Showing You My Love

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Warning-Mature Content

Lily felt silly for being nervous. She loved Toby more than she had ever thought possible. The sun was begining to set as Toby directed the wagon onto the property. He pulled to a stop before they came upon the barn. He wrapped his arm around Lily's shoulders and hugged her close. She shivered and inhaled his scent. Loving that he always smelled of leather and hay and pure male. Toby smiled and kissed her. "I just thought you might like to watch the sun set with me." He whispered against her lips. Lily placed a hand on his chest, kissing him in return then whispering back to him, "I would very much like to watch the sun set with you every night for the rest of our lives." Toby rapped his arms tighter around Lily and kissed her deeply then. Only breaking from the kiss when there was but a small amount of light left. "I need to get the wagon and mules put away."

While in the barn Toby quickly put everything to rights. He fed the animals and made sure they had plenty of water. Then he began to wonder around the barn telling himself that he just wanted to make sure that everything was in it's place, but he knew he was stalling. He could tell that Lily was nervous about tonight and he didn't want her to feel that way with him. He wanted to make her feel at ease. Yet he was nervous himself.  Then he realized that he was taking entirely too long when he looked up and Lily stood in the doorway. She smiled at him as she pushed away from the door. Slowly making her way over to him. His body taking instant notice of her, he shifted hoping that she wouldn't see how she effected him just walking toward him. But it wasn't just that, it was the way her hips swayed, the way she looked at him, the way she licked her lips when she was standing just in front of him. 

Toby took a deep breath. Inhaling her wonderful scent of lavender and woman. He stepped to her then and inhaled deeper with his nose pressed to her neck. Apparently he lost all nervousness in that moment. Lily gigled when he ran his tounge along her collarbone then up to her ear, nibbling lightly. "Are finished out here?" Lily breathed. Toby made a sound deep in his throat, much like a growl. "I am. Is there something you wanted to do?" He asked his husky voices making Lily quiver. "I just thought that you might be hungry. I heated a stew and there is some bread. I've even heated some water for a bath." "You have been very busy." Toby said leaning back slightly to look down upon her face. " We had better get in there then. Don't want all your hard work to go to waste." Before Lily had a chance to realize what was going on, Toby had lifted her into his arms and began to carry her across the yard and into the cabin.

He set her down gently before the tub she had filled with hot water. "Why don't you get in first? I'll eat, then get in when you are finished." He said. "Oh, well...." He stepped behind her, leaning forward and placing a kiss on her neck just below her ear. "Let me help you with this." Very slowly Toby moved Lily's hair, letting rest on one shoulder, then began to unbutton her gown. Kissing along her spine as he made his way down, then kissing back up when he reached the last button just at her tail bone. Pushing the gown from her shoulders, he ran his hands along her arms. When the gown fell to the floor and all that covered her was a light shift. Toby moved a hand around her abdomen, and the other from her hip down her thigh catching the thin material and lifting. As he slowly removed the shift he grazed his finger tips along her flesh igniting flames as he went. He gently kissed along her neck and shoulders. Then her gently guided her into the awaiting tub and helped her in. Lily felt as though she were in a wonderful, hazy dream.

Once Lily was seated in the tub Toby reluctantly moved to the table. He found that sitting was very uncomfortable, and he needed to get out of his own clothes as well. He ate quickly as he watched Lily wash her arms and legs. Finishing his meal he stood and went to stand beside the tub. A beautiful blush painted Lily's cheeks. Kneeling he took the soap from her hand. "Let me help you with this as well." The blush deepend as she looked into his eyes. He began to wash her back, while also leaving a trail of tender kisses. When he moved and started washing her abdomen Lily inhaled sharply. Toby took his time slowly making his way to her breasts. Then taking move time washing them as Lily moaned quietly and arched into his touch. Pressing his back to hers he moved a hand down her body slowly while still giving attintion to her breasts with the other hand. As his hand found her womanhood Lily cluched the side of the tub. 

Toby made in slow, tantilizing movements with both hands, creating a stiring in Lily so strong she could hardly breath. His lips still moved across her body, anywhere he could reach from his position behind her. Toby was becoming increasingly more uncomfortable by the moment. His chest was pressed against Lily's back, and every part of him below that was pressed against the metal tub. Very uncomfortable indeed. He increased the pace of his hand below the water. Moving his finger faster in and out of her as his thumb worked her nub. It seemed in moments his effort was well worth it as Lily's body bowed and she leaned her head back on his shoulder. A beautiful moan leaving her lips made him moan low himself. The veiw however made him harder, as he looked down the length of Lily's body when she arched. The shudder of her whole body told him she had come for him, putting a smile on his lips. 

Lily sat forward slowly, as Toby rubbed up and down her arms. She was blushing again, which made Toby smile more. "Let's get you out of here, it's starting to get cold." He said as he stood and grabbed a towel from a nearby chair. He held the towel open for her, and as she stood her wrapped it around her. She swollowed hard, then looked into his eyes. "Now the water is too cold for you. I can heat more." Toby kissed her lips tenderly. " I think a cold bath will be just fine for me right now. You need to eat still." He pulled her body flush to his so that she could feel his arousal. There was no mistaking that she felt him as she blushed more and laid her head on his shoulder. He helped her to step from the tub then guided her to a chair. "Eat." He whispered in her ear before placing a kiss there. Now it was his turn to bathe, but it wasn't going to be as exciting.

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