2: car troubles

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Each second that ticks by, you are dying.

Each time your heart contracts, it grows old just like the rest of your body, until one day everything stops.

No more, breathing, thinking, feeling—no more living.

So when you die, do you stop loving?

Is heaven a place only for the ones who’ve found love?

If a heart never experiences love, does that deem them unfit to carry on after death?

A heart, so blank of any emotion, thumped against his chest as his hands stayed adjourned to the steering wheel, his foot pressing down on the gas pedal. The wind blew through the window's small crack, as the lyrics of Lady Antebellum roared from his speakers, his lips mimicking the words, one by one.

His patience was beginning to wear thin as the car in front of him was going ten miles under the speed limit; not to mention he was in the fast lane. His fist pound against the steering wheel, honking rather loudly, scaring the car as it zigzagged for a bit. Maintaining almost the same pace as before, the little red car seemed to slow down, almost as if teasing the range rover behind them.

A heart, compacted with so many emotions it was destined to burst at any moment, she noticed the car behind her was riding her ass, so she laughed to herself as she slowed down a bit not expecting to hear the sound of a car's horn; startled her hands moved the wheel right almost making her hit the concrete wall positioned to her right. More mad then upset she slowed down even more, looking back she saw the driver of the gas guzzler, much distain was stained onto his face, his blonde hair stuck up due to the wind blowing in his face, his eyes stared into hers and they seemed to of soften, a stinging pain tugged at her heart, she turned back to the road realizing she almost missed her exit. She shimmed the car over into the exit lane, sighing as she saw the grocery store in sight.

Both of the cars parted in separate directions; one going to fill their basket with food while the other one tried to lose some of the emptiness burrowing into their system.

An hour and a half later, both cars engines revved up—and ones tried to, but couldn’t fully start. Her hands flew up in the air, why was this happening to her of all people hasn’t she been through enough?

Being the girl she was, she wasn’t afraid to get a little dirty, but it was kind of hard from the endless amount of guys exiting and entering the bar, that was conveniently placed next to the grocery store.

Throwing the hood up in anger she glanced down at the many pieces connected to each other, she knew how to do this, and she took a class in mechanics; even though it really wasn’t her choice. She just needed to find the big black thing—but there was a problem; there were about a million big black things.

Her head fell, she had failed at another thing; tears seemed to fall from her eyes as she didn’t even know how to go about what to do next. She kicked the side of her car only hurting herself more, she hopped back to the hood not even knowing what she was doing.

As he drove through the seemingly packed parking lot, he saw a familiar red painted car, but this time the girl wasn’t so happy. He noticed the hood up and her blacked skin. Laughing to himself he whispered to himself “karma’s a bitch innit?” 

As he entered the strip she was in he couldn’t help but stare as he watched her pull out several pieces he knew would only make things worse than better.

He had to take his eyes off her as he had found an empty parking spot, vertical from her; turning his wheels to the right a few times he slowly backed in before unbuckling his seatbelt. Walking over to her he stood back a bit until a black liquidly substance squirted onto his bright white t-shirt. Rolling his eyes, he stepped in grabbing the oil cap and inserting it back into the right spot, than he found the ‘big black thing’ she couldn’t be bothered to find. Screwing it in all the way he motioned for her to try to start the engine again, as she unlocked the car he shut the hood and listened as the engine revved up and smiled as the girl, smiled back. She mouthed a string of thank yous before she turned off the engine and joined him again.

“I would have figured that out eventually.”

Laughing to himself he put his hand on top of her shoulder.

“You would have been ere’ all night love.”

His thick Irish accent, suffocated her senses, it was intoxicating to her and she only wanted to hear more.

“True, but how can I repay you for helping me?”

Her fingers ran through her hair, removing loose strands that had been sticking to her face.

“No charge for ya’ consider it repayment for earlier.” He exclaimed, as a smile played across his face.

“Oh I’m sorry about that, just trying to have a bit of fun.”

Embarrassed; her cheeks splashed crimson red, before she turned back to her vehicle.

“Wait, I never caught your name.”

“Alexandra—but just call me Alex.”

“Does that mean I’ll be seeing ya’ around?”

Her face grew a shade darker, as his smile only grew bigger; she was breaking her promise to herself, but she couldn’t help it.

“Uh I don’t know, this is a pretty big place so probably not.”

His smile slumped, until he got an idea.

“How bout we make a bet?”

Her face read confusion; his face was marked with confidence.

“What kind of bet?”

“I bet that you can’t beat me in a competition to get the most numbers at that bar over there.”

“If I win what do I get?”

“I’ll buy you a new car.”

Her eyes widened, how could she pass up an opportunity to embarrass this git, and the opportunity to get a new car—there wasn’t a way she could pass this up.

“Okay, even though it’s not going to happen what do you get if you win?”

The smile singeing on his face, worried her but nonetheless she was already imaging her dream car.

“You let me take you out; properly.”

Her mind flashed, sirens went off she already was walking on a thin sheet of glass she couldn’t risk shattering it.

“I don’t think so.”

“Its cause’ ya’ know I’m going to win.”

“No, I just made a prom—you know what you’re on.”


So I re-wrote this twice, I just couldn’t decide where I wanted to go with the story but I like this, so be sure to vote & comment, it makes me happy.

We need some shit names, and I’m terrible with coming up with them so comment suggestions below pretty please.

Well goodbye for now loves. :*


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