Chapter 17

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Months after their promise, Ash found himself in Lumious City. He had grown since then, a couple of inches, now slightly taller than Serena. He had teased her about that a couple of times, but not too much. It suited Serena, honestly. She wasn't too keen on being taller than Ash. She actually liked being a little shorter than Ash. Not too much shorter though. Ash occasionally got up on his toes and teased her, saying he now 'towered over her', which annoyed her sometimes. 

Ash had experienced everything the Kalos region had thrown in his way. Every battle had lead up to this moment. His Pokémon, the new friends who had joined him on his journey as well, all were ready to fight next to him. Excitement ran through Ash's blood, through his veins, like an energy source that fueled him. 

"Well Ash, you're finally here." Serena chirped in. "You've worked hard for this."  

Ash smiled at her. "Yeah! Now it's time." He walked forward, facing the giant dome in front of him. Lights surrounded the area, illuminating the area fully. Many Pokémon trainers surrounded them, talking with their Pokémon and fellow trainers. Stands selling food and merchandise were scattered around the area too, getting good business, in particular, one stand with a blue haired man, a red haired woman, a short person, and a Wobbuffet. Traditional Kalosian events took place outside the dome, jam packed with Pokémon fans. 

Clemont looked around him. He had seen many Kalos leagues during his time as gym leader, and he had gotten used to the festivities. All the same, this year looked to be exceptionally brutal. Trainers from all over the region, and from different parts of the world had showed up for this years, some in possession of some particularly powerful Pokémon."It looks like it's gonna be a hard year for you, Ash. I don't think I've seen such stiff competition in my life." 

Ash stared at the sight of the Kalos League. He grinned to himself, glancing at his gym case. All eight hard fought battles were memories in his sentimental badges. He looked up. "Well, it's no fun if it's not a challenge." He made a fist with his right hand. This was it. But he decided, he was gonna need a little extra firepower. "First things first though. I'm gonna need to make a phone call." 

Ash was nervous while he dialed in the numbers to Professor Oaks lab. He hadn't called home since he and Serena had gotten together. In fact, he hadn't called home since he was in Lumious City, just starting out his journey in Kalos, nearly a year ago. None of his friends in Pallet had met Serena, and she had no idea who he was even calling. He had insisted on keeping it a secret, for reasons known only to himself. He wanted to see if Oak remembered Serena from their camp.


Serena, Bonnie and Clemont all screeched and jumped back from the monster out of surprise of what had just happened. Ash nearly jumped back from the video screen, but then he realized who it was. He then sighed and happily responded "Hello again, Rotom. Good to see you."

"You know that thing?" Clemont asked Ash. He was still maybe two or three meters away from the screen. He had shot back the furthest.

Ash nodded. "That Pokémon belongs to a friend of mine. It's a Rotom, that's all."

"Rotom, stop playing around with the phone! I swear, some day you'll give someone a panic attack if you keep doing that." Ash heard Professor Oaks voice scolding Rotom before his face ever appeared on screen, though he could see his hands and arms removing Rotom from the viewing station. Upon seeing it was Ash, Professor Oak gave him a great big smile. "Well, if it isn't Ash!"

Ash smiled. "Hey Professor!"

"It's been a long time since I heard from you, my boy. How have you been in the Kalos region? I assume you've been working hard and catching lots of new Pokemon?"

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