Nightime Light

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"What? WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?" I screech at the top of my lungs. My eyes. Purple? What the hell? Am I half ender something?

"Don't worry... they're beautiful." Herobrine slightly opens his mouth and inhales slowly.

"SHUT UP AND HELP ME!" Is that all he can say? What is wrong with me? Why is this just randomly happening. I get that this is a distorted server, but not this bad! My life is like a REAL human life that is supposed to play ME!

This can't be happening! I'm so angry and worried. And Herobrine pissed me off.

'Oh, there so beautiful.' Blah blah blah.

I mock him inside my head. But quickly snapping out of the annoying zone.

I begin to rub my eyes. And blink hard.

"Still there." He smirks, giving me a dumb smile that I just want to slap right off his damn face.

All of a sudden, he walks away from me, grabs a handful of water and splashes it into my face.

"Did it work?" I say, wiping the water from my face.

"Heh. No." He says rubbing his neck.

I begin tearing up. Why is this happening? I didn't do anything. Nothing!

"Want me to try it again?" He nods towards the water.

What the hell? I don't care, I just need to return normal.

He runs to the water and throws it in my face.

All of a sudden, I jerk up.

I'm in my room... with everyone surrounding me. Excluding Herobrine.

"What?" I look around, nauseous.

"You're alive!" Catter jokingly throws her hands up into the air and shaking.

"Aw lawd Notch, ya saved her! Ya SAVED HER!" Arrows follows along with the gesture.

Everyone began to burst out laughing.

Which gave me a pounding headache. I rubbed my temple, which relieved some pain.

"So... what happened?" I clenched my fists, feeling more pain in my head.

"You need to learn to take it slow... like, a lot!" Crazy walked in smiling.

"You were hammering it hard!" Catter yells.

I motion for her to take it down a bit. She mouths a 'sorry' and walks out of the room.

"Want some milk?" Arrows asks sheepishly, pretending to hug me and treat me like a baby.

She always cheered me up.

I can't get that dream out of my head. Purple glowing eyes? What the nether?

I have to admit, it would be cool to be part eender man. Teleporting everywhere.

Then came the love scene where Herobrine decided to shove his tongue down my throat.

And then... my, MY MEAT! MY LOVELY MEAT! Its gone... forever.
I can't stop thinking about that dream. What was it about? What does it MEAN?

Also when I was fighting him, that blue light... and everything.

THE LIGHT! I completely forgot about that since the arrival of Catter!

Maybe... maybe I should seek some help. Obviously something supernatural is happening to a normal human being like me.

Notches work? Maybe? Or maybe I'm immortal. Maybe I have powers?

I stand up and jump, trying to make myself fly. I close my eyes, and strain as I jump.

That's when a voice interrupts me.

"What the hell are you doing?" Crazy days as she scrunched her face, making it turn rather ugly.

"Trying to..." I trail off, embarrassed. I mean, who wouldn't be?

"Trying to...?" I can tell she's trying her hardest not to burst out laughing. Her face is just ready to explode of laughter.

"Fly." I nod my head side to side, waiting for a reaction.

After a few silent seconds I look up at her... and gaze into her eyes for a another few seconds and--


There's the laughter.

"Yeah yeah." I wave my hand in dismay of her presence.

She's laughing so hard, she sounds like a dying squid with arms... clapping like a mental, insane person.

"OKAY!" I yell at her, wanting her to stop before the other--

And there they are. Of course.

"What is so funny?" Arrows and Catter say in perfect sync.

Then Crazy BARELY chokes out,

"She looked like a stupid squid trying to fly!" And they start laughing. I wouldn't be talking.

I need to sleep... AGAIN!
•••••{***••***} (POV change; Herobrine)••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••


I keep repeating this same phrase in my head over and over again.

Am I honestly weak? Or is that dragon just being a smartass? If so, I would make my quest to slay the "magic dragon".

I pace around my castle, still repeating those results in my head.

Maybe he's right. Lately, I haven't been in the mood of killing people. I've been thinking about Mojo... and obviously you know, her friends.

She is sweet. I honestly can't deny it. I am somewhat attracted to her... I'm pretty sure it was her first impression. She quite literally stood up to me as I approached her, which was bold, sexy.

ALRIGHT! Enough with that... just, shh about that for now.

I've gotta get into a more protected place than this. One person knows where my stash is, then plenty will soon know.

I need help... if only so many people didn't hate me. Only one person... who KIND OF, just a bit, maybe likes me enough to help me?

Unless I destroyed her village or something like that earlier in her years but she doesn't look recognizable.

Eh, maybe. Whatever. I don't think she has the guts to kill me alone... but with people, yes most defiantly she or THEY would be able to impact me so much I fall over and die.

I wonder where I spawn? Another server? Do I stay in this server?

I've never really thought about this except when I met Mojo.

Mojo... It's her.

She's the strong one... the, the next ruler. Isn't she?

I mean she is muscular like a man but slim and chic like a girl. Which I must say, "wow" to.

But she is stronger than me... her pack is stronger than me.

Shit... I HAVE to get on their side. It's a must... I can't die like this... losing to, a few girls.

Alright, I guess it's early Valentine's Day this year.

Since the last update took SOO LONG! I'm giving you a surprise update... SUPRISE! ANyways, I must say..(sorry it's short, I just wanted to get it up today, I promise the next one will be long and full of cute things from Herobrine.. Aww) On the other hand...


*fangirls for a bit* Alright... done with that phase.

How are you liking the story so far? Huh? I get a few comments here and there with sweet, sweet compliments which makes me melt❤ I'm really glad you guys like it... cause I really like you too.


OKAY? I hope you know it(:

Anyways, if you hhaven't PLEASE READ There Is Another by 100arrowsshots... her book is great along with our friendship. Hear that Arrows? LOVE YA!




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