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The rain had fallen quickly down onto the group of people riding on their horses. Prince Zen was leading the group in the forest. You were laying down in a large tree, practically asleep after a long day of hunting. You, however, were awoken by the hard rain. You jumped down from the tree and tried to find shelter, but was only met with the group of people on the horses.

And that was when the string connected.

You quickly grabbed out your sword and motioned it towards the group no bigger than five. There were two girls and three men all on horses. You looked up at the one on the white horse as he stared down at you with a reassuring smile. "We mean no harm!" He shouted.

You nodded and put your sword away and shivered from the cold. You had felt light-headed and stared to fall back and soon darkness had taken over your vision.

"We can't just leave her here Master." The cat-like boy said with a worried face as he stared down at you. Your h/c hair had been dirtied with the mud.

"Obi is right, I'll feel bad if we just leave her here. She can get very sick, and she probably already is. I'll treat her, so it will be okay." The red-haired girl had added and Prince Zen had nodded. They carried you and placed you behind Mitsuhide.  They continued riding back to the castle and once they arrived, they placed you in a spare guest room where Shirayuki had watched over you.

You soon awoken to the sound of glass bottles clashing against each other and saw the girl from earlier with a smile on her face. You weakly smiled back but quickly came to your senses. You had no idea where you were.

You jumped up and quickly looked around the place. There were classy curtains and you were laying in a quiet awfully large bed.

"E-Excuse me Miss, where am I? And I would like to know who you are, too." She nodded and quickly grabbed her medicine bottles. "I am Shirayuki, a court herbalist in the kingdom of Clarines. You are currently in the castle. I will go get Zen, and I will be back shortly." She smiled. She took all of her things and left, leaving you lay there confused. Why would they take up a girl that was hunting?

A boy with white hair and deep blue eyes had entered the room with a genuine smile, walking towards you. "Hello, are you doing alright?" You nodded but flinched as you looked down at the bruises on your arm from when you were fighting with that man earlier that tried to kidnap and sell you. Little did he know you were a strong lady.

"Well, I'm sorry to ask you these things so soon, but, I would like to know why you where in the forest so late at night in the rain?" He sat down next you, waiting for an answer. Sighing, you had said, "I had lived in the forest for most of my life, so I was laying down in the trees. That was until the rain became very hard. I woke up and tried to find some shelter, and so I came across you." His eyes widened in disbelief.

"So how did you stay alive all these years?" He asked. "Well, my mother was good with medicine and herbs so she taught me how to use those. I learned how to hunt and fight with practice... So I have a few weapons that I know how to use fairly well." You smiled.

He nodded. "When you get better, can I see what you can do?" Your eyes brighten with happiness. "I would love too-" You where cut off by the pain in your lower chest as you flinched. Shirayuki looked in worry down at you. She noticed the purple bruise and picked it up without pressure.

"What had happened to you?" She asked.

"Uh.. Ha... See, what happened was, this guy was fighting with me because he tried to kidnap me and everything. I had beat him up, but I got a few bruises around my body while doing so." You brought your two hands up and shaking them back and forth. "I'm okay though, really. I also had some herbs in my bag when I got here so I can use those." You laughed awkwardly and they stared at you and sweat dropped.

"Oh my gosh, what manners do I have. What is your name?" He smiled, looking down at you.

"My name is f/n l/n. Please call me f/n though, I don't really like being called by my last name." He smiled. "Alright then, how about in a few days why don't you show me what you are capable of in the courtyard. I'll get Obi to show you where it is." He started to get up and he dusted his jackets. He waved a goodbye as you did the same. Shirayuki smiled at you.

"I'll let you get some rest then, f/n." You nodded and when she left you sighed heavily.

"What have I gotten myself into?" You chuckled.


A few days passed and you put on your clothes and tied your hair into a h/l ponytail. Sighing, you placed a few loose hairs behind you ears and smiled to yourself as you look in the mirror. While grabbing your things, you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in!" You yelled. The large door opened and there stood the cat-like man from a few days ago. You smiled, trying to make a good impression on him. "Hello, you must be Obi." You walked over, lending you hand out for him to shake. He did so and smirked. "That is me. Nice to meet you, Miss."

"Well, can you show me the way?" He nodded and you both walked side by side. He led you into a large open room next to a green garden. There were many wooden swords and a bow and arrow. You saw that there were three people. Prince Zen, and two other people who seemed to be his gaurds. "Hello! This is Kiki and Mitsuhide." They both waved with a small smile.

"So... What would you like me to do?" You asked while looking around the grand room. There were many details in the pillars and the floor was exceptionally clean. "What I would like you to do is fight either Obi, Mitsuhide, or Kiki. Just to show how good you are with a sword. They are all extremely good with swords, so just choose whomever." You looked around and stared at the three. They all stood there in silence, while Obi had a smirk on his face. He seemed the most powerful, so you had gone with him.

"Obi. I'd like to fight Obi." He nodded. You and Obi quickly got swords and stood in your stances. You attacked first and he dodged, but the second time you attacked, you didn't miss. You broke the wooden sword and it quickly left him with nothing. You tried to hit him in his left leg, but he quickly knocked the sword out of your hands. You brought your two fists up and hit him in the stomach. He attacked you and pulled you to the ground. Obi was on top of you, smirking. He thought he won, but you caught him off guard. You pushed him up and now you were on top of him. You grabbed his two fists and he was unable to move.

"I. Win." You whispered. You got up and winked at him while he had smiled.

"That was amazing, f/n!" Zen spoke. You curtsied and chuckled.

"F/n... How would you like to be my aide?"


YAAyy. I was inspired to do this while reading another Obi x Reader and I realized that there weren't many and i was like 'i have to'


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