Chapter 32

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When I woke up, Jack was no longer sitting next to me. I stretched out, my bones making popping and cracking noises that were probably unhealthy. I tried to stand up in a way that didn't pain me to do so, but failed. I groaned to myself, and ignored the pain shooting through my spine and legs as I finally stood.

I slowly made my way downstairs, and heard Alex and Jack in the kitchen. I walked up near the doorway, and saw them tossing flour at each other. Alex laughed and spit the flour in his mouth onto Jack's shirt. Jack pouted and turned to me.

"He's being mean." He pointed to Alex.

"You started it!" Alex retorted.

Jack stuck his tongue out, and came up to me to hug me. I put my hands up. "Thanks, but I don't need flour and spit all over me."

Jack pouted again. "But I need morning hugs!" He almost completely body tackled me, wrapping me in a hug. I sighed in pain and amusement as he finally put me on the ground.

"We made breakfast. And as I delicious as I am, it's not me," Jack informed me.

I giggled. "Thanks."

Jack flipped a couple last pancakes on the pan before Alex handed me a plate, smiling. I thanked them, and we sat around eating in silence.

Don't eat it. You're already too fat.

No, I need to eat. The guys will notice if I don't.

Don't fucking eat it!

I can throw it up after!

Fine. But make it quick. The longer you have food digesting in your system, the more weight you could put on.

Turns out, I didn't even need to force myself to throw it up. Jack made a cheesy joke, and I tried listening, but I raced to the bathroom as I felt everything start to come up.

"Did I say something wrong?" Jack asked Alex.

"I don't think so," he said as they watched me come back out.

"Are you okay?" They asked unanimously.

I felt dizzy. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just- I haven't eaten much in the past few weeks, my stomach isn't used to eating a healthier amount," I admitted. "Sorry."

Alex put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. Let's just get you to eat something, and get you used to eating normally again. Okay?"

I nodded slightly, still trying to get a hold of my mind. "Okay."


There were a couple knocks at the door, and then Rian and Zack walked in. I slowly and cautiously came back out of the kitchen with my water, seeing the drummer and bassist.

"Hey," Rian spoke to Alex, who was on the couch.

"Hey! Ad's over there," Alex pointed over the couch.

They turned around to see me in the kitchen doorway. "Ad!" Zack ran up to hug me tightly.

I yelped in surprise and pain as I was lifted off the ground and squeezed. "Shit, sorry. Are you alright?"

"It's okay, I'm fine." I gave Zack the best smile I could, trying to reassure his concerned look.

Rian walked up quickly to give me a gentle hug, although I could tell he was trying not to squeeze the fucking life out of me. He stood back, and then looked down at my neck.

"Ad... Are you sure you're okay?"

"What?" I quickly looked down. My sweatshirt had been pulled down, revealing the dark bruising around my neck. I quickly pulled the cloth over my neck again. "Yeah, I'm fine!" I forced a smile.

Ameliorate (Adopted By Alex Gaskarth Fanfic)✅Where stories live. Discover now