Winter Descends

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A few weeks later Lily woke early to start the bread that she made every Monday. As she set the dough aside to rise she felt as though she was being watched. She smiled to herself. Every morning it seemed that Toby would stand in the door way and watch her cook breakfast before the children woke up. He didn't know she knew, for she would just continue with what she was doing and never look up as though he wasn't there. This morning Lily sensed something different though. She suddenly felt him closer. Toby was standing right behind her. "You look lovely this morning." He said very quietly. Lily could feel his breath in her hair. A shiver ran down her spine. "Thank you." She replied just as quietly, a small smile tugging at her lips.

Then she felt his had touch her lower back as her stepped around her. His hand lingered for a moment, and then it was gone. Lily could still feel the warmth of where his hand had been. Lily glanced over to where Toby was standing pouring himself a cup of coffee. He was so hansom with his dark brown hair curling around his shirt collar. He was standing with his back to her now and Lily took the opportunity to take in his fine form just as he had been looking at her each morning. He was tall with broad shoulders and strong arms. Lily watched the play of muscles in his back as he moved. Her eyes moved lower still, and then suddenly Toby turned around. Lily's eyes were fixed on the front of his pants for only a moment before she turned her head away. She knew she must be blushing from head to toe. She had just been caught looking at him in ways she shouldn't.

To Toby's credit he didn't say anything or even act as if anything had happened, though Lily knew he had seen her looking. Anne and Daniel climbed down from the loft at that moment. Lily felt relieved because she wasn't sure what to do with herself. The children directed her attention to the task at hand. Lily sat plates of fried ham, eggs and biscuits on the table. They all sat in silence while they ate. Toby was the first to finish, but he sat drinking another cup of coffee slowly. "What can I help with today?" Daniel asked Toby. Toby had been giving Daniel small jobs to do. It did help Toby but also seemed to make Daniel feel important. "Well, we have gotten the outside of the barn finish and most of the inside. At lease the lower level anyway. Today we really need to get the corner finished where we're going to put the chicken coup."

This was one thing that Toby insisted be completed before he started to fix the loft in the barn for himself. All of the animals would be out of the elements for the winter, but the chickens could go in and out as they usually did. The whole chicken coup was going to be moved into the barn. Toby would cut out an opening in the side of the barn so that he wouldn't have to change the coup at all. This would take most of the day and the children wouldn't mind to help as long as they would be near the animals. Lily would go help move the coup when Toby was ready. Anne and Daniel were at the door putting on their coats. "Go ahead and collect the eggs that are in there, we don't want any of them to go to waste. Then both of you can feed all of the animals." Toby told them. The children nodded and went out the door. They had taken to Toby and listened to him well.

As Lily stood at the sink washing the dishes Toby came over and sat his cup down and shrugging into his coat. Smiling broadly at her he said, "I'll send Anne in to get you when we have everything ready." "Alright, I'll be ready. I'm just going to make a simple stew for lunch. All of the bread will be ready before lunch time too. I can use the eggs to make a few different things." Lily realized she was rambling the moment Toby started to smile again. "That sounds great to me." He said as he reached over and tucked a stay hair behind her ear. Then with a wink at her Toby quickly retreated out the door before Lily had the chance to think about what had just happened.

Lily was setting the last loaf of bread on the table to cool when Anne came in. "Momma Mr. Toby said he needs your help now too." She said. "Let me get my shawl." Lily walked out to the barn with Anne and stopped just inside the barn door to let her eyes adjust to the dimness. The smell of fresh hay and leather was all around her, and she took a deep breath. Toby had already moved the chicken coup into the barn but needed Lily's help to position it in the corner. Lily looked around to see where Daniel was. She spotted him in the opposite end of the barn cleaning up. Anne ran to him and they help each other to shake out the horse blankets. Lily smiled then turned to look for Toby.

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