Chapter 2- The Reaping

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CHAPTER 2- The Reaping

As me and my family head towards the town hall, we pass fields of hay and barley, the place i spent most of my free time in, with all my friends. I think of all memories of my time in the fields, i think of all the songs me and my friends sang to the mockingjays above in the trees, but most of all, i think of how it might be the last time i see those wonderful fields...

I clench Lily's hand as we head nearer and nearer to the town hall, and she gives me a reassuring squeeze to remind me that she is there for me. But even though she is trying to act all brave for me, i see that she is completely petrified from her head to her toes. Out of the crowd i spot my best friend, Samantha and her older brother Thresh. Thresh and Lily are best friends too, but me and Samantha are completely sure they fancy each other! We sometimes try and set them up on "blind dates" but they never work. Me and Lily walk over to them to wish them good luck and chat to them before the reaping. I am really really worried that Samantha or Thresh might be reaped, their family is extremely poor. Samantha told me her name was put in 20 times and Thresh's 45!I give one last quick hug to Lily and head over to my section where the 12 year old girls are with Samantha. 

Our escort, Rose Cliffs (who has astonishingly bubblegum pink hair) walks onto the platform. "Welcome welcome, we are hear today to choose one brave young man and woman in the honour of representing District 11 in the 74th annual hunger games!" Rose then shows us a video from the Capitol, a video showing the Dark Days and the reason why the Hunger Games started. Back in the Dark Days, all 13 Districts rebelled against the capitol for justice and for their own rights. There was a massive war between the Districts and the capitol. Towards the end of the war, the Capitol bombed District 13 and re-gained power over the Districts. As a reminder that the Capitol have power over us and can do anything they want to us Districts, they invented the Hunger Games. Every year, one girl and boy from each District between the ages of 12 and 18 get randomly chosen to go to the Capitol and fight to the death. When there is only one tribute alive, they become a victor, and win riches and goods for their district.  It makes me hate the Capitol even more, watching this video! I hate the Capitol for what they do to us, thinking that we are inferior and not worthy enough to have a lifestyle like thiers!  "Right," says Rose quite excitedly "lets find out our girl tribute for this year!" She slowly puts her hand into the reaping bowl and with her slender pointed fingers, she picks a white piece of folded paper. She clears her throat  and reads out the chosen name of the tribute: "Rue Huckleberry!"

I feel my whole body shaking from head to toe.Why out of everybody is it me?!? I start walking up to the stage when suddenly i remember Lily's promise, to save me if i was reaped. I search for her through the crowd but i cant find her. Suddenly i see her in the distance running away, crying. I knew she wouldn't volunteer, the Hunger Games is her biggest fear. She suddenly looks back and she whispers "I'm sorry my little flower! I really am!" And she keeps on running until i cant see her. Where is she headed to? Wont she come and say goodbye to me? I need her courage and help to get me through this....

"Now for the boys!" trills in Rose's voice. She swirls her arm in the pool of names and picks out the chosen one. Silence reigns over the crowd of people. She clears her throat and says "Thresh Clark!" My heart stops beating....THRESH?!? Out of every boy in that pool did it have to be Thresh. I find Samantha's eyes and all i see is sadness and depression, she is loosing her best friend and brother, just like Lily is loosing me and her best friend. I fell broken and as if i am about to collapse in sadness and depression. I look at Thresh and he looks up at me and i see my emotions reflected in his eyes. The odds are definitely not in our favour. Staright after Thresh walks onto the stage we are taken into the town hall building to say goodbye to our loved ones...

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