Hold My Hand

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The next morning everyone was awake long before the sun. Toby made quick work of feeding the animals while Lily made a quick breakfast of ham and toast. She put the food into a basket so that they could eat on the way into town. She made sure Anne and Daniel were dressed warmly and gave them each two blankets to carry out to the wagon. Toby pulled the wagon right up to the porch as it was still drizzling. They all climbed into the wagon quickly and were ready to go within minutes. Once the wagon was on the road in the woods Lily passed out the food. Excitement sizzled in the air. The rain did nothing to hamper the mood.  The road was a little muddy in the woods. The road from the woods to town was the biggest concern. They could become stuck in the mud. Lily hoped there would be no problems. 

Toby took it slowly from the woods into town. When he pulled the wagon up to the back porch everyone heaved a collective sigh of relief. The wagon and mules were muddy, but they didn't get stuck. Toby lifted Anne and Daniel out first. He took his time with Lily, letting her body slide down his oh so slowly. She was so lovely. Lily giggled as he set her on her feet. She blushed beautifully making Toby's heart swell. "I will put the wagon and mules away. Then I will come in for a quick cup of coffee and explain to my Aunt and Uncle our plan. So you must not say a word until I get in there. After that I will run down to the pastor and bring him on down. That is if you still want to marry me?" A smile lit up Lily's face. "Of course I want to marry you!" She kissed him quickly. "Now hurry!"


Up on the ridge, looking down Jack could see no movement. It was getting late and someone should have been out by now. No one went to milk the stupid goat. No one fed the chickens or other live stock. There wasn't even any smoke coming from the chimney. What is going on? Slowly making his way down the hill side he kept an eye on the cabin. At the edge of the woods he crouched behind the big apple tree. Straining to hear the slightest sound inside. Nothing. He crept closer to peek into a window. Nothing. Everyone was gone. But when? How did he not hear them? Again she had gotten away from him. Damn it! Town. They had to have gone into town. Checking the barn, sure enough the wagon was gone. How long had they been gone? At least an hour. He raced back up the hill. He would find her. If he was lucky he would get her without any issues. Tie her up, gag her, put her on his horse and ride out of town. He could keep her for his own pleasure. Then kill her when he was done using her, slowly. He licked his lips picturing her succulent little ass up in the air while he took her hard and fast. Damn it! Had to find her first.


Toby came into Betty's kitchen soaked to the bone. The rain had picked up and he was glad to be back in the warmth. All eyes were on him waiting to see if the pastor would preform the ceremony. Toby smiled wide and his eyes twinkled. Not saying a word as he took off his boots by the door. "I would say that smile means we will be having a wedding tomorrow." Betty announced.  Slowly Toby walked over to where Lily sat at the table. Leaning down he kissed her gently on her neck and whispered in her ear. "If you'll have me, he will be here in two hours." Then he kissed her once more when she gasped.

Just two hours and I will be married to this wonderful, loving, gently, extremely hansom man. Lily thought. She blushed deeply and smiled tentatively at him.  "I would love to." She whispered back to him. His smiled brightened as he looked into her eyes. Straightening Toby looked around the table. "If you don't mind Aunt Betty, would you and Anne," he said looking back to Anne as he continued. "help Lily get ready? And if you, Uncle John and Daniel don't mind helping me? The pastor will be here soon and I don't want to have him waiting." The room was silent as Toby and Lily looked lovingly at one another. "You mean to tell me there will be a wedding here...in my house?" Betty looked aghast. "Why not at the church tomorrow Toby? You haven't even invited anyone. There will be no one to know of your union." Taking a deep breath Toby came to sit next to his aunt. "The only people we need are here in this room. Lily and I don't want to make a fuss. Besides, from what I've been told everyone considers us married already. We would like to have a nice party out at the house later on, when we have good weather."

After a few moments more of silence Betty slammed her hand down hard on the table. "Let's get you ready for your wedding Miss! Times a waist'n." Standing she began to shoo the men from the room. "Hurry on now. Find him something to wear John. Daniel, you can move the chairs in front of the fire place back against the wall." Betty bustled about, setting water on to boil, and yelling for Mary. Once Lily tried to rise to help gather what was needed, but Betty pressed her back down in the chair. "Mary, go to the attic, there is a trunk marked with flowers and vines. Inside you will find a gown wrapped in tissue. Bring that down along with my sewing basket. Anne, help me get that bath in here by the fire."

After nearly an hour and a half Betty declared Lily ready to wed. Betty, Mary and Anne walked into the dining room to make sure the men where in the living room and all ready to proceed. Lily stepped in front of a tall mirror that was situated near the front entrance. Is this really me? She thought. Miss Betty certainly had out done herself. The long silk ivory gown was beautifully made. There were small pearls sewn into the skirt and Betty had adorned her hair to match. Giving her a set of pearl earrings and matching necklace. Lily blushed. She didn't remember feeling so excited when she married before. She was more afraid then. Knowing that Toby was the man just in the other room waiting for her sent butterflies loose in her belly. Taking a deep breath she turned to face Betty and Anne. "Are the men ready?" "Dear, if we wait too much longer I'm afraid Toby will wear a hole threw my floor. The question is, are you ready?" Betty said taking Lily's hands in her own. "I am." Lily whispered as she smiled shyly. "Then let's not keep him waiting."

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