Chapter 16

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There was something about waking up with Serena in his arms, who was still sleeping soundly, that Ash loved. He could never figure out what it was. Weather it was the fact he felt so lucky to have her, or because Serena was simply the best person he had ever met, or the even more simplified reason, because he loved her, was something he didn't know, and that he'd have to figure out himself. It was a mixture of all three, of course, but seeing her sleeping peacefully, and Ash thinking about how long he would get to see that calm, peaceful face for the rest of his life filled him with a calming joy. 

She was still asleep. The only downside to this was that he couldn't move. Well, he could, but that would mean waking Serena, something at he had no intention of doing. Instead, he laid there.

He thought about Serena's words last night. How she had comforted him, what she had said. How she had made him think. She had single handedly cured him of his depression and negative thinking. He thought to himself, while he may never see Goodra again, they would always be friends. And even so... He had Serena. 

"Chuuuuu..." Ash heard Pikachu stretch from the foot of the bed, before rolling over. He smiled, and stifled a chuckle to himself. And Pikachu as well. 

Still, he felt bad. He felt guilty. Not to do with Goodra, but that he had caused Serena to worry. Serena above everyone else. Pikachu was used to seeing him like this, he had seen him like that a few times, and had assured Ash that he completely understood. Clemont was a gym leader, so he must have gone through spouts of depression like that. Bonnie had Clemont to explain it to her. For her age, she had been remarkably mature about the subject, no doubt due to Clemont's explanations. Or perhaps Dedene's own upset at Goodra's depart. Either way. 

That just left Serena. Ash looked at her again. Even if she understood... It didn't sit right with him. She was his girlfriend. He shouldn't worry her like that. He never meant to make anyone worry at any point, but with Serena, it was different. He wasn't sure what he wouldn't do to ease her mind. He sighed and thought to himself. What could he do to make it up to her? 

He was about to give up and go back to sleep some more, when he saw Serena's tablet on the desk to the right, just catching it from the corner of his eyes. He stared it down for a second. Debating internally. What's the harm? He reached over and grabbed it, flipped it open, and held it above him, so as not to wake Serena up with the light. 

"What is there to do in this place?..." Ash muttered to himself. He flipped through the tabs already open. It was mostly travel guides and maps, aside from one. Emails. Ash intended to just skip right over it after realizing what it was, but his eyes were grabbed by his name being written several times in it. It was a letter to her mother. Serena must have forgotten to send it last night. 

'Dear Mom, we reached Irashu Town yesterday, which is on the way to Ashs next gym battle. Ash was really upset about something that had happened recently, something I think he finds personal, but I think I cheered him up. Which reminds me, you do remember Ash, right? Little bit shorter than me by about an inch, scruffy hair, handsome, cute boy, my old friend from camp." 

Ash put the tablet down briefly. It occurred to him that they wouldn't have had time. This was a letter to confess their relationship to Grace. Ash went dark red. He knew he shouldn't read it, he knew he shouldn't... And yet... He sighed. Just this one time. He was curious to know what she thought of him in her private thoughts. In the end, human curiosity got the best of him, despite his best intentions. 

'Well, Mom, I'm not too sure how to say it without either surprising you or making you disapprove, so I'll be blunt about it ; Me and him are dating now. Ash is my boyfriend. You've always told me I'm too young to have a boyfriend, but Ash makes me happy. He makes me feel safe, and I've always loved him. For a really long time. And now, I'm the happiest I've ever been. My only upset is that I may never get to truly convey just how much I love him. He means the world to me. Everything. I work ever stop loving him, and I won't let anything stop me. I thought you should know, that's all.' 

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