Chapter 2

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After finishing breakfast, Ash called out all of his Pokémon from their Pokéballs to explain that they were having the day off. 

"You guys have really been working hard lately, so I figured you deserve a rest." Ash had told his Pokémon. They had been surprised yet generally happy with their trainers decision to allow them some time off. They had quickly began playing various games. Even Hawlucha, the 'lone wolf' of the group decided to join in with the fun for once. 

Ash watched them from underneath the tree where he was taking cover from the sun. He smiled, and continued polishing his equipment; Pokéballs, and his Gym Badges. 

"Okay Fennekin." Ash heard Serena, and saw her not far away, just behind the tree he was resting under, with her Fennekin and Pancham. "We did really well for our debut performance, and you two were great!" 

Her Pokémon beamed at the praise they were being showered with. Serena and her Pokémon never really trained in the same way Ash and his Pokémon had done, and they hadn't ever received compliments the way they were now.  

Ash smiled again. He remembered her performance. She had really worked hard, and practiced and practiced over and over for it, and it had paid off. She had been generally well received, exceptionally so for her first performance.  

He himself had been utterly captivated by the performance. To start with, the dress she wore and how she had done her hair made her look absolutely incredible, and what made her look even more amazing was the fact she hasn't used any make-up whatsoever. Ash had found himself focused completely in Serena and her performance. He had noticed her smile. Such a sweet smile. It wasn't her normal smile, but the one that showed she was loving what she was doing, that she enjoyed the work she was doing. Ash didn't think he had seen her so happy. Seeing Serena happy made him happy as well. 

"So, I'd like to practice a few new things for the next performance we have." She told her Pokémon. Pancham in particular seemed happy with that. After all, it did love to perform. 

"Urm, actually, a lot of what I had planned mainly involved Fennekin, Pancham..." Serena told her first capture. Pancham looked absolutely crushed before Serena said with a smile "Don't worry, I have something very special planned for your performance!" 

Pancham's spirits were raised against after that. "Maybe you should relax for a bit while I try what I had planned with Fennekin." Serena suggested. 

Pancham nodded and jogged off to the side, where it planned to sit down against the tree Ash was currently resting against. Once Pancham sat down, Ash spoke, "Oh, hey, Pancham, I thought you'd be performing right about now?" 

Pancham gestured over to Serena and Fennekin, as Serena told Fennekin her ideas. "Pan Pancham." 

"Oh, I see. This one is mainly for Fennekin?" Ash asked. Pancham nodded, but still looked trademarkingly confident. Ash decided to take another guess. "And I'm guessing she has something planned for you too?"

Again, Pancham nodded. "Pancham!" 

"You really have an incredible trainer, you know that?"  


As if on cue, the embers that Fennekin had been firing into the sky as part of the performance came crashing back down to earth, narrowly missing Serena and Fennekin, who had to frantically dodge the falling fireballs.

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