Chapter 23

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Pallet town was a quiet town in the mornings. For the past few days, Serena had been staying in Pallet town, just absorbing the Kantoan atmosphere. She liked it in Kanto. She enjoyed it here. She found herself growing attached to Ash's home region. It was peaceful, relaxing, and not at all like Vaniville town. It was a pleasant change to her life in Kalos. 

She contemplated this as she stared out the window in Ash's room, admiring the landscape around the place. She had been here for three days now, settling in, and watching as things began to settle down around the area. Ash had gotten a lot of recognition as Pallet towns own champion. It was praise he wasn't used to yet, so he tended to become nervous and embarrassed when congratulated by passerby a or self appointed fans. Serena couldn't have been more proud of him had she tried.

On the third day of her stay, however, the usual peace that Pallet town had grown accustomed to had a shake due to their champion.

The days had become similar. Ash, Serena, Clemont and Bonnie spent most of their time at Oaks lab. They helped out around the lab, doing bit and pieces of work for Professor Oak, feeding the Pokémon, for example. During this time, Serena had established a stable relationship with Ash's old rival Gary, and Professor Oak's assistant Tracey, who used to travel with Ash. They had gained this decent relationship by sharing various tales about Ash, then moving around to their own adventures, before establishing regular conversations.

Ash meanwhile, had expressed a bit of pent up frustration. He wasn't used to sitting in one place for so long and doing nothing. He wanted to go back out into the world and explore it some more, but it seemed like he had looked all over everywhere. Occasionally, to release his frustration, he would throw rocks into the nearby ponds. Serena had agreed with him. She liked Pallet town a lot, but she was itching to explore a new place.

While at Professor Oaks, Ash usually tended to the Pokémon, looking after them, tending to them and the likes. He liked it.

Overtime, his friends had left the town, going back to their own respective adventures. That being said,a few stuck around for a while longer, planning their next move. Talks erupted between individuals about traveling on their next adventure together. Misty, Brock, Dawn, Pail and Trip still remained in Pallet town.

"Electivire, use Thunder!"

"Infernape, Flamethrower!"

The two attacks collided, sending shock-waves throughout the air. The Fire and Electric types battled hard and fiercely, neither giving an inch to the other. The rivalry that fueled Ash's Infernape and Paul's Electivire lead the two on in their current match.


"Mach Punch!"

A flurry of punches between the two, each connecting with the others punch. The two defended their bodies. Infernape saw an opening around Electivires gut. With speed and precision, Infernape struck through...


"That's it! First touch goes to Infernape!"

Brock had declared the winner in their first - touch battle. Infernape had made the first clear hit. Ash grinned. "Nice going, Infernape!"

Infernape grinned at Electivire, proud of its victory against a long time rival. Electivire gritted its teeth in an irritated defeat.

Paul stood with his arms crossed,mane then revealed a shrunk down Pokèball in his right hand. He enlarged it let out a slightly irritated sigh. "Your defenses are open. We'll have to work on that. Alright, return Electivire."

Another match, this time in Ash's favour. He and Paul had been setting up several training matches to pass time and hone skills for a while now. Some went Ash's way, others went Paul's way. Infernape had battled extra hard, seeing as Paul was its previous trainer, it had wanted to prove that it was still strong.

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