Submission 1112

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Not too long ago I experienced cyber bullying. It didn't last very long but it made me feel like a worthless piece of crap. Any time I got on kik I just wanted to punch a wall or slam my phone up against a wall. Once I got off I most likely ended up crying myself to sleep.

It started when I wouldn't tell them my irl name, I didn't see the problem because nobody had ever had a problem with that. It took a month for this person to take it to another level.

I had just fallen earlier that day and the chat was kinda dead so I decided to type "my legs hurt"

This person deciedes to say "it's probably because you cut" a year before this happened it wouldn't have bothered me but my best friend I've known since forever told me she was gay and used to cut about six months prior so this hit home.

I said "No I don't!" She asked for proof. I showed her my clean wrists.

"U probably cut ur thighs nobody ever checks that." I send her a picture of my upper thigh.

"And that my friends is how to get someone to expose themselves." They said.

I left the chat but that didn't stop it. I still cried myself to sleep, she still wasn't done with me. When I woke the next day I went on kik to check another chat I was in, but they had added me back to the group. "What the h*ll do u want?" I asked them.

"Your welcome."

"What for?" I asked.

"Adding u back."

Soon enough it happened again except she was playing stupid, some how I gave into what they wanted, my irl name, then I left thinking it would be over. NOPE! Private messages r just fun huh?

"Do I need to give u the suicide hotline?"

"It's not my fault u cut"

"Y r u always so depressed?"

"Did you cut urself?"

"I don't even know why ur so mad I'm so nice to u, I was trying to help u not be suicidal because I know u struggle with depression"

I hadn't had problems with depression until this person came up in my life. But I never got to the point where I cut, i had thought about it a couple of times after this.

Sorry about this being so long. 

ADVICE: There's a block button for a reason, use it.

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