Chapter 24

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A younger apprentice teacher knocked on the door to room A5X in the cabin. He was 16 years old. He wasn't even supposed to be staying at this school, but he had been offered a place at the school as soon as he had come back from his journey, and had accepted, and was now being taught by one of the teachers on how to be a teacher, ironically. He didn't mind his job, and enjoyed teaching the younger kids what he learnt on his journeys, and it paid well. He acted mainly as an assistant while he learnt the ropes. Right now they were at one of the summer camps, teaching the kids how to interact with Pokémon. 

He didn't get a response from inside, so he just walked in. He saw the guest his school camp had been gifted withs presence, asleep, his head on one of the desks. His partner Pokémon was sat next to him, also sleeping. It wasn't surprising at all. The guy had been working all day, and he hadn't gotten much sleep over the last few days, according to him at least. He would be a busy person after all. This wasn't your average Joe. This guy nearly did nothing but work, according to the press. Not that they'd have been any help towards his sleeping schedule.

The apprentice approached nervously. The person sleeping in front of him was a celebrity, and the apprentice had been a fan of his for a long time now. He scared himself by thinking just how close he had come to turning the place here down. He would have missed this incredible visit. He could have lost the opportunity to meet his idol. He wanted to act like a kid, screaming and jumping up and down, but he had to act professional. He was a client of his idol. Nothing more. But still, he felt honored to be able to speak with him. Though he regretted that he would have to wake him up. That was only going to be a one way ticket to irritating him.

"Um... Excuse me?" He got no response. He, reluctantly, lightly shook the sleeping mans shoulders. "Mr. Ketchum? Excuse me, sir?"

Ash opened one eye before remembering just where the heck he was. He shot up, looking around. The room was empty. Aside from the teacher who had woken him up. "Uh... Sorry." Ash said. He scratched the back of his head and laughed nervously. "I guess I must of knocked out there..."

Pikachu copied his trainers actions exactly, also apologizing to the staff for not waking up Ash, with a thunderbolt if necessary. "Pika pika..."

The apprentice shook his head. "No, no, not a problem. I was uh, actually just here to tell you that your with us is at an end. Today's session is over, you're free to go now. I've got your money here."

He handed Ash a letter. Inside was a collection of bills. It hadn't been cheap getting the Ash Ketchum into the camp to talk to the kids about battling and league matches like so many of them wanted, but by the looks on the kids faces, it had been worth it.

Ash stood up, and brushed his clothing down. It was one of the few times he had been worn an outfit like this to something like this. Then again, it was the most 'professional' thing he had ever done outside of battling. It wasn't exactly his usual clothing. It was more of a replica of his clothing. It was sort of stiff, and hadn't been washed to softness yet, like you had to do with brand new fresh clothing. He took the letter, noticing that the apprentice was nervous. His hand was shaking when Ash accepted the letter full of money. "Ah, thanks. Sorry it costs so much..." 

"Oh, it's uh... It's not a problem at all, sir!" The apprentice spoke so formally to Ash, it almost made him want to laugh. He reminded himself he was still in a professional environment. "We'd just like to thank you for finding the time to come and do what you did for the kids here. It really meant a lot to them."

"Sure thing." Ash said with a yawn and Pikachu hopped onto his shoulder. He didn't speak in a professional way at all. He just spoke casually as he always did. "Happy to do it. Let me know if you need something like this again, I'm more than happy to come back if you need anything."

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