It makes me happy.
It makes me feel like I'm here for a reason.
Like I'm not just another useless human senselessly walking around!
Music makes me feel alive and free.
As if everyone were to leave me, the only thing that wouldn't, would be, music!
Not only do I understand music, but it understands me.
The lyrics describe my emotions perfectly.
The beat captures all the bad and takes it away.
It makes me feel not so alone!
Music is innocent, naive.
It doesn't know the definition of the word, terrible!
No matter what kind of music, punk, pop, classical, jazz, country even screamo, I'll listen to it, play it and love it.
Music has its own way of sucking me in!
Every time, I'm pulled in.
It's like a magnet.
I can't describe exactly how it makes me feel!
Just that it makes me, me.
When I'm happy, music.
When I'm sad, music.
When I'm angry, music.
Everyone has a hobby, this isn't mine.
Music is so much more than a hobby.
It's my life!
It's overwhelmed me, taken control.
It means more to me than life itself.
I love music and I always will!
Music is me.
I am music.
2AM Thoughts
PoetryAll pieces of poetry are based off true stories; Give credit; Hope you relate and I think most will; I <3 you guys; Thanks Keys; Love your Keeper Of The Keys