Chapter 38

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I racked my brain for answers as I scrawled answers onto the quiz papers.

I felt something hit the back of my head.

Something else hit the back of my head.

With an annoyed sigh, I turned to see two post-it notes on the floor directly behind me. One was pink, one was yellow. They were formed into tiny paper airplanes, neatly folded and creased. I made the mistake of opening them.



I crumpled the small papers, then placed them in my bag, nowhere else to put them but the floor.

One more airplane hit the side of my head. This one was blue.

Emo cutter. A small laughing emoticon was drawn next to it.

I'm really beginning to regret taking honors courses with these people.

I sighed before turning back to the quiz.

A particle is moving around in a circle. Its position is given in polar coordinates as x=Rcosθ and y = Rsinθ, where R is the radius of the circle, and θ is in radians. From these equations, derive the equation for centripetal acceleration.

Graphite marked my extra piece of paper, and I worked out the last question.

d2x/dt2 = Rw2?

No, that can't be right.

d2x/dt2 = -Rw2.


Just as I was about to stand up and turn my quiz in, Kaitlyn and her blond friend walked on each side of me, leaving unfolded post-its on my desk.

The wordsmade themselves clear on the uncreased and colorful papers.

Kys. Fag. Another small laughing emoticon next to the fancy handwriting on the yellow post-it note on my right.

Emo trannie.

I sighed, crumpling the papers and shoving them in my bag.


When Kaitlyn looked my way, I flipped her off.

"I'm hoping you meant to give her a thumbs-up, Miss Gaskarth," the teacher piped up.

I sighed to myself again, resting my chin on my hand.

The bell rang suddenly, and the last of the students scrambled to hand their quizzes in. I picked up my backpack and rushed out of the room.

Unfortunately, I had not escaped Kaitlyn and her friend.

"Aw, is the little emo upset?" She giggled as she piped up mockingly.

"Leave me alone," I groaned at her. Kaitlyn's blond friend came to walk up next to me.

"Why?" Kaitlyn asked innocently. "I told you that you'd pay for getting me in trouble last week."

I hummed in an annoyed tone in response.

"Hey!" Kaitlyn exclaimed suddenly, shoving me against the lockers. "I was talking to you!"

"'Kay, and I wasn't listening," I replied boredly as I began walking away.

She grabbed my sleeve with her pale hand. "I was talking to you, you better listen!"

"Or what? You'll beat me up?"

Kaitlyn scoffed, stamping her foot and trying to come up with a comeback as I traveled to class.


Ameliorate (Adopted By Alex Gaskarth Fanfic)✅Where stories live. Discover now