Sinister Clouds

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The campfire burned low as Jack settled in for the night. He had watched the cabin closely for two weeks. She was there and he would have her. To hell with Mr. High-and-Mighty Davies. His message to leave the woman be was burning in his campfire now. Apparently Mr. Davies was the attorney to whom she had spoken with before she left for the west. He had sold her property off for her, but only gave her a portion of the value. He had held onto the remainder of the money until she was settled somewhere. He was then to send the money along to her. Mr. Davies paid Jack to follow her in order to know where she would settle. He paid Jack a little each time he sent news of her whereabouts, with the full payment once the woman settled. 

But she had bested him. She slipped through his fingers as no other had. With a full wagon and two children at that. No one ever bested him and lived to tell about it. He would take her when she was alone doing the wash. He would make her send a letter to Mr. Davies requesting her money. Then he would do as he pleased to her. He would teach her for slipping away from him. Jack grinned as he lightly tapped his riding crop on his thigh. Through the trees he watched as the lights were extinguished on by one. Oh yes! I will show you how to submit to me bitch. I will bend you over and whip you like the bitch you are and take my pleasure when and how I choose

In the cabin Lily tucked Anne and Daniel in bed for the night. They would again sleep in the loft. Toby said he would sleep on the floor in front of the hearth as he had done before. He was laying out a quilt as she came in. He smile up at her. That smile that turned her inside out. He held his hand out to her. "Join me?" She bit her lip and slowly placed her hand in his. He lightly tugged her to him. Lily focused on the patch of his chest she could see where his shirt hung open. Toby tucked a stand of hair behind her ear then slowly traced her jaw with his fingers. Lifting her chin so she would look him in the eye. "I am not your husband yet and I will not do anything that you don't want me to do...ever. Do you trust me in that?" "Yes." She said quietly. He sat on the quilt and silently urged her to do the same. After a moments hesitation she spoke. "I know that you would never hurt me intentionally Toby. I have been hurt badly before. I have.....I have scars." Looking away she took a deep breath and continued. "I don't want you to look at me in disgust Toby. I may not be able to be what you want." Coming to kneel in front of her Toby took her hands in his. "You are everything I want and more. I have scars too."

Toby stood before her as he unbuttoned his shirt. When it dropped to the floor he took her hand again bringing it to his shoulder. "You've seen this I'm sure. A bullet grazed me." He said as she felt the two inch long scar. Then he guided her hand low on his abdomen where another scar ran from just below his ribs to his hip. "I was attached by a man while I was out trapping last year. He though that I was someone else. After we had fought for a time, and he stabbed me, he finally looked me in the eye and realized his mistake." He turned his back to her slightly so she could see the large scar that ran across his back. "My father whipped me when I tried to stop him from hitting my mother. I was thirteen and he ended up killing her anyway. I never went back to that place and I swore I would never lay a hand on a woman or child." Lily looked into his eyes. "My turn." She whispered so low he wasn't sure he even heard her. 

Lily turned her back to him and began unbuttoning her blouse. Her heart thudding against her chest, she let it drop to the floor. Toby never said a word but she could feel him watching her every move. Closing her eyes she lifted her chemise over her head and dropped it with her blouse. She heard the sharp intake of breath and held her own. When he said nothing she told him her own story. "On my wedding night my husband said that I would have to do as he said or he would make me sorry. I fought him as much as I could. He beat me until I was unconscious. When I woke I found that he had taken what he wanted from me. Then he branded me he said." There were three slash marks across her back about four inches long each. There were also other scars scattered across her back. Some that looked like burns. His blood ran cold. Taking a deep breath he steadied himself then took a step forward. Lily stiffened when she felt Toby's lips on her shoulder. His finger tips brushed light as a feather up her arms. Then he trailed kisses across to her other shoulder and up her neck. At her ear he whispered. "You are the most breathtaking woman in the world. I find it hard to keep my hands to myself." He kissed her once again on her shoulder. "And my lips." 

His hot breath on her skin and his gentle touch made her knees weak. Toby slowly trailed his fingertips down her back to where her skirt began at her waist. Then moved his hand around flattening his palm on her stomach. He continued kissing her as he came around to the front of her, kissing her lips thoroughly. He pulled away slightly to look into her eyes. She felt like she was flying. He was still kissing her even after seeing her horribly marked body. He looked down at her breasts now and a low growl sounded in his throat. "May I kiss you here too?" He asked. She could not find her voice so she lightly nodded her yes. He dipped his head down and instead of kissing her breast as she expected he kissed the small scar that ran down between them. A tear slid down her cheek and he kissed that too. Lily ran her hand through his hair and he kissed her again until they were both breathless. 

Toby picked up her blouse and handed it to her. "We need to get to sleep. We have an early morning." He said unsteadily. "Besides, I cannot promise that I would be able to stop if this went any further." He looked deep into her eyes. "I want you very badly right now. You are so beautiful." Running his fingers along her shoulders he leaned down and kissed her cheek. "I do love you. I hope you know that. No matter the scars, inside and out. I have them too. Scars fade sweetheart. They may never go away completely, but with time they fade." He kissed her one last time and walked her to the bedroom door. Lily paused and looked up to him. "Thank you, Toby. I love you too." She whispered. "Tomorrow?" "Tomorrow, what?" He asked. "Will you marry me tomorrow?"

All of the breath left his lungs. His heart near to bursting. "Don't you want a true wedding. A dress and flowers and guests?" He searched her face. "I have a dress that would be fine. I'm sure Betty will give me some flowers from her garden. The only thing I truly you." She said with a shy smile. "Then tomorrow it is my love." He said grinning ear to ear. Looking out the window he saw storm clouds gathering. "Let's hope the ran stops by morning. The road into town will be very muddy, but we'll make it fine." Lily looked out the window too. "I don't know." She said shivering. "Those clouds look very....sinister. Though I can't say that it would stop me from making it into town." "I will be right there with you." With a quick kiss Lily went to bed and Toby laid down on the quilt on the floor. He knew he wouldn't get much sleep tonight. Or tomorrow night. He thought with a smile. 

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