Chapter 8

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Keeping an ice pack kept on his cheek with his hand, Ash found himself in Serena's room while she, as she out it, took care of him. 

Obviously, she meant the injury he had sustained not long ago, thanks to Clemont's machines blowing up, yet again, but the idea of Serena 'taking care' of Ash made him blush. The fact he was in a room Serena slept in made him blush further, though it faded when he began to wonder exactly when the hell he started thinking like Brock. 

The actual injury from the explosion had only been minor. A nasty graze, and a cut, deep enough to be obvious, but not deep enough to draw blood. According to Serena, any additional pressure would cause it to open. It was only a small injury, one that would have healed by tomorrow, or even by the end of the day, and Ash had protested that he was fine, and he and his Pokèmon needed to carry on their training, when Clemont said he would take over their training for the day, much to the apparent fear of all of Ash's Pokèmon. Ash would have spoken up, but he had already been practically dragged halfway through the Pokèmon centers reception area before he could.  

"Okay, here, I got you a drink." Serena said, entering the room with a glass of water. Ash took it and thanked her. "How's it feel?" 

"It's really not bad at all, Serena. This isn't really necessary, I'm fine." Ash said, with a warm smile. He supposed he was happy that Serena cared about him enough that she would do all of this for him, but he also thought that she was taking things a bit too far. It was merely a cut, it wasn't like he broke anything. 

Serena sighed, and looked to the ground. She sat on the bed, next to Ash. "I know it's not bad... But..." 

Ash leaned closer to her, "But?..." 

"... I just don't like seeing you hurt." 

"I'm glad." Ash said, laughing "I'd be a bit upset if you did like seeing me hurt." Laughing stung his cheek, but he didn't let it bother him. He wanted her to not worry about him. He gave her his signature toothy grin, and again, while it stung, he didn't show it. 

It seemed to work. Serena smiled faintly, and let out a small laugh. "Nice to see that you still have your wits about you." 

Ash smiled. "Thanks. I'm glad you're so concerned about me but... I think you're a bit too concerned, if you ask me. A band- aid would have been fine." 

Serena blushed while looking to the ground. It was only then when she realized how big a fuss she had made over basically nothing. Here she was, bringing her crush into her room, while she treated him like a patient in a hospital. She was beyond embarrassed. 'You idiot, Serena, of course he only needed a band- aid! What the heck did you think it was, and infected wound?' 

" I'm really sorry." 

"Hey now, what are you apologizing for? This would have been worse if you hadn't done anything, you shouldn't apologize for nothing!" Ash said, putting his hand on Serena's shoulder, trying to comfort her. 

She smiled. "I just wanted to make sure you were okay..." 

"Don't be upset, Serena, you did help, and thank you." 

They sat together for a while, in a comfortable silence. Words weren't needed, they understood. Both of them, they learned on the other, and they both relied on the other, just like when they were just children in Pallet Town.  

"Do,you think I can be a good Pokèmon performer?" Serena asked, out of the blue. 

Ash stared at her for a few seconds. He noticed her expression. Her eyebrows were buried in, and her mouth was in the shape of a frown. Her eyes watered and her fists gripping into the clothing covering her thighs. 

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