28. Isolated

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~Dedicated to: Michaels_Cupcake

You've been here since like the start of the book and you always comment/vote and ilysm thank you<333~


-Michael's POV-

"How could you fuçking choose Calum over me?! He's a fuçking co-worker for fuçks sake!" Luke yells out and knocks something over though I can't tell what since he told me to keep my head forwards and I don't really feel like breaking a rule with him right now.

"I didn't." I say quietly not wanting to upset him any further.

"Shut up." he growls and sends another slap to my ass. I cry out in pain as this is probably the sixtieth hit to my ass and I'm not quite sure how much more I can take. Luke and I never came up with a safe word but I'm sure if we and I tried to use it right now it wouldn't work.

I can hear Luke pacing back and forth across the room, probably deciding what he wants to do to me. I can feel my ass burning from all the hits it's taken and I wouldn't be surprised if it were bright red at this point. It's been abused so much already but I have a feeling that won't be the end of it. Luke stops pacing and walks towards another part of the room, more specifically towards his... play time drawer in his dresser. I can only seem him out of the corner of my eye but I know that's where he's going, there's no doubt in my mind. Luke walks so he's standing beside me and holds something behind his back.

"Close your eyes."


"Did I fuçking stutter? Close your fuçking eyes or I'll get the paddle." he barks at me and I close my eyes immediately. Luke has shown me the paddle before but he's never actually used it on me. He said that he felt it needed to be used for if I was ever bad enough. Well, suppose this is the time. I feel Luke slip something over my head and I can tell it's a blindfold. Great, now I won't even be able to see anything and I can't move.

What happens next really scares the ever living shít out of me. I feel Luke tapping my bottom lip and telling me to open my mouth. I do as he says and something is being inserted into my mouth.

A gag.

So no speaking, no seeing, and no moving. This is going to be great... Suppose I'm not going anywhere now, am I? My whole plan to leave and let him cool off is completely ruined. Although I should have known that the moment he told me to go upstairs.

I try to make a noise of objection but Luke simply shushes me.

"You were really fuçking bad today, Michael and I'm doing this because you fuçking deserve it. When we first became boyfriends I told you I would be your Daddy and punish you when you need it. So don't fuçking whine to me." Luke says harshly and I become silent.

"That's more like it." he approves. Everything was beginning to hurt at this point, not only my ass but...as much as I hate to admit it, my díck is throbbing and hurts like hell. I just want Luke to touch me so I can çum but I know there is no way in hell that is happening.

"Now, you're going to stay here and think about what you did, baby." Luke tells me and I relax slightly because he's beginning to use nicknames for me again.

"So, I think about an hour will do." And I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. I make a noise that sounds somewhat like whine and groan but Luke simply chuckles. How could he just leave me here like this?! I'm tied up and completely vulnerable not to mention I'm in a bunch of pain.

"Don't worry, I'll be back. For now you can feel as helpless as I felt when I didn't know where you were." he growls out before I hear footsteps fading away. I try to call out for him but of course it doesn't do anything. My hopes rise a bit when the footsteps become loud again. Maybe he realizes how crazy he's being and will let me out of this punishment or well at least tone it down.

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