Chapter 7

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"Alright Frogadier, Water Pulse!" 

Ash's Frogadier quickly powered up what was one of its most powerful moves, and in between its hands, a sphere of water formed, and was a great shade of blue, before Frogadier fired the move off, speeding towards Ash's Hawlucha at rapid speed.

"Hawlucha, use Karate chop!" Ash commanded his other Pokèmon. 

Hawlucha's hand glowed a white color, and Hawlucha raised it into the sky, simply waiting, before, when the Water Pulse was in range, with precision and timing, slamming down into the ground, cutting exactly through the center of the Water Pulse, knocking the move off the face of the Earth. "Lucha!"  

Ash grinned, pleased with the results of Hawlucha's response, before calling out his Frogadier's next move. "Alright Frogadier, now use Aerial Ace, and Hawlucha, you use Karate Chop again!" 

Frogadier demonstrated it's speed, dashing up to Hawlucha in next to no time flat, before attacking Hawlucha with an Aerial Ace using its hand, aimed to strike Hawlucha in the face, but was blocked by Hawlucha's Karate Chop attack. Frogadier then attempted to strike using its other hand, aiming this one for the torso, but it was also blocked by another Karate Chop. The two began to exchange attacks, both switching from attacking to defending again and again, neither of them able to get a hit in. 

Frogadier took a step back, dodging Hawlucha's Karate chop altogether, before stepping back in and striking Hawlucha directly in the head. It was a powerful, super effective hit. Hawlucha, however, due to its battling style, took the blow with pride and minimal damage, before slamming a Karate Chop straight back at Frogadier, knocking it down to the ground. Hawlucha was used to taking the brunt force of an opponents attack. Frogadier wasn't. 

"Wrap it up with Flying Press, Hawlucha! Frogadier, you counter with an Aerial Ace!" Ash commanded. 

Ending a battle using Flying Press was practically Hawlucha's signature move. He wasted no time in leaping up into the air to perform the move, it's arms spread wide, and already bearing down on Frogadier. Frogadier, in akin to the battle it had with Hawlucha as a Froakie, attempted to block the move with, instead of Pound, Aerial Ace, before the two collided, creating a large dust cloud. 

The result: Though Hawlucha had taken a substantial amount of damage, particularly from Frogadier's final Aerial ace, Frogadier was unable to battle, making Hawlucha the victor of the battle. Hawlucha celebrated its victory by spreading its arms out wide, and delivering its victory cry, "Luchaa!" 

Ash knelt down next to his Frogadier, helping it back up. "You alright, buddy?"  

Frogadier replied with a nod, before accepting an Oran berry Ash handed it. It then got up and congratulated Hawlucha by bumping fists with it, a symbol of their friendship and mutual respect for one another. 

It had been a while since the events of the early morning, and Ash was hard at work, training his Pokèmon once again. Hawlucha was having a good day in particular, having won three mock battle victories in a row, though the fatigue was becoming apparent on all of his Pokèmon's faces and expressions. 

"Alright, good work, everyone. Let's take a break for a while. "Ash told his team, much to their relief. Frogadier and Hawlucha collapsed right on the spot out of sheer exhaustion, causing Ash to chuckle a bit. Fletchinder had landed near Bonnie, who offered to clean its wings for it, which it had agreed to. The two had gotten close since its evolution from a Fletchling. 

Ash himself, for the most part, was also exhausted from the hard training. He was again tempted to call it a day, but he knew he couldn't let himself or his Pokèmon get complacent. If they ended up getting lazy, they could kiss their chance at their next badge, and the Kalos league goodbye. 

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