Herobrine's Secret

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Hey, Herobrine here. Brother of Notch and Steve, obviously. I am the ruler of hell. Or, the Nethers you may say. Everyone fears me, and I fear of nothing. Because, why would I?

Lately, more people have been trying to summon me with my temple. Trying to kill me, but I'm the predator, not the prey. I guess you could say I've taught every single one of them a lesson... Prudes.

Everyone says I look exactly like Steve. Relatively, yes. Exactly, no. It's the eyes obviously. Though, they never heard it. I've killed them. I hate people who talk about those losers.

Come to think of it, I haven't seen Notch since he broke the portal to each worlds. But I don't care.

I've been trying to make Steve join me. To get out of that stupid village. How can he stand those annoying villagers? I can't stand their annoying voices and noises they make. They're cowards too. I can just say, I hate everyone and I'm ready to destroy everyone who stands in my way... I think.

I decided to shake my feelings I had. I mean, what was I talking about. Everyone feared me! I could have anything I wanted, whenever I wanted.

I decided to take a stroll in a cave. All of a sudden I heard cursing, then a sigh of relief.

I decided to walk over there and scare the shit out of someone. I wasn't it the mood for killing, but just scarring someone for life.

I took a left and there was a pool of lava. Ha, so he almost drowned himself in a hot mess.

I crept up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. He quickly spun around and screamed in terror.

As usual, I did my famous line.

"Where is your god now?" I chuckled evilly at him. He stepped back, trembling.

"I thought guys were big and strong." I leaned against the wall, bantering, pulling out a sword.

"I'm actually a girl..." I heard a voice cry out.

"Huh... Well I see your name is TheMojoMan9?" I said walking up to her, if she was a girl.

She began taking steps forward. Toughening up. I was taken by surprise, and took a step back.

"M-my name glitched. It's actually TheMojoWoman9... But I do go by Mojo." She seemed pretty brave, for a dumb human.

"And your skin is a spiderpig?" I laughed, taking steps toward her, about 1ft away from her face, but she stood her ground... Wow.

"This is actually a costume I made. I wanted to see how comfortable it was... My real skin is..." She stopped.

"Is what?" I bent down, snapping at her, leaving about a 1inch space between us.

"This." She took off her mask, revealing long brown hair and blue eyes.

She reached around, trying to pull down a zipper. I stood there for a minute watching her struggle, then I grabbed her shoulders, spun her around and pulled the zipper down viciously, probably leaving a scratch on her.

She took it off and showed off a pikachu sweatshirt, black leggings and yellow boots.

"Hmm..." I said, pulling her hood up. By now, she was crying, and trying to hold back tears.

"Stop crying!" I snapped at her. And she obeyed.

I wiped a tear away from her cheek and she closed her eyes.

"Careful..." I looked into her eyes, probably giving her a death stare and walked off.

Once I reached home I noticed my god bow was missing. I must've dropped it walking out of the cave... Damn it.

I went back to the cave to search for it. After about 20 minutes of bad luck, I saw this image in my head...it was someone building my temple. Ugh, what loser is this now?!

After a minute seeing them building, they ran off. I soon teleported to it.

Of course they temple was made but it didn't have any human mobs surrounding it. It even had a red flower frame surrounding it... I couldn't help but think, 'Who do they think I am? A prissy little girl?'

I then noticed a chest. Inside was my god bow, with no damage... It was brand spanking new! There was also a book and quill. The book was made by Mojo...inside it read


You dropped your bow. I thought you might like it back...


Wow. Surprise surprise. Any other loser would've kept it to themselves, and I would've killed them.

I grabbed the book and bow and walked off until I heard shuffling and a squeal...it was a familiar scream.

I quickly turned around, and saw Mojo on the ground with an arrow in her arm... About 10 feet away was a skeleton shooting at her.

I pulled my bow out and killed the skeleton in one shot. I then looked at Mojo and saw her face, terrified... Either at the fact I was there or by the skeleton... I'm guessing me.

We stared into each others eyes when I started to walk over to there. She tried to scoot away but I lifted my bow up into her face. She stopped moving... All of a sudden my stomach dropped and I felt absolutely terrible! I felt fear and in the back of my head, Mojo's voice kept repeating,

'Please don't shoot me,please,please,please!'

I stared at her with my mouth gaped open and I vanished to my castle in the Nether.
I lay in my bed. What made me not kill her? That's who I am! I kill! I don't know what overcame me.

It filled me with anger. I jumped out of my bed and on to the burning netherrock. The burn felt great on my sore feet.

I saw a swarm of zombie pigs just standing there. They annoyed me so much. I was wearing my diamond armour and had my diamond sword in hand.

I went up to one and swiped at his chest. He squealed and all the other disgusting, rotting pigs began attacking me. Once one hit me, I looked at him and killed him in one strike. He mad me so angry! I stabbed each and everyone one of them in their chest, killing all of them.

My end pose to me seemed badass. But no one saw it, besides 100arrowsshot.

I quickly stood in a straight position. Then my famous line

"Where is your god now?" I began strutting towards him. He pulled out a bow and aimed it at me.

All of a sudden a voice broke,

"Her god is right here!" All of a sudden Mojo stood in front of her with a enchanted diamond sword.

I stopped and smiled. It's a girl? With her armour on, I couldn't tell.

"Why are you always in my way?" I leaned over to see 100arrowsshot and mouthed 'three times'!

"We came to find quartz...please don't hurt us... Please."

I put my equipped sword away.

"Fine... But tell me. Who's your friend?" I crossed my arms.

"This is 100arrowsshot... But you can call her Arrows... Is-is this your castle?" She questioned slowly lifting her finger up to it.

I motioned my hand towards it, "want to check it out?"

"Uhm... S-sure..." She started taking a step towards me, but Arrows grabbed her.

I could hear her whisper

"What do you think you're doing?! He could kill us! I'm not surprised he hasn't killed us now? You don't know him or his tricks! Don't be stupid!" She violently whispered in her ear, not even glancing at me.

"Arrows, if we die he gets a diamond sword, 17 quartz ores and 2 pork chops... You lose an iron sword, 13 quartz ores and 3 steaks. We also have a spawn set... Okay? It will hurt for only a bit... Trust me."

Mojo turned around and started walking toward me slowly. I chuckled as her friend gripped onto her sleeve,walking behind her.

"You don't have to come if you don't want to!" I warned... I don't want either of them scaring them self to death. I want to kill them on my own.

I kept debating whether I should end them now or later. I mean, I'm beginning to think everyone isn't as terrified of me as they were before, I have to step it up.

"Actually I remembered, Arrows! The villagers, we promised to help tend their crops, do you want to do that?" Mojo offered. Arrows was brave, very strong willed, I could sense it. I noticed she was in front of Mojo and said to me,

"Don't hurt her... Or else my allies and I will kill you..." She walked off and whispered something to Mojo that made her laugh and waved her goodbyes. She looked back and shot me a serious face... I honestly believed she did have a chance to kill me, but not alone.

As Mojo approached me, I put my arm around her shoulder and brought her into the castle...she seemed very uncomfortable which was hilarious.

We entered the castle and her mouth dropped in amazement. I could tell she was very jealous.

"The floors are gold while the walls have patterns in diamond! The main wall is obviously nether and the kitchen is stunning!" She was smiling in amazement. She forgot who she was dealing with.

I decided to take out the torches to scare her. She could easily see me by my glowing white eyes, but that made things more creepy. All of a sudden I hear blocks breaking.

I see that my wall wall has been broken, and she was slipping out of it.

"Where are you going?" I yelled.

"I'm getting out of here if you keep doing this... You promised!" She yelled back.

"I'll kill you if you don't come back!" My eyes began to turn red.

She let out a sigh and walked back, replacing the blocks. I also put up the torches, leading her up the stairs to my bedroom.

I opened the door and immediately her mouth fell open.

"You're room is made of obsidian,iron and diamond blocks... This is amazing!" She crouched down and felt the floor.

"How does it feel?" I said checking my picture.

"It's brilliant... I'm honestly jealous!" Then a feeling of jealousy hit me. I was also happy, but I don't know how!

I quickly snapped out of it. How come what she felt, I felt too? I was curious.

I was getting angry. I thought she was empowering me, somehow.

"GET OUT!" I yelled at her.

"What's wrong?!" She got off the floor,trembling. Why haven't I killed her? She wasn't different nor was she special compared to the others.

"I said get out or I will kill you... Make your choice or pray your god." I took out all the lights and my eyes turned red.

She ran out screaming and I chased her. I saw the portal she ran through and I destroyed it, just like my brother did to me.

Hey guys! So this is my second book! (I deleted my other book) Anyways, OBVIOUSLY it's about Herobrine and his little secret! What do you think so far? I've been obsessed with Minecraft for a loooong time. And seriously, my name really did glitch..and my name in the game is TheMojoMan9 XD But also, 100arrowsshot is ALSO REAL! She too has a book, it's called There Is Another.. It's a popular book! Arrows is a REALLY TALENTED AUTHOR AND ARTIST! And a terrific friend:) Haha so make sure you read it! Also, if you want to be an extra in this book, I will let you know when I need one, and just private message me!



Enjoy! :)

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