Home Sweet Home Again

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A week after the harvest Festival Lily and the children were up early to make the trip into town to pick up the hog. They had a quick breakfast of biscuits with butter and jam and scrambled eggs. Before Lily had taken two bites however she heard a horse neigh just outside the front door. Telling the children to stay put she walked to the door, picking up her riffle as she went. Cautiously she opened the door to see a man about ten feet away getting off a horse. Turning towards Lily his eyes went wide. The most beautiful dark blue eyes Lily had ever seen. He was tall with broad shoulders. Thick dark hair reached the collar of his shirt and curled at the ends. The beginning of a beard shadowed his jaw, with lips set in a grim line.

He found his voice before Lily. "Who are you?" He questioned in a deep voice that had a slight southern accent. He waited for her reply, as he looked at her from head to toe. Once his eyes looked into Lily's again she finally said, "My name is Lily. I've been living here. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson sent me out here. They said they knew the owner and would talk to him about selling me the property. Are you the owner?" She asked. "Yes, I am. My name is Toby. I'm really not interested in selling though. Why didn't you just stay at the boarding house?" His voice began to rise slightly, making Lily start to tremble. She gripped the riffle tighter and took a deep breath. "Well sir, I have two children. The cost to stay in the boarding house would be too much for me over a long period on time. I needed a home for them, you see. Perhaps we could ride into town and talk to Betty and John. We were headed in ourselves. They told me you would go there first anyway." She spoke so fast she wasn't sure he even understood what she said. "Lead the way." Was all he said, as he led his horse toward the barn. "We'll be ready in just a few minutes." She said going back into the cabin.

In the kitchen Anne and Daniel looked at her expectantly. "The man who owns this property is here. He is going to ride into town with us." Lily explained. Quickly cleaning up she made a sandwich of biscuit and egg to give to the man. She wrapped it in a cloth napkin that she had made. They went out to the barn to find Toby already hitching the mules to the wagon. As Lily approached she held out the sandwich to him. "I can do that while you eat. By the way, this is Anne and Daniel." Turning to the children she told them, "This is Mr. Toby." They each said polite hellos. Toby took the sandwich from Lily saying his thanks. The children climbed up into the wagon. "It's ready to go." Toby said as he walked to his horse taking a bite as he went. He finished the sandwich in no time and tucked the napkin into his jacket pocket.

The trip into town seemed fast. Lily's mind was racing.Thinking this man was just here to come home. He would never sell the property to her. She would just have to find somewhere else to live. But she and the children worked so hard to get everything in order and ready for the winter.She was so deep in thought that when the wagon jerked to a stop she was surprised. They were just outside John and Betty's barn. Anne and Daniel jumped down right away. Lily closed her eyes and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again Toby was standing there holding out his hand to help her down from the wagon. Tentatively Lily took his hand and climbed down. They followed the children into the back door.

Betty was standing at the stove stirring a pot of stew. Looking up her eyes went wide. "Toby you're back!" She yelled excitedly as she threw arms around the man. "John! John come quick, Toby's home!" She yelled. She stepped away from him but kept her hands on his arms looking him over. "My goodness you've gotten bigger." She said. John stepped over to them and embraced the man as well. "It's good to see you." John said. "Come in. Sit and tell us how you've been." The two men sat at the table while Lily told Betty that she and the children would go to the mercantile to pick up a few personal items. Then they would go by Joan's for a bit. "That way you have time to catch up." She told Betty. "That's a great idea. We'll see you in a little while then." Betty smiled.

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