A Family for Christmas

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On Christmas Eve everyone went about the daily chores as they normally would. After lunch Lily took Anne and Daniel into the kitchen and had them help her with the baking. They made a cake, bread and two pies. The day went by with games and after dinner some storytelling. Toby suggested that Anne and Daniel both sleep in the loft. "You can take the bedroom." He said to Lily. "I'll sleep here in front of the hearth." Then he came close and whispered in Lily's ear, "This way we can get everything under the tree later." Smiling he turned to Anne and Daniel telling them that they need to get to bed soon. Without questioning him, both children gave Lily a hug and then Toby. "Goodnight!" They called as they went to bed.

Lily sat down in the chair in front of the hearth and finished sewing the last bit of ribbon to Anne's new dress. She began reflecting on the day. They all laughed and joked together. They all listened to Toby as he read a short passage from the bible. They ate their dinner as they had for the last weeks....together. Together as though they were a family. Lily smiled at the thought of being a family with Toby. What it would be like to have him hold her, and kiss her. She could feel the heat rising in her cheeks. Yes, she would like that very much. To feel those strong hands of his touch her. She shivered at the thought. Then Toby's voice started her out of her revelry. "Are you cold? I'll add another log to the fire." He had been sitting on the floor in front of the tree. As he stood Lily noticed what he was doing.

"I'm not cold, I was just thinking." Then to quickly change the subject before he could ask what she was thinking of, she added. "What is that you're doing?" Toby took a moment before he answered. Looking her over as though he wasn't convinced she wasn't cold or that she must have been thinking of something terrible. "Over the last few weeks I have been making some small wooden toys for the children. I'm just putting on the finishing touches." Lily looked at the horse he held in his hand. "That is beautiful. My father made me something like that when I was young." Toby looked at Lily. She had a distant look on her face again. Lost in her own thoughts. Breaking her thoughts he said, "Really? I hope that Anne and Daniel remember these when they are older. I was thinking next year they will each need saddles. It's best that they learn to ride early."

Lily snapped to attention then. It seems that they would be staying. The children loved it here. Lily loved it here. Toby was a wonderful man and he seemed to want them to stay. Lily was concerned with what people would say though. Everyone in town knew that they were living out here together. Although no one knew that Toby was actually staying in the house. Not even Betty and John were aware. The barn was not set up for him to live in but Lily didn't like the idea of him staying out there with the winter coming. She wanted him to be comfortable. Toby looked up at her and smiled. "Let's get these gift set out."

After the gifts were placed under the tree Lily gathered a blanket and a pillow for Toby. He laid the blanket out on the floor in front of the hearth. When he sat he gestured for Lily to come sit with him. She hesitated for a moment. She had sat in his lap in the chair. He had stood and held her in his arms in front of the bedroom door many times. Never had she lain down next to him though. Slowly she walked over and sat next to him. "Would you lay here with me for a little while? Let me hold you, and then you can go on to bed." Toby asked her. Lily smiled shyly. "Alright." They lay down together, Lily with her head on Toby's shoulder and he with his arms around her. Toby ran his hand down Lily's hair. Lily put her hand on his chest to feel his heart beat. She could feel it racing under her finger tips. She looked up at him then and he ran his thumb along her jaw. Lightly he kissed her. Slowly Lily ran her hand up from his chest to his neck then running her fingers through his hair. As the kiss deepened Toby began to caress her curves. Before Lily even knew what was happening Toby had unfastened a few of the buttons on the front of her gown. He was kissing her collar bone and slowly making his way down. It felt so good but she knew this needed to stop. They weren't married.

Toby noticed when Lily's body stiffened. He kissed the top of her breast lightly one last time then kissed her lips. "I'm sorry. I got carried away." He said as he pulled her gown closed. Lucky he hadn't completely revealed her breasts; otherwise he was not sure he would have been able to stop kissing them. Lily still had her arms around him but she had a sad look on her face. "Do you like it when I kiss you?" Toby asked. He needed to know if she wanted him as much as he wanted her. He wanted to be with her for the rest of his life. If she didn't want him though, then he could not kiss her again after this. He waited for her answer. When she didn't answer after a moment Toby began to pull away from her. Lily tightened her hold on him. "I do. I very much like when you kiss me. This went further than kissing though Toby. We....we are not married. We should not be doing this." Toby smiled slyly. "So you like my kisses. Do you like all of my kisses? Even the ones right here?" He teased lightly brushing his thumb across the top of her breast. "Toby!" Lily scolded. "I love hearing my name on your lips." He said; his voice husky and deep. Lily looked into Toby's eyes hoping to find the answer to her question. He had said he loved kissing her and her loved when she said his name, but he hadn't said he loved her, and he hadn't asked her to marry him either.

As if reading her mind Toby cupped her check and gently kissed her. Whispering against her lips he said, "I think I'm falling in love with you Lily." A tear slid down her check and Toby lightly brushed it away. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you cry. I don't ever want to make you cry sweetheart." Lily smiled shyly. "I'm falling in love with you too. But I'm afraid." Another tear escaped and Toby kissed that one away. "Please don't be afraid of me. I would never hurt you. I don't like seeing you cry." After a few more soft kisses Toby looked into Lily's eyes with all the love and affection that he felt for her. "It's now Christmas." Lily looked up to the clock on the mantel. It was just after midnight. " I should get to bed. The children will be up early."

They both stood and walked to the bedroom door. Toby held Lily's hand and when she began to pull away he stopped her. "Lily, I...I love you." Lily was so overwhelmed with his confession that she couldn't speak or move. She took a deep breath to tell him the same, but he stopped her. He placed a finger over her lips. "Let me say this first. I love you and I love Anne and Daniel. I want to be a part of your lives. I want to be a part of your family. Lily, will you marry me....please?" Lily was even more shocked. Suddenly the room became hazy. "I...I..." She was not able to finish. Lily fainted into Toby's arms.

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