Chapter 50

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As I walked down the street, I heard quiet footsteps behind me. I stopped abruptly, and looked behind me. Nobody. I looked to my sides. Nobody. I shook my head at myself before continuing my walk.

A few minutes later, I heard more footsteps, but they were closer to me. I turned my head to look behind me, but I got a face-full of asphalt first.

I groaned, and tried to push my self up. A foot hit my back to push me down again. I was able to turn myself around, though, to sit on the ground. I saw none other than Robbie and his gang of four guys.

"What?" I snapped, probably using a bad attitude for the position I was in compared to them.

"Football coach heard what I did," he said in a demeaning tone. "I got kicked off the team for 'harassing' a student."

"It's not my fault you're a dick," I replied. I was not about to be submissive to these guys.

Robbie pulled me up by my shirt. "That team was my chance to get a scholarship. You really need to learn your lesson."

"I didn't try to get you kicked off the team."

"It's still your fault." He threw me on the ground again, and I landed with a small thud!

I immediately attempted to stand, but I was kicked to the ground harshly by one of the other friends.

I felt more hits until someone pushed my left forearm to the ground. I could feel my old cuts opening up across my arm.

There was another kick to my opposite side, and then they stopped.

"Aw, little emo cut herself," one teased harshly.

"Fuck off," I spat.

The boy hummed amusedly, twisting his foot on my arm, the blood seeping through my white long-sleeve shirt more.

"What the hell do you kids think you're doing?" An elderly woman stood in her doorway across the street.

Robbie and his gang were quick to sprint off, pulling over their hoods so as to not be recognized.

I heard the woman's door slam as she went back inside.

I painstakingly pushed myself to my knees, breathing heavily. I slowly stood up, feeling lightheaded.

I held my arm tightly as I walked only a few houses away to Jack's house, feeling more lightheaded with every step. I could feel more blood sleep through my sleeve and some fell from my wrist down to my hand.

I was lucky enough that the door was unlocked, and stumbled through the door. Jack stood in the hallway, and looked over when he heard the door open. His eyes went wide before he ran over to where I stood, holding my shoulder and picking up my arm.

"Oh my God, what happened?" He began saying something else, but I felt too lightheaded and my vision went blurry as I fell unconscious.


The first thing I noticed when I began to wake up was the soreness in my body, especially my left forearm. As I slowly opened my eyes, I recognized a familiar cologne.

I didn't have to look to know who was here, and considered acting as if I was still unconscious, but decided against it.

I looked to the right. I was in the room I had been staying in with Jack, my forearm tightly bandaged. Alex sat in a backwards chair with his arms crossed over the back of the chair, and his chin resting on his arms.

He slowly sat up once he noticed my consciousness, and gave me a sad sympathetic smile.

I turned to look away from him, slowly blinking.


I continued to avoid his gaze as I slowly sat up against the wall behind me. I rubbed my hand over the bandages on my arm.

"I'm sorry," I finally said quietly. "It's my fault."

"What's your fault?" He asked, matching my tone.

I sighed softly. "Everything... I know what the drinking thing was about, but it's still my fault... And getting my ass beat by a few teenagers like a little kid."

"It's not your fault, Ad, I promise... And when did you get beat up?"

I hesitated before finally deciding to answer. "Earlier... It opened these up. Robbie got kicked off the team and said it was my fault."

"... So you did relapse."

I kept my mouth shut, still avoiding his gaze.

"It's not your fault," Alex told me after a few minutes passed, "It's mine. I should have been responsible enough to know I have a kid and can't go out and do that kind of thing, whether I have a reason or not. It's my fault that you were scared, and that you relapsed, and anything else that happened over these past few days."

I finally began to look up at Alex, his soft eyes beginning to overflow with slow tears.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

I wasn't sure how to respond.

Nobody has ever apologized to me for something they did, let alone take the blame for it.

I almost wanted to say it was okay, but I was still afraid of what might happen. I looked back down at my lap, conflicting with my thoughts.

My head hung down, and after only seconds my body tensed as I stopped a sob from erupting, tears began to fall down, and I felt the side of the bed sink slightly as Alex pulled up my chin to look at him.

We both had tears falling slowly, and Alex tried to force a small smile at me. Of course, it failed, and he only began to cry harder.

We both reached out to hug each other tightly, my face buried into the cloth of his t-shirt.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled softly. "You didn't deserve to have any of this happen."

I exhaled shakily as I began to tremble against Alex. Hot tears continued to fall from my eyes, and I let myself hug him tighter.

It seemed like hours had passed until we were reduced to only shaky breathing and occasional hiccups as we loosened our group on one another.

"I know I don't deserve it, but please give me another chance," Alex pleaded softly. "I promise you I won't fuck it up this time."

I couldn't bring myself to say anything, so I just nodded against his chest.

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