Chapter 11

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"No way! This is way too cute! Awwee!" 

The news that the whole group, Pokémon and all, had received the following morning came as a shock. A welcome shock, and one that had been expected for a while now, but a shock nonetheless. 

The morning had began with Ash and Serena waking up in their separate rooms, and meeting up, primarily to make completely sure they hadn't just been dreaming what had been the best nights of their lives so far, and secondarily to figure out how best to let the rest of the group know. Hiding that they liked the other was one thing, but if they actually wanted to enjoy their time together, they had to let their friends know. Aside from it being just basic good manners, they had no intentions of hiding away every other night just to be together. It had also been one of the first times since their journey together began, that Ash had woken up before Pikachu, whom had sensed it and woken up himself, just in time to see Ash walk out the room. If Pikachu hadn't been concerned to say the least before, he was now. 

"So..." Ash had asked, rolling his eyes around the room before focusing on Serena again "How are we gonna do this?" 

"Good question. We could play a little game with them~!" Serena had replied, with a smile from ear to ear on her face. 

"Uh, what?" Ash had asked, a little surprised. He had expected the conversation to not take a turn in tricking Clemont and Bonnie. He had heard the rumor that love made you do weird stuff, but this hadn't exactly been what he had had in mind. 

Serena had burst out into a fit of stifled giggles when an idea had popped into her head, which made Ash sweat drop. Whatever her idea was, it couldn't be good. 

"What do you think of this idea?" Serena said after explaining her plan to Ash, with a huge grin on her face. 

Ash blushed, smiled and let out a humored sighed. "You like playing games with them, don't you?" Under any other circumstance, he would have probably not done it, but seeing her smile persuaded him. If he could see that smile again, and if he could be the one to help cause it, he would gladly go through with any one of Serena's plans.

So, there they were, sat around the breakfast table. Ash and Serena sat next to each other, a lot closer than normal, but no one noticed. Pikachu was sat on the table with Bonnie's Deddene, eating it's breakfast next to it. Unusually, they had spoken a lot during breakfast, which wasn't normal do them, where they were usually quiet as was such with the majority of their mornings. The only person who usually had any energy was Bonnie, while Ash, Serena and Clemont were just about always too tired to really speak until they had eaten. Today was different though. Ash and Serena had their plan... Well, Serena had her plan, Ash was basically just along for the ride. They had barely even been together for, all added up together, a few hours, but the two of them felt closer to each other than couples who had been together for months and months. It filled them with energy just being next to each other. And Clemont, for once, had been able to get a good nights sleep for the first time in quite a while. He had been helping both of his friends try and confessing to the other, and, while nervous about the result, he was glad Ash said he was going to tell Serena, as it had taken a large amount of emotional stress off of him, letting him get a good rest. 

After they had eaten, Serena decided to put her plan into action. She gave Ash a smile, one similar to the ones she had given him the night before. That was the signal. Ash sighed lightly. She really did seem to enjoy this, in a way he hadn't noticed before. Maybe it was because of what happened last night. The thought of that made him smile faintly. 

"Hey, Clemont, Bonnie, I've got something I want to show you both" Serena told them with a grin across her face. 

"What is it, Serena?" Bonnie leaned in, clearly interested in what she way saying. 

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