Chapter 4

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My phone alarm rang at its usual time, 6:30 AM, the time I usually was supposed to get up and make breakfast. I didn't know what to do, so I showered and dressed myself in black skinny jeans, black tank top, and a black/red plaid shirt. I straightened my dark brown hair, completing my look with
my Deadpool snapback. I laced up my converse and quietly made my way downstairs, doing the only thing I knew to do at this time. Make food.


I poured the pancake batter onto a pan, letting it begin to sizzle. I flipped it onto its other side to cook, put it on a plate, and repeated with more batter.

"Heeyy," I turned to see a tired Alex in a black t-shirt and form-fitting blue sweatpants, his disheveled hair sticking out in a few different directions. "I was gonna make food, you don't have to do it." He fixed his hair by running his hand through it a few times.

I grinned at his appearance. "Force of habit," I shrugged, "It's really no big deal." I handed him a plate of pancakes.

Pouting, he took the plate and thanked me. "And yes it is!" Alex stuck his tongue out at me slightly.

I poured two cups of coffee, carried them and my own food over where Alex sat. I handed him one coffee, and he thanked me again.


"So I thought I'd bring you to the studio today, and you can kind of see what we do, and also see the touring schedule. You know, to see if you'd want to go. I talked to the highschool you're going to be enrolled in, and they are willing to give you your work to be done online and whatever while we are on the road, if you decide to go. That sound okay?"

"Yeah, that sounds awesome!" I tried not to itch my wrists to bring attention to them, but they're so itchy! Bringing the dishes to the sink, I began to rinse and wash said dishes.

"No!" Alex came up behind me, causing me to jump.


"You made the food, I can help by cleaning these," he stated.

"No, it's okay. I got it!" I giggled quietly at his amused behavior at some things, nobody I knew had ever acted like that around me.

"Nu! Let your parent help." Alex walked closer and playfully bumped me, hitting me in the hip. It caused a burning feeling in my skin, but I ignored the feeling. "I've got it." He took the dishes from my hand, "You made the food, I can help by cleaning these," he repeated.

I grinned amusedly. "Fine."

"And I'm thinking we should leave in about an hour. That's when I usually get there, and the other guys will be there, too, unless they decided to bail. They better not."


I went upstairs to retrieve my phone, remembering I had left it in my room. That wasn't something I typically did, but this wasn't my typical schedule.

I spent minutes sitting on my bed, scrolling through tumblr and listening to the shower water run from downstairs. Soon after I heard the shower shut off, I stood up to confirm my eyeliner and hair looked at least half-decent. Leaving the room, I slowly made my way back downstairs, making sure my plaid shirt covered my arms completely.

Alex walked out, spinning his car keys around his finger. He wore a maroon t-shirt and beanie, with his natural black skinny jeans and converse.

"You ready to go, kid?" He grinned.

"Yeah, of course!"

"Oh I see, you were waiting on my lazy ass!"

"Pretty much." I smiled at him, almost laughing.


We reached the studio where the All Time Low band wrote, practiced, edited, and recorded music. When Alex and I arrived, Rian and Zack were sitting inside, Zack was doing something with the buttons and Rian was doing something on his phone.

"Jack's not here yet?" Alex asked as he threw his bag of music-writing supplies (*cough* a worn out notebook and some chewed up pens) on the floor.

"Nope," Rian replied matter-of-factly, spinning around on his computer chair.

"Ugh," Alex stood with his arms laying limply by his side, slouching, and throwing his head back dramatically.


"Guys! I'm here! And I'm not late!" The tall, two-toned hair man ran through the front door, pointing to the clock.

"Yes you are," Zack spoke up, not looking up from the soundboard, "Two minutes late."

"Well, the princess is never late," Jack replied sassily, gesturing to himself. "Everyone else is simply early."

"Well, then by comparison, you're still late," I told Jack, causing him to stick his tongue out at me.

The boys began working, recording different songs and demos, re-confirming the tour dates (again), and other such activities. I did what I could to help, but made sure I wasn't in the way... Like I usually was around people.

Feeling the need to once again release tension by lacerating my skin, I excused myself to the restroom.
I dug the small silver piece of metal out of my pocket, meddling with it between my fingers. I decided to create more marks on my hips because fresh blood still laced my wrists from last night.

I lifted my shirt to reveal more scars on my lower hips, and exposed the skin so I could easily damage it. I mean... I deserve it, right? I knew I shouldn't have been born. I shouldn't be allowed to be happy. I'm simply a waste of space and oxygen. Why do they even pretend to tolerate me? They barely know me, why would they care? As much as I hated it, I deserved the abuse I got from my mother. I deserved the abuse I got from other relatives. I deserved the abusive drunkard of a father I got. I deserved to have been bullied. To rip through my skin constantly. To want to have to see the end, the final darkness. I'm lazy.. ... Stupid... Ignorant... Useless... Lame... Naive.... I felt like I could go on for days as I watched scarlet liquid cover both hips, but I heard someone knock on the door.

"Hey, you okay, kid? You've been over here for a half hour!" Shit.

"Yeah, hang on!" I successfully stopped my voice from sounding scared or alarmed as I quickly pressed paper towels to the fresh wounds. I ran through the door, making sure my breath was even and I looked casual.

I opened the door to find a concerned Alex. "Sorry.. Er, girl problems."

"Oh, sorry. Should've known." He laughed nervously.

"Nah, it's cool."

"Alright, well could you take a look at these tour dates and shit? You know, see if you want to go. Then if you like the idea, we can show you the tour bus."


As we walked down the hall back to where everybody sat, I felt for my blade in my back pocket. Still there. Good, they probably won't ever figure it out.

I was brought to Matt's black laptop, a list of dates and locations filling up the screen. According to the dates, we would be leaving a little over three weeks from now, and would start up near Maine, making our way from top right to bottom left of the United States.

"What do you think? Would you want to go? Otherwise you can stay with Lisa, I already called and she said she is happy to watch over you." Alex said.

"I'd be happy to come! If you want me to, I don't want to come if you think I'll just get in the way, or you don't want me to."

"No, you would never get in the way! We'd love for you to come!"

"Come with us, Adelphaaa!" Jack yelled with a mouthful of Goldfish crackers.

"So is it a yes?" Alex asked excitedly.


"Great! Now we can show you the tour bus!"

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