Finding Unexpected Justice

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Lily slowly opened her eyes to the dim light of the early morning. A smile graced her lips when she felt her husband's lips making a slow journey south along her ribs. "You are never going to get an rest at this rate." Lily said in a sultry voice. "Though I most certainly am not complaining." "I just can't get enough of you." Toby said as he finally reached his destination. Lily cried out as the orgasm hit her fast and hard, while Toby's mouth and tongue made her come undone. They made love again as the sun came up, and brightened the room. 

Later they sat at the kitchen table eating when they heard a loud banging sound coming from the barn. "I'll go see what it is." Toby said standing. Grabbing the shot gun from the wall near the front door he opens the door. Looking back he blows a kiss to Lily then turns and walks out. Lily clears the table, washes the dishes and puts everything away. She hears a shot ring out. The blood draining from her face as fear gripped her heart. She races to the door, then pauses. Quickly she grabs the gun that Toby had put in the kitchen near the side door. Slowly exiting the front door she looks toward the barn. Slowly Lily made her way to the barn pausing every few feet to listen. She could hear scuffling just on the other side of the barn door. Putting the barrel of the gun in the door first she slowly eased it open. Letting out a gasp at the sight in front of her. 

Toby had a man hog tied on the barn floor. The man was dirty and smelled terrible. He fought against the ropes yelling out as much as he could with the gag in his mouth. "Lily, keep that gun on him while I hitch up the wagon. We need to get him to town, to the sheriff." Toby said still trying to catch his breath. Lily shook as she held the gun on the intruder. Toby worked quickly and lifted the man into the back of the wagon like he was a sack of flour. Once on the road into town Toby explained. "I walked into the barn to find this man looking through things. He said he was gonna take you. That he was owed for coming this far and he was going to take you as payment." Lily was shocked. Why would anyone want to take her for payment. Payment for what exactly? It was all so confusing. "I heard a gun shot. Are you alright?" She asked Toby. "I'm fine sweet heart. I let off a shot to scare him. Then I jumped him and tided him up. He kept talking about some attorney that paid him to look for you. Said he nearly had you a few times. This attorney was from the town where  you had lived before." Lily felt a sudden wave of dizziness. What was this lawyer looking for her for? Did he know about what really happened that night with Robert? Toby must have seen the fear on her face. He pulled her to him whispering in her ear. "Don't worry love, you have me with you now. Everything will be fine."

Once they reached town Toby went  straight to the sheriff's office. He carried the man in, telling Lily to stay in the wagon. A few moments later he came back out and climbed back in the wagon. "We are going to go to Betty and John's. We'll come back here in about an hour. Ethan said that attorney, Mr. Sharin, is in town and wanted to talk to you." He said. Soon they were at Betty's Place and the children were running into their arms. They spent the next hour telling Betty and John of the intruder while the children played in the yard. 

Once back at Sheriff Wilson's office they explained the whole story again. "I think I understand some of this." A man said from near the office door. Standing Ethan introduced everyone. "Lily, Toby, this is Mr. Sharin. He came to town late yesterday inquiring about you." Mr Sharin shook Toby's hand and placed a kiss on Lily's. "I believe a congratulations is in order. " He said smiling. "Now let's get on with why I'm here." Mr. Sharin said as he settled into a chair across from Lily and Toby. Ethan leaned against his desk. "This man that you brought in. His name is Jack. I did hire him to track you down for me, he didn't lie about that. I have some information for you about your mother's family. It came in to me about two days after you left town." He said as he pulled an envelope from his inner jacket pocket and handed it to Lily. Slowly Lily opened the envelope. 

The letter was from another attorney explaining that a woman by the name of Lilith Anne Lancaster had passed away. She had a daughter who had ran away when she was young to marry. Mrs. Lancaster had later found out where her daughter had moved to and also learned of her granddaughter. Though her daughter didn't know that Mrs. Lancaster knew where she was or about the baby. Over the years Mrs. Lancaster watched from afar as this little girl grew into a woman. When Lily, her namesake, turned 15 Mrs. Lancaster became ill and could no longer "visit". She became bedridden for years. But she always said that she wanted her granddaughter to have everything when she passed.  Lily looked up at Toby after Mr. Sharin finished explaining. He wiped the tears from her cheeks and kissed her forehead. "I'm so sorry." He whispered.

After a few moments of silence Mr. Sharin cleared his throat. "Well, I have taken care of matters for you." He said as he handed her another paper. "This is your bank information. Though your name is now changed. I can go with you to get that taken care of right away. I am sorry for your loss and I am sorry to have sent that man to look for you. It was only later that I found out he was not the right sort to send in search of you." Turning in his chair, he looked to Ethan. "By the way Sheriff." He paused and took more papers out of his jacket pocket handing them to Ethan. "Have an arrest warrant for Jack. After I had paid him he insisted that he continue to go after Lily, even though I had told him his job was finished. So I began to look further into his background. He has two murders hanging over his head." Ethan whistled as looked at the warrants in his hands. "You two are very luck indeed." He said to Lily and Toby.

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