Loving "prude"

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I anxiously wait at the persons home, returning the supplies. After 30 minutes, I decide to explore the house.

I walk upstairs and see two bedrooms. One contains a bed, chest, and enchantment table. The other room is a empty guest room with a bed in it.

I notice a ladder leading up to the attic.

I climb the ladder and there's a beacon and chests full of valuables. On a wall, I see a picture.

It's a picture of the player and, wait. Is that Mojo?

What the nether? Is she friends with everybody? Damn....

Under the picture, it has a sign saying

'Mojo getting me back on my feet.'

Hmm... He must've hit bedrock in his life... Sucks for him, until Mojo came along... I can't believe I'm saying this but, she's very sweet. How can she do all of this without somehow giving out?

... Awkward. Okay, that's NEVER to e brought up in my head ever again... Ever.

After I finish exploring I walk down stairs and into the basement, or garden, shall I say.

All of a sudden, I hear a knock on the door.

I casually walk upstairs and see the human, not bothering to read his name.

He keeps standing outside the door, staring at me.

I lean on one leg, "what?"

"C-can I come i-in?" Are you serious? This is his damn house! ... Idiot.

"Get inside fool." I spin around. He nods and takes baby steps in.

"S-sir, I have 3 ender eyes and 2 of the chest blocks." Hmm, more than I expected.

"Okay so, that means?" I riddle towards him.

"I-I die?"

I'm so ready to kill him... I make sure my eyes are red before I approach him.

"NO! GO GET THE REST OF SUPPLIES! NOW!" He goes all wide eyed and trips, running outside.

As I'm waiting, I think about what happened to Mojo, Arrows, and Crazy.

And that blue light... What was that?

Aside from that, blue is defiantly Mojo's color.

Ugh. Seriously? I should've killed her the moment I laid eyes on her....

Actually, I'm glad I didn't. Revealing herself was quiet interesting. How uncomfortable she was. Ha! Her facial expression was priceless!

... I wonder where she is right now?
[***••***] (POV change;Mojo)
"Welcome home, Crazy!" I state, taking off my armour. Man, it felt good to be home.

"I can't explain how appreciative I am of you... Thank you." Crazy sweetly says, letting her fingers run against the wall.

"Anytime, glad to have you here." I reply kindly as I could... Living alone was a challenge and was fun, but now I have someone to keep me company, which is great!

"Wow, nice place! Can I live here?" Arrows jokes abruptly... Too early to joke about that.

Instead of saying something, I shot her a look and she smugly smirked back... This is why we are friend!

"Today was pretty... Eventful...I can't wait to sleep." I said yawning, plopping onto the couch. It felt so good to get a rest.

"Bad timing but, do you mind if I crash here? It's late and I'm sore." Arrows questions while staring as Crazy decorated her new room.

"Go ahead." I motion and pat the couch.

"Great... So, I noticed today..." Arrows started, "you and Herobrine... He seemed rather, find of you."

Um excuse me? Were you not there this afternoon? He tried KILLING us!

"Funny..." I scowl at her.

"Seriously! Why didn't he kill you when you first met, and why did he invite you to his home?" She points out obvious facts.

"Uh 1. He must've not been in the mood. 2. He invited BOTH of us!" Can't she get it? He hates everyone and everything! Why do you think he's the most feared human? I mean, immortal human... Cuz he KILLS people, and he's powerful.

Arrows remarks with a click of her tongue.

"I'm going to bed now... And Mojo, seriously... Sleep on it?" She crashed her head into the pillow, and falls asleep.

I walk into my room and jump on my bed. I wonder where Herobrine is right now?

[***••***] (POV change; Herobrine)

I lay awake in my bed, just relaxing when a flash of an image pops into my head. It's impossible to blink it away.

I see a room, a bed and a person in bed. Its Mojo... I feel like I'm stalking her... watching her lay in bed.

But she's not asleep....

The image is slowly scratching away. Right before it was about to clear away, Mojo's faded voice said,

'I wonder where Herobrine is right now?'



Just wow.

1. That's exactly what I said, but with her name. 2. Uh, she wanted to kill me earlier... she actually almost did, so, did she care or what?

I'm absolutely confused...

Is she a loving prude or just a prude?•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

You know, I've been waiting for 2 days for that portal to be given. I can't be waiting forever. So, I decided to pay him a visit.

In a snap of my fingers, I'm in his house. I take a look around... wait, light... the torches are gone.

I checked the chests... nothing but junk.

Ugh! That IDIOT! He has no clue what he's done... I get my items and I kill him.

I take another look around and discover... nothing.


I take out my axe and chop his house all the way down to nothing.

I'm will find him, and I will kill him.

The last line😏👌 I just had toXD Anyways, the SOPA thing is almost demolished.. Yay!!

I'm glad, aren't you? lol (hasn't been edited, and it's written on my phone so there will be grammar mistakes, sorry about that)

Anyways, be SURE to read There is Another by: 100arrowsshot





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