Taking Our Time

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Lily took a deep breath when Toby began to undress. She had never seen all of him before, and he was a large man. A very large man. "Lily?" Toby stood still looking at her with concern. She was seated at the table where he had sat her after her bath. Now wrapped in only a blanket, she still felt like he could see her nakedness. She slowly ran her eyes up his body, meeting his eyes. "Yes." She breathed. "Love, are you alright?" Toby started to move toward her. Putting her hand up to stop him she said, "I'm alright Toby. Please, get your bath before the water is too cold." Toby swallowed hard, then turned to get in the tub, giving her a wonderful view of his backside.

After Toby settled into the tub and began to quickly wash Lily ate. She was only able to eat a few bites however, as her eyes continued to go back to Toby. When Toby began to wash his hair she stood and walked over to him. He looked up at her with shock when she let the blanket slide off of her. His eyes roamed her body and his breathing quickened. Lily knelt on the floor behind the tub as Toby had done with her. She finished washing his hair for him, rinsing carefully. Then she washed his back, shoulders, then around to his chest. When her hands began to slide lower Toby put his hands over hers, turning his head to look her in the eye. "Love, as much as I want to continue right this minute, this water is getting very cold." Placing a quick kiss to her lips he stood. Lily helped him to dry, wanting to touch him as much as she could. 

Standing in the kitchen, naked, they stood looking into one another's eyes. Not touching, not speaking. Toby raised his hand to Lily's face, caressing her cheek, then running his thumb along her bottom lip. Lowering his head he kissed her gently. When Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled their bodies together, Toby lost all control. His hands rubbing from her shoulders down her arms then back up again. Around behind her shoulders, along her spine, stopping just above her bottom. Then grabbing her hips, and then pushing her away. Breathing heavy, they both took a moment to collect themselves. But only a moment. Toby quickly gathered Lily into his arms and carried her into the bedroom.

Laying her down gently, he placed a quick kiss to her lips. "I'm going to check the fire real quick." He said and was out the door. Leaving Lily laying in bed nervously waiting his return. Oh, I am so nervous. She thought to her self. Quickly ran her fingers through her hair to fix it a little. Then she tucked herself under the blankets. She wasn't cold at all, but was suddenly very shy at Toby seeing her body. When he came back into the room he had a tray with drinks, warm bread and butter. Lily watched him in awe. He was not shy at all and he had no reason to be. He was beautiful. Lily liked her lips, unaware that Toby was just standing there at the side of the bed looking at her. 

He grabbed a hold of the blankets and started to pull them away from her. Lily held on to them tightly. "Let go sweetheart." Toby said in a husky tone. With her heart racing Lily let go and he finished pulling the blanket away. She was sitting up with the pillows propping her up. Toby knelt on the bed beside her grabbing her ankle. Bringing her foot up to him mouth he began kissing her slowly from heal to the back of her knee. While stroking her other leg, slowly making his way up to her thigh. Toby could see that she was still tense. He stopped and grabbed her hands in his and began kissing from the tips of her fingers to her elbow. Moving slowly back and forth between each arm. Until again he stopped and pulled her to a sitting position, then kissing her lips. When Lily began to relax, she wrapped her arms around Toby's shoulders. Taking that as a good sign Toby slowly lowered her back onto the pillows. Ever so slowly he ran his hands over her body. Sending shivers all over Lily. She sucked in a deep breath when his hand reached her breast. Toby being Toby though was very, very gentle and very, very thorough.

He wanted to give her as much pleasure as he could. Reluctantly he pulled away from her lips but found that every other part of her was just as tasty. From her jaw to her ear, her neck to her collarbone, her shoulder to her breast, and the beautiful nipples that were hard for him. Just as he was hard for her. Kissing and sucking and nipping he lost himself in loving her. Moaning, Lily pulled Toby to her, but he had other plans. Slowly he began moving down her body. When he reached his destination he spread her open with his fingers and kissed her lightly at her core. Lily jumped at the new feeling. "T-Toby...w-what are you d-doing?!" She stuttered. He smiled up at her as his fingers danced along her opening. "I'm loving you." He said in a husky tone. "Lay back down and relax my love. I will take my time with you. I promise." And he did just that, until Lily could hold back no more. "Toby, oh please...please.." She breathed. He gave her just what she needed as he quickened his pace. When Lily shattered it was something unbelievably amazing. A feeling she had never felt before took over her body. She felt weightless and he body tingled everywhere. 

Toby looked down at Lily. Lord, she was so beautiful. She lay still trying to catch her breath. Toby had other plans though. He wanted her breathless all night. Slowly he kissed his way up her body. Slowly she opened her eyes and watched as he kissed along her ribs then up to her breast. Flicking his tongue across each nipple before lightly biting. Finally making it to her mouth, he kissed her just as gently as the very first time. Then slowly stretched out his body on top of hers, settling between her legs. Propping himself on his elbow to keep most of his weight off of her, he placed his hand to the back of her neck and deepened the kiss. With his free hand he brought her leg over his hip as he guided his member to her. Slowly entering her heat he moaned low. Once he was in her fully he stopped. Lily had gripped his shoulders tightly. "I'm I hurting you sweetheart?" Toby asked. "No,no. It's just that you are a large man, and it has been a long time."

Toby began kissing her slowly. Showing her all his love. The kiss deepened and Lily began to move under him. Gradually her pace quickened. Toby stilled. "Love we must... slow down or... this will be over... far too soon." He told her between breaths. "I...I..need you...now!" She moaned loudly. That was enough for Toby as he quickened his own pace and kissed her everywhere he could. The both cried out at their release. After they caught their breaths Toby smiled at Lily. "Oh, my love. I just wanted us to take our time. But that, that was amazing!" Lily giggled. "We could always try again." She said. "Yes. Yes we could." He said in a husky tone as began to kiss her lips softly. 

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