Chapter 6- Arriving at the Capitol

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CHAPTER 6- Arriving at the Capitol

The next day we arrive at the Capitol.  While me and Thresh are eating breakfast, we catch a glimpse of it. It is amazing! Tall towers and buildings rising high into the sky, everything seems so precise and perfect! We then are plunged into darkness as we go through a tunnel. When we reach the other end of the tunnel, when we reach the light, we will officially be in the Capitol and also be surrounded by crazy Capitol people and telecameras. I think about how important this moment is, about how the first impressions are crucial. You might even get some sponsors if your lucky and seem brave to the Capitol people!

 We finally reach light and me and Thresh start waving and smiling, trying to cover up our worries and fears. They look ridiculous, the Capitol people do! Even more ridiculous in real life than on televised screen. Dazzling orange hair, vomit green skin, tattoos all over there body. I mean do they actually think it looks good!?! Wow....they are as thick as our mentors, Jenna and Duncan, have told us!

We are then taken out of the train and into a cab which will take us to our apartment and our stylists. I am blinded by all the camera flashes and i cant seem to think right. Everything is just going too fast and blurry. We are then pushed into a cab and head to our block of apartments. I look around me and all i see is crazyness, abosolute madness! sky high builings, pink and blue cabs whizzing around everywhere and the bright, blinding colours of all the clothes and dresses that the Capitol people have on. It is all too much to take in.  We reach the tributes apartments and we go in to prepare to meet our stylists...

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