New Roomate?

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"Excuse me? Why would we let YOU move in?" Catter harshly replies while setting her hand on her wrist.

"Do I honestly need to explain?" He fiercely replies, his eyes turning red while walking towards her. She makes a ball and grins evilly at him.

He takes a few steps back and his eyes return to a normal state.

"Exactly." He sighs and lifts his head up, lifting his eyebrows towards me.

"Well, it isn't my decision." I'm honestly scared. I don't know what to do. My roommates would be pissed at me no matter what I decide.

"It's your house though, isn't it?" He reasons. Well, yes but not exactly. I share it with the best people in the world! Our supply is unlimited considering we've got the guy from my "flirtationship". That's half fake.

"Well. We share I share it. Let us decide. Hang on." I lift my index finger up, signaling a moment of privacy.

"You already know my decision." Catter crosses her arms. What a sass, but that's why she is my buddy.

"Letting him in shows that you two are a "stronger couple"... it may help us in the long run." Arrows decides pretty damn quickly.

That is so true though. It adds to our relationship, and builds intimacy.

"Well, it lies on you Crazy. What's your decision?" We all glare at her, anxious to know the answer.

"I vote," she pauses for about 30 seconds, damn it kid make your decision, "yes." She gives me a worried look, probably expecting a "lesson" from Catter. But all she does is deliver the news to him.

He stares us intently, waiting for Catter to tell him.

Once he receives the news, he quickly glances up, and meet my eyes. He grins and walks over to me.

"So the rules are, you may stash your own diamonds and iron. Otherwise, we put it in the "family" chest... also whenever we ALL go mining, that too goes into the family chest." I state boldly.

What? He did say it was MY house. I flash him a smile while he follows me to the house. He takes one look at it and says,

"Damn it, I forgot how girly it was." He jokingly scowls at the room, making us three laugh. He smiles at us in return.

"We have no extra room, but we can build a new one!" Crazy screeches excitedly. She is so amazing, and that is why she's my best friend. Always willing to do things.

"We could make it work." Arrows smiles at Crazy. Catter is still smiling to herself. I think this may work, considering Catter is willing to make this rather awkward situation work.

"Thanks. And I have a request on what my room should be like...." He glances at all three of us, waiting for a reaction. We sit for a second before I must say,

"Yyyeesss?" He sighs and crosses his arms.

"It's gonna need rainbow up in here." By now, everyone bursts out laughing.

He carefully places his bag on the ground.

"So, shall we begin?" He says.

Crazy quickly grabs the supplies we need, making another Devine feast.

"I must for all of us,say," I begin, "we love you!" Catter, Arrows and I raise our milk in the air like awkward drunk people cheering

"Ugh." Herobrine says in a childish tone.

Arrows walks towards him and lightly slaps his face. And yes, he deserved it.

He turns his head and flashes us a fake "disbelief" face. I must admit, he IS pretty funny and I believe all of us agree with that.

"Alright the feast is done. Thank you for the lovely dinner! Now, lets get to work." All 4 of us whip out pick axes and begin to break the smooth stone.

We make sure to mine all the ores that are already "installed", even if it made the room larger, making us conquer more hard work.

The room has grown quiet, I guessed that they were getting a water break.

All of a sudden a scream comes from Arrows.

I quickly whip my head around to see a rather disturbing scene.

The room has been filled with dirt and fire.

"WHAT THE HELL?" I scream at the top of my lungs. What are they trying to do, suffocate me in the thick smoke while the blazes engulf me with searing heat?

The three girls begin to run into the fire.
OH MY NOTCH WHAT IS WRONG WITH THEM?! As I'm ready to go save them Crazy says,

"Looks like it's true! ... Mojo, we are fire resistant. Come in here!" Wait, what? I didn't know this.

I slowly walk over to the fire and quickly put my finger in... nothing. I try it again but I leave it in for a few seconds.

Still nothing.

"Come on you sissy." Catter taunts jokingly,

So I take steps in. And I feel absolutely nothing.

We are just in the blaze, laughing at the pain that isn't there. This amazing!

"So, does that mean, water will burn us?" They all laugh at my rather not funny joke. See? This is why they're my friends! They laugh at bad jokes that should never be told ever again.

"I can't believe you gave us this... thank you." I walk out of the blaze and hug Herobrine. What? This kid deserves SOME love.

He's done a lot and I realize it. But only to us. What about everyone else? He needs to learn something.

As bad as I feel about it, I kind of have to do it.

"You've been hugging me for awhile now." He laughs letting go of me.

"Sorry. I was just wrapped in my own thoughts." I chuckle and take out the blaze, and begin tackling the wall once again. The others follow my tracks.

It's getting a little boring so I decide to pop in a CD in the jukebox.

I begin to get the colored wool and place them on the ground, leaving a bright red streak on the ground.

I then place the beautiful orange wool. He is going to love his room.

The girls build him a bed, furnace, chests, a crafting table and a anvil, while he helps me create the rainbow floor.

We fill the walls with dark blue and black wool. It really turned out to be a master piece.

After about an hour of polishing his brand spanking new room, we call it a night.

As we ready to jump into our beds, we hear the spiders and zombies.

Ugh, so much for sleeping. I decide for myself to go kill them off when Herobrine offers to help.

"Sure. Why not!" I grab an extra sword and toss it to him.

"Be right back." We both call out to the girls.

"Have fun." Crazy replies sleepily.

We run up the stairs, quickly wanting to get this over with. I'm so tired.

We dig our way out and are immediately attacked by the mobs. I take one swipe and the spider is on fire. Herobrine finishes off the spider and kills the zombies coming after us.

"Well that was lovely." I yawn and begin to walk back.

"Wait! I want to show you this place I found. Trust me, the lake is beautiful. Like you." He smiles and I chuckle. When I'm about to accept I remember that dream.

"Um nah. I'm really tired. Maybe next time." I quickly reply without hesitation. I run back into our house and jump into my bed. I quickly pull the covers over my head and trying to make myself fall asleep.

I hear the door slam and a sigh. He goes into his bedroom and sleeps just like I do.

I wake up with a pounding headache. Ugh. I can't move. My body aches of pain from my head. It feels like someone has been banging symbols near my head for hours on end. I can't move without the feeling of nausea.

I try to get up but I just can't. I try to call out Crazy's name but I don't think she can hear me. So without vomiting I yell her name.

She slips in my room.

"What do you need?" She kindly asks.

"I.Feel.Like.Shittake mushrooms. Can you bring me some milk?" I ask her as sweetly as I can. She does so much and I'm glad she's here.

"Mhm. But later the girls and I are leaving to go mining. Maybe HE could stay with you." She grins sheepishly at me.

"Go get the milk." I very slightly laugh. She comes in a minute holding a cup of milk. She hands it to me and turn off my light and pops a movie in.

She walks over to his room... of course. A few minutes later he comes in and plops himself on the end of my bed leaning against the wall, and looks at me.

"What movie are we watching?"

"I think New Blocks (A/N: New Girl :))

"Nice." He smiles and looks back at the TV, I notice he slowly leans over towards me until he's laying on my legs.

"Go make a bed." I laugh and he goes and obviously builds a bed and puts it next to mine, trying to limit the amount of noise.

He lays next to me and when I assume he fell asleep, I try to get up and go into his room. It's more dark.

As I'm about to get up he sleepily says,

"Stay there. I will get you what you need." He sits up.

"I need a darker room and a smaller amount of TV light." He goes and dims the TV and puts blocks in the front of the door.

"That better?" He says. I reply with a small nod.

"But I'm real thirsty." He sighs and digs through my chest, looking for a case of water. He of course finds one because I always somehow have what I need around me.

He hands it to me and I slowly drink it, taking tiny sips not wanting to waste it.

It seems to have relieve my headache a little bit, but it still hurts like hell.

We lay there all day. Having a little campout in my room. All of a sudden, the girls break the stone blocking the doorway and plop their beds down next to me.

"We decided to have a sleepover. We brought apples,soup,milk water and soda." Crazy dumps a huge load of refreshments and food on my bed.

Everyone reaches to my bed and grab what they want. Arrows grabs me an apple and tosses it to me.

"We are going to stay up like kids and watch a scary movies all night." Catter says in a baby voice. We all laugh... besides me. My head has hurt more than ever. I shush them all and point towards the TV, queuing them to watch it.

We all fall asleep, besides Herobrine and I... of course. We lay on our sides to talk to each other about random things.

"So how long have you known them?" He questions.

"Ha... honestly for such a long time, I forgot!" He laughs.

"When did you build this house?"

"Actually not too long ago. Months or so ago." He replies with a simple exhale.

"Are you tired?" He rubs his eyes.

"Mhm." We both smile and close our eyes.

I can't help but thinking if this is wrong or not right now. I'm literally sleeping with four people beside me. I'm sleeping with people.

Oh my Notch, I'm so immature. Ugh, I'm going to sleep.

I wake up by another movie playing and everyone is laughing.

"Goodmorning sleepy-head." Herobrime states slightly shaking my leg and crawling up on my bed.

"Yesterday was perfect." I smile. Everyone looks at me and I look back at him and the light of his eyes are bright green.

Ruh-roh! What is up with da eyes?! Hehe!

Anyways, how did you like the chapter? :)

I don't have much to say but read Arrows new book! It's called Crafted Truce and so far it's BRILLIANT!

Anyways... hi! And uh bye. Haha sorry.


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