydia. He proposed to me and we had a small little wedding in her backyard. It was so cute." She explained to me.

"I wish I could've been there. I've been missing everything." I said holding my hands on the side of my face.

"Well that's why it's a good thing you're here now. We can catch up." Aubrey stated grabbing my hand and leading me to the living room.

"Before we start do you want something to drink?" She questioned me.

I nodded my head immediately.

"Yes, water please." I said to her.

"Coming right up." She replied back before leaving the room.

Seems like everything has worked out perfectly for them. They have this huge home, they're married, and even have a child on the way.

I wish my life was this perfect...



I watched him as he walked into his house...

Making sure no one saw me I hurried up and ran over to his door.

I knocked on the door several times before he opened it and when he did I sent a punch towards his face.

"Didn't I tell you to stay away from my wife?" I questioned him as he laid on the floor holding his nose.

"I told you I couldn't promise you that." He stated with a grin on his face making me even more pissed off.

I grabbed him up by his collar and punched him dead in his face.

Somehow he gathered up enough strength to push me off of him making me tumble backwards.

He seems a lot stronger then when he was in high school but I am too. A lot stronger and a lot more anger in me.

I quickly caught my balance but then he tackled me to the ground like he's playing football or something.

"You wanna fight then lets go." He yelled out pulling back and punching me in the face.

After that I didn't let him get in any more hits as I kept punching him repeatedly. I didn't stop until I felt myself being lifted off of him. I blacked out completely.

"You sir are under arrest." I heard the person say.

Next thing I know I'm in handcuffs being read my rights.

I looked over at Jayden to see him staring at me with blood coming out of his head.

I know this whole thing is gonna end badly..

Aubrey's gonna be so pissed.


Aaliyah in mm. 😍🌹

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